Peckham's is a chain of specialist grocery stores and delicatessens located throughout Scotland. The document recommends that Peckham's use YouTube, Instagram, and LinkedIn for social media marketing. YouTube would allow Peckham's to create instructional videos and promote their brand to a large online audience. Instagram is a popular photo sharing platform where Peckham's could post pictures of food and recipes to engage customers. LinkedIn is a professional networking site where Peckham's can advertise new products, build relationships with suppliers, and enhance their brand image.
Peckham's is a chain of grocery stores in Scotland that also operates restaurants. The document evaluates social media applications for Peckham's to use and recommends YouTube, Instagram, and LinkedIn. YouTube would allow Peckham's to create a channel to upload videos of products and recipes to engage an audience of millions. Instagram is good for posting pictures of food to entice customers and run promotions. LinkedIn can help Peckham's advertise products, get feedback, and enhance its professional image by building supplier relationships.
Instagram is a social media website and app where users can share photos and videos with their friends and optionally with the public. Users have a profile to organize all their posts and view others' feeds. YouTube is a popular video sharing website where nearly any video can be found, though an account is needed to post videos but not to watch them. Smugmug is a photo sharing website used both personally and professionally, allowing photographers to edit and sell their photos that customers can browse.
The document outlines the requirements for developing a web version of the DoToday task management app. It includes wireframes and a prototype created in Moqups. The wireframes cover key pages like login, home, add task, new list, calendar view, and settings. The navigational flow is also provided. The objective is to list functional requirements, create wireframes for each screen, design the navigational flow, and use Moqups to add interactivity and create a clickable prototype.
The document outlines a product manager's sketches for a to-do list and task management app called DoToday. It describes functional requirements like creating lists, adding tasks, and sharing tasks. It then shows initial sketches of the app screens like the home page, adding a task, calendar view, and notification view. Feedback was received from a user on each screen, with minor changes suggested like adding a calendar view and share button. The sketches were updated based on this feedback.
Task management app sketch Amit katyayanAmit Katyayan
The document outlines a product manager's sketches for a to-do list smartphone app for both Android and iOS. It includes sketches of the login page, home page, menu page, task creation pages, task sorting options, task viewing, reminders, and notifications. Feedback was received from users on some pages to add additional sorting options and a settings menu. The sketches were updated based on this feedback. The goal was to sketch out the essential functionality and flow of the app without including other elements like registration.
This document discusses the essential platforms and statistics for a blog site success. Google, YouTube, and WordPress have helped with creating content and improving the blog. The blog has reached 160 views and 65 visitors as of November 23, 2021. Maintaining the blog and creating more content allows for improvements and more visitors over time.
1. The document provides details of a wireframing assignment for developing a web version of the DoToday to-do list and task management app.
2. It includes wireframes for 4 screens of the web app: the homepage, task creation page, all tasks list, and calendar sync page.
3. It also includes a navigational flow diagram and a link to the interactive prototype created using the POP app.
Brilliant modal window plugin for joomla article by which user can enter modal box in hyperlinks and images in any content of joomla article. It allows multiple image gallery for your Joomla article , it will enhance the user experience and minimize the usage of image space. User can add the image gallery on hyperlink or Image from Joomla WYSIWYG editor
A Comparative Study on City Rebranding through Gentrification of Red Light Di...Eisha Salim
University of Amsterdam - Amsterdam Creative City Course - Critical Essay on City Rebranding through Gentrification of Red Light District in Lahore, Pakistan versus Project 1012 in Amsterdam, Netherlands
443rd Military Airlift Wing (MAW) Airlift Rodeo CompetitionMichael Lane
This document provides a history of the Air Mobility Command's Air Mobility Rodeo competition from 1989 to 2011. It begins with an overview of the early years of air refueling competitions from 1948 to 1986 under the Strategic Air Command. It then discusses the establishment of the Rodeo competition under the Air Mobility Command starting in 1992. The document is organized into three sections covering the early years, Rodeo under the Air Mobility Command, and the 21st century competitions. It includes summaries of many individual Rodeo competitions between 1990 and 2011 and appendices listing winners and leadership.
SOC 4710 Gentrification of Five Points Final PaperAndrew Irvine
This document provides an abstract and introduction for a paper examining the gentrification of Denver's Five Points neighborhood. The paper will use a critical perspective to analyze how an urban renewal project has displaced poor and minority populations through a neoliberal redevelopment model. It will consider the social, economic, and cultural impacts of gentrification in Five Points and compare it to another Denver neighborhood. The introduction provides background on Five Points, defines key terms, and outlines the theoretical frameworks that will be used, drawing from Weber, Harvey, Adorno and Marcuse. It examines how urban renewal projects are facilitating gentrification and cultural changes in inner cities.
The document discusses different models of business incubation including for-profit, not-for-profit, and technology business incubators. It describes the key characteristics and features of each model, focusing on their financial support structures, entry criteria, services provided, and objectives. Technology business incubators are specifically linked to technical universities and aim to support new and emerging technologies through management assistance and infrastructure.
The document discusses Resonance Consultancy's approach to measuring and benchmarking the "place equity" or brand of cities. It analyzes six factors that shape a city's identity and attractiveness - Place, Product, Programming, People, Prosperity, and Promotion. Resonance has used these factors to analyze and compare over 200 cities worldwide, combining quantitative data with consumer ratings and reviews to measure the relative strengths of different places. The analysis is intended to help cities understand their competitive strengths and weaknesses to inform strategic development.
Social Business: Frameworks for Next-Gen Organizational Structure | Enterpris...Dion Hinchcliffe
The document discusses frameworks for next-generation organizational structures using social business. It summarizes that while social business has matured, lessons are not well codified. It discusses challenges in connecting internal and external social efforts. Frameworks need to treat social engagement as a continuum across customers, partners and employees. Decentralized and adaptive approaches seem most effective. Most organizations build their own informal frameworks with community input to guide their journey and leverage lessons from others.
Social Media is Dead. Long Live Social Media ROIStefanos Karagos
The document discusses the importance of measuring return on investment (ROI) for social media. It notes that while social media is no longer a new concept, companies must still prove the financial impact of their social media investments through ROI metrics. The document provides guidance on calculating ROI for social media efforts, including establishing baselines, monitoring key metrics over time, and looking for correlations between social media activities and transactional data.
The author aims to present various criteria used to classify business incubators, such as the leading institution, strategic aim, location, operational model, type of enterprise, and focus. He provides definitions and examples of different incubator models, including university/academic incubators, community incubators, industrial incubators, government incubators, and venture capital incubators. The author provides global examples for each classification to illustrate the different concepts without promoting a single ideal model, recognizing that the appropriate model depends on local circumstances and needs.
As a discipline, DevOps brings order to the complex world of application and service development, testing, deployment, scaling and monitoring. DevOps enables a unified approach to enterprise software development and delivery that reflects the needs of the entire application life cycle. DevOps strives for more collaborative, productive relationships between development and operations teams, with faster development cycles and reduced production risks.
How can you make DevOps work for you organisation?
For more insights, visit
How to use YouTube to effectively brand your business.Harbinder Narula
You will find tips on how to use YouTube to be promote your business. You will learn how to use YouTube and what to keep in mind while planning your channel so that you are able to achieve your business objectives.
The Guideline of YouTube Marketing for Small BusinessesARNIKAJAMAN
Are you looking for alternative ways to promote your business online? No need to look any further. YouTube is one of the largest and most popular websites in the world, making it an incredibly powerful marketing tool.
WordCamp Orlando 2013: Field of Dreams: Strategies to Enhance Your WordPress ...Jackie Jimenez
WordCamp Orlando: As presented by Jackie Jimenez and Karla Campos -
"Field of Dreams: Strategies to Enhance Your WordPress Site"
Topics Presented:
Content Strategy
Tools and Plugins
Image Optimizers
Manage Your Site
Also discussed: heat maps and website user behavior.
Connect with us @InnovateWP and @JackieJ04
@SocialMediaSass and @RealWomenSocial
Earning Potential with Google Discover Using WordPress by Pritam SononePritam Sonone
This Presentation Was Presented at WordCamp Mumbai 2023 by Pritam Sonone
Unlock the full potential of Google Discover to boost your websites traffic and earnings with this comprehensive guide. In "Earning Potential with Google Discover Using WordPress," Pritam Sonone explains how to optimize your WordPress site to rank higher on Google Discover. This presentation covers everything from content strategies and SEO techniques to plugin recommendations and performance optimization tips. Whether you're a blogger, content creator, or digital marketer, this guide will provide you with actionable steps to maximize your earnings and visibility through Google Discover.
This document provides an overview of Instagram, including how it works, key settings, best practices, additional apps, and analytics. It explains the main features like posting photos and videos, Instagram stories, and live video. It offers tips for business accounts, such as filling out your profile, linking other accounts, using hashtags and location tags, and measuring success with analytics tools. The document serves as a guide for using Instagram effectively.
Social Media Marketing for Small Business:Class four- YouTube & LinkedIn (Upd...Molly O'Kane
Social Media and Online Marketing Made Simple Series: An introduction to Online Marketing success for Small Business Owners and Entrepreneurs.
In this series you will learn the essentials of social media marketing and online marketing for small businesses and entrepreneurs. With billions of social media users, learning how to design and use the right social media channels for your business is crucial. But you need to approach your social media and online marketing activities strategically to get real results. So, in this series, well share proven social media tips and strategies you can use to reach your businesss goals.
By the end of the series, you will choose a platform to go all-in. Have a plan of action and tools you need for success.
Who Should Attend:
Small Business Owners
Those just getting started with Social Media
Those interested in understanding how social media works
In this class explore how YouTube and LinkedIn work, successful ideas from other businesses who are winning it, and tools to save you time and money. Connecting the dots from social media to sales!
Share Your Photos And Videos Online - Social Media GuideKara Krautter
Photos and videos can engage customers and convey more about a company and its people, products and services than text alone. Today, new technologies and Web sites like Flickr and YouTube have made it easier than ever for businesses to produce and share multi-media content.
Future of blogging platforms and tools. Advice for selecting your blog platform. Course lecture for Aalto University course (Blog Or Die). How to select between building your own website or going inside some social media site or media website?
With the growing era of the digital age, it is highly important to be aware of the modern tools of marketing and social media marketing is the most crucial one!
This document is Andi North's portfolio, which includes:
- An introduction and background about Andi North and his company Mangopear Creative.
- Examples of client work including websites created for various businesses.
- Examples of agency work Andi did while employed at Alniro, including developing responsive websites.
- Contact information for Mangopear Creative.
A Comparative Study on City Rebranding through Gentrification of Red Light Di...Eisha Salim
University of Amsterdam - Amsterdam Creative City Course - Critical Essay on City Rebranding through Gentrification of Red Light District in Lahore, Pakistan versus Project 1012 in Amsterdam, Netherlands
443rd Military Airlift Wing (MAW) Airlift Rodeo CompetitionMichael Lane
This document provides a history of the Air Mobility Command's Air Mobility Rodeo competition from 1989 to 2011. It begins with an overview of the early years of air refueling competitions from 1948 to 1986 under the Strategic Air Command. It then discusses the establishment of the Rodeo competition under the Air Mobility Command starting in 1992. The document is organized into three sections covering the early years, Rodeo under the Air Mobility Command, and the 21st century competitions. It includes summaries of many individual Rodeo competitions between 1990 and 2011 and appendices listing winners and leadership.
SOC 4710 Gentrification of Five Points Final PaperAndrew Irvine
This document provides an abstract and introduction for a paper examining the gentrification of Denver's Five Points neighborhood. The paper will use a critical perspective to analyze how an urban renewal project has displaced poor and minority populations through a neoliberal redevelopment model. It will consider the social, economic, and cultural impacts of gentrification in Five Points and compare it to another Denver neighborhood. The introduction provides background on Five Points, defines key terms, and outlines the theoretical frameworks that will be used, drawing from Weber, Harvey, Adorno and Marcuse. It examines how urban renewal projects are facilitating gentrification and cultural changes in inner cities.
The document discusses different models of business incubation including for-profit, not-for-profit, and technology business incubators. It describes the key characteristics and features of each model, focusing on their financial support structures, entry criteria, services provided, and objectives. Technology business incubators are specifically linked to technical universities and aim to support new and emerging technologies through management assistance and infrastructure.
The document discusses Resonance Consultancy's approach to measuring and benchmarking the "place equity" or brand of cities. It analyzes six factors that shape a city's identity and attractiveness - Place, Product, Programming, People, Prosperity, and Promotion. Resonance has used these factors to analyze and compare over 200 cities worldwide, combining quantitative data with consumer ratings and reviews to measure the relative strengths of different places. The analysis is intended to help cities understand their competitive strengths and weaknesses to inform strategic development.
Social Business: Frameworks for Next-Gen Organizational Structure | Enterpris...Dion Hinchcliffe
The document discusses frameworks for next-generation organizational structures using social business. It summarizes that while social business has matured, lessons are not well codified. It discusses challenges in connecting internal and external social efforts. Frameworks need to treat social engagement as a continuum across customers, partners and employees. Decentralized and adaptive approaches seem most effective. Most organizations build their own informal frameworks with community input to guide their journey and leverage lessons from others.
Social Media is Dead. Long Live Social Media ROIStefanos Karagos
The document discusses the importance of measuring return on investment (ROI) for social media. It notes that while social media is no longer a new concept, companies must still prove the financial impact of their social media investments through ROI metrics. The document provides guidance on calculating ROI for social media efforts, including establishing baselines, monitoring key metrics over time, and looking for correlations between social media activities and transactional data.
The author aims to present various criteria used to classify business incubators, such as the leading institution, strategic aim, location, operational model, type of enterprise, and focus. He provides definitions and examples of different incubator models, including university/academic incubators, community incubators, industrial incubators, government incubators, and venture capital incubators. The author provides global examples for each classification to illustrate the different concepts without promoting a single ideal model, recognizing that the appropriate model depends on local circumstances and needs.
As a discipline, DevOps brings order to the complex world of application and service development, testing, deployment, scaling and monitoring. DevOps enables a unified approach to enterprise software development and delivery that reflects the needs of the entire application life cycle. DevOps strives for more collaborative, productive relationships between development and operations teams, with faster development cycles and reduced production risks.
How can you make DevOps work for you organisation?
For more insights, visit
How to use YouTube to effectively brand your business.Harbinder Narula
You will find tips on how to use YouTube to be promote your business. You will learn how to use YouTube and what to keep in mind while planning your channel so that you are able to achieve your business objectives.
The Guideline of YouTube Marketing for Small BusinessesARNIKAJAMAN
Are you looking for alternative ways to promote your business online? No need to look any further. YouTube is one of the largest and most popular websites in the world, making it an incredibly powerful marketing tool.
WordCamp Orlando 2013: Field of Dreams: Strategies to Enhance Your WordPress ...Jackie Jimenez
WordCamp Orlando: As presented by Jackie Jimenez and Karla Campos -
"Field of Dreams: Strategies to Enhance Your WordPress Site"
Topics Presented:
Content Strategy
Tools and Plugins
Image Optimizers
Manage Your Site
Also discussed: heat maps and website user behavior.
Connect with us @InnovateWP and @JackieJ04
@SocialMediaSass and @RealWomenSocial
Earning Potential with Google Discover Using WordPress by Pritam SononePritam Sonone
This Presentation Was Presented at WordCamp Mumbai 2023 by Pritam Sonone
Unlock the full potential of Google Discover to boost your websites traffic and earnings with this comprehensive guide. In "Earning Potential with Google Discover Using WordPress," Pritam Sonone explains how to optimize your WordPress site to rank higher on Google Discover. This presentation covers everything from content strategies and SEO techniques to plugin recommendations and performance optimization tips. Whether you're a blogger, content creator, or digital marketer, this guide will provide you with actionable steps to maximize your earnings and visibility through Google Discover.
This document provides an overview of Instagram, including how it works, key settings, best practices, additional apps, and analytics. It explains the main features like posting photos and videos, Instagram stories, and live video. It offers tips for business accounts, such as filling out your profile, linking other accounts, using hashtags and location tags, and measuring success with analytics tools. The document serves as a guide for using Instagram effectively.
Social Media Marketing for Small Business:Class four- YouTube & LinkedIn (Upd...Molly O'Kane
Social Media and Online Marketing Made Simple Series: An introduction to Online Marketing success for Small Business Owners and Entrepreneurs.
In this series you will learn the essentials of social media marketing and online marketing for small businesses and entrepreneurs. With billions of social media users, learning how to design and use the right social media channels for your business is crucial. But you need to approach your social media and online marketing activities strategically to get real results. So, in this series, well share proven social media tips and strategies you can use to reach your businesss goals.
By the end of the series, you will choose a platform to go all-in. Have a plan of action and tools you need for success.
Who Should Attend:
Small Business Owners
Those just getting started with Social Media
Those interested in understanding how social media works
In this class explore how YouTube and LinkedIn work, successful ideas from other businesses who are winning it, and tools to save you time and money. Connecting the dots from social media to sales!
Share Your Photos And Videos Online - Social Media GuideKara Krautter
Photos and videos can engage customers and convey more about a company and its people, products and services than text alone. Today, new technologies and Web sites like Flickr and YouTube have made it easier than ever for businesses to produce and share multi-media content.
Future of blogging platforms and tools. Advice for selecting your blog platform. Course lecture for Aalto University course (Blog Or Die). How to select between building your own website or going inside some social media site or media website?
With the growing era of the digital age, it is highly important to be aware of the modern tools of marketing and social media marketing is the most crucial one!
This document is Andi North's portfolio, which includes:
- An introduction and background about Andi North and his company Mangopear Creative.
- Examples of client work including websites created for various businesses.
- Examples of agency work Andi did while employed at Alniro, including developing responsive websites.
- Contact information for Mangopear Creative.
The document provides information about Nikki Means and her company Project Socialize, which focuses on social media marketing. Nikki is the CEO and founder of Project Socialize, and has over 7 years experience in social media tools and online marketing. Project Socialize grew from Nikki's passion for social media and helping companies achieve their goals through social media marketing. The document then covers topics like visual marketing using images and video on platforms like Vine and Instagram, and tips for businesses to use micro-video and these platforms effectively.
Multi Platform Social Media Strategy IMMAP Summit 2013Robin Leonard
Multi-Platforms Social Media Strategy - They're
Everywhere, Not Just Two: Navigating Instagram,
Pinterest, Vine, YouTube, and LinkedIn
Robin Leonard, CEO, AllFamous Digital
Why You Should Learn to Master the Art of YouTube and Make Your Videos the Best They Can Be ,Tips To Grow Your Channel's Organic Viewership as a Beginner Creator, Optimizing Your Channel for the Best Viewer Experience ,How to Get Started With Youtube Mastery, How To Become A YouTube Expert And Stand Out From The Crowd , Produce good quality videos ,How You Can Use YouTube to Market a Product or Service, YouTube channel to promote your business,
This document discusses the pros and cons of using YouTube for video marketing. Some key advantages include easy sharing options, free uploading, and the ability to strategically tag videos. Disadvantages include the need for engaging concepts over just content, requiring viewer attraction, and fresher videos ranking higher in search results. The document also provides tips for effective YouTube video marketing, such as using branding, including your URL, optimizing titles, providing valuable content, and embedding videos on your own site.
How to Use Tiktok for Marketing Your Small Business?mKonnekt
With more than one billion active users, it is one of the fastest-growing social media networks. Several Brands are already experimenting on the platform. Learn how to use TikTok for business and what kind of strategy should you adopt on the platform.
This document provides information about a job opening for a YouTube and mobile marketing position at Udemy. The role involves developing and executing marketing strategies to drive user acquisition through YouTube and mobile channels. Responsibilities include owning Udemy's YouTube, iOS, and Android marketing and becoming an expert in YouTube and mobile marketing. Qualifications include 1-3 years of experience in digital marketing, analytical skills, creativity, and drive. Udemy is based in San Francisco and offers competitive salary, equity, and benefits.
This document provides summaries of various blogs and websites related to technology, business, entertainment, and e-commerce. It discusses technology blogs like ZDnet, Mashable, and TechCrunch that provide reviews and information on trends. It also summarizes business blogs like LinkedIn and Hubspot that offer tips on marketing, advertising, and developing skills. Entertainment blogs like Buzzfeed and Cracked are covered as providing humor and pop culture news. Tools for online collaboration like Google Docs, Sheets, and Drive are summarized. Finally, websites like LinkedIn, WordPress, and Shopify that can help with professional networking, blogging, and online stores are briefly described.
2. Peckhams
Peckham's is the trading name for a chain of specialist grocery
stores owned by Peckham & Rye Ltd and with seven branches
throughout Scotland, mainly in Glasgow where there are five
The stores stock different product such as delicatessen and off-
sales which offers a large number of wines, spirits, and other
drinks. Other grocery and non-food items are also available in
many of the branches.
Peckham's have three restaurants across the central belt in
Edinburgh, Glasgow, and Aberdeen. There used to be a restaurant
at the South Clerk Street branch of Edinburgh but it was
redeveloped as a cookery school.
3. Peckhams
Peckham's is the trading name for a chain of specialist grocery
stores owned by Peckham & Rye Ltd and with seven branches
throughout Scotland, mainly in Glasgow where there are five
The stores stock different product such as delicatessen and off-
sales which offers a large number of wines, spirits, and other
drinks. Other grocery and non-food items are also available in
many of the branches.
Peckham's have three restaurants across the central belt in
Edinburgh, Glasgow, and Aberdeen. There used to be a restaurant
at the South Clerk Street branch of Edinburgh but it was
redeveloped as a cookery school.
4. Social Media Applications
There are various different applications that are used in social
media. These are:
Google docs
5. Recommended Applications for
After discussing and evaluating all of the various
applications that can be used we have
recommended that Peckhams should use
Youtube, Instagram and LinkedIn.
6. Youtube
Youtube is a video sharing website that allows you to
upload, view and share videos. It was created in 2005
by three former employees of PayPal. It is used
worldwide by hundreds of thousands of people. 48
hours of videos are uploaded every minute which
results in nearly 8 years of videos worth uploaded
each day. Tens of millions of people have created
Youtube channels which is your own page within
Youtube where users can access your videos on your
7. Youtube
It is the most popular video sharing website
You can watch tutorials on areas of your choice
Fast streaming
Easy to use
You can broadcast your videos/channel to millions
There are high security settings if you choose to have your channel private
You can become easily recognised
Lots of traffic
Occasional server problems
Low resolution at times
Anyone can upload a video therefore it may cause some people offence
8. Youtube
Why should Peckhams use Youtube?
Youtube is a good website for Peckhams to use because there are
millions of users with a Youtube account therefore there is a
large audience with advertisement for Peckhams brand.
Peckhams would be able to create their own channel and within
it upload videos of any new hampers or recipes they may have.
Instead of just showing a simple picture or an explanation of an
item, Peckhams could be very hands on with uploading videos
to their channel for their audience. Videos are very easy and
quick to upload to Youtube therefore can be done with a click of
a button. It is a very effective way of widening their fan base.
9. Instagram
Instagram is an online photo sharing social
networking site and an application on
smartphones/tablets. Instagram is used to post
pictures and you can choose a filter which will
change the effect of the picture to adjust the
colour and brightness of the picture. Instagram
is always updating as they always introduce
different filters. Instagram was bought over by
Facebook recently. This allows companies such
as Peckham's to post pictures of their food from
Instagram to their Facebook feed.
10. Instagram
It would allow Peckham's to post pictures of their food which could
entice customers into coming to their deli. This could gain more
Instagram has a photo map this could allow Peckham's to post
pictures from different branches of their delis.
Instagram is a good marketing tool as Peckham's could run
competitions via Instagram.
The use of hashtags allows them to categorise their pictures into
food, drink or any other service which they provide.
Sometimes pictures are easier for a company to post rather than
writing a full length blog as customers may pay more attention to
Its a free method of advertising.
11. Instagram
The disadvantage of Instagram is you cannot
access it to post pictures via a web browser. It
has to be accessed through a tablet or
smartphone if you want to post a picture.
12. LinkedIn
LinkedIn is the worlds largest professional
network as it has over 200 million members
across many different companies.
LinkedIn is a business-oriented social network
that was launched in May 2003
In a similar way to Twitter, LinkedIn allows both
the public and other companies to follow you
13. LinkedIn
A disadvantage of Peckhams using LinkedIn is
that it is used by professionals therefore the
person in charge of keeping the account up-to-
date would have to know how the application
works and how companies similar to Peckhams
have laid out their account. The account will
have to be keep up-to-date and maintained to
ensure it looks professional
14. LinkedIn
The advantages for Peckhams using a LinkedIn
account would be:
The account can be used to advertise new
products and receive feedback from customers
and competitors what think of the products
As most businesses world-wide use LinkedIn
Peckhams could use this to search and build
relationships with new suppliers
Using LinkedIn would help enhance the
professional image that Peckhams have