This presentation discusses pearl culture using the pearl oyster Pinctada maxima. It describes the anatomy of the oyster, including that the operation to insert a nucleus must not exceed 30 minutes. Nucleated oysters are placed in cages suspended in seawater for 3-6 years until harvesting. Pearls are formed as a defense mechanism when the oyster's mantle tissue is irritated by an internal parasite or external injury. Cultured pearls can be identified using x-rays as they often mimic the shape of the implanted nucleus.
13. #shells are closed, whole operation should not go
beyond 30 minutes because the oyster cannot survive
beyond one hour of the operation period.. #Nucleated
oysters placed into cages, are suspended into sea-
water and the cages are attached with floating rafts at
a depth of 2-3 meters .
#These cages are kept generally undisturbed in this
position for 3-6 years. After which they are ready for
#Oysters are removed from water after completion of 3 years of insertion of nucleus.
#Removed from water in the month of December to February and the pearls are taken
out by crushing the oyster.
#Each oyster can form 3-4 pearls in their 15 years of life span.
15. Composition of pearl
#Pearls are formed inside the shell of certain
mollusks as a defense mechanism against a
potentially threatening irritant such as a parasite
inside the shell, or an attack from outside that
injures the mantle tissue..(TISSUE IMPLANT)
#Cultured pearls can be distinguished from natural pearls
by X-ray examination.
#Nucleated cultured pearls are often 'preformed' as they tend
to follow the shape of the implanted shell bead nucleus.