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Day #2:
                                                         1. Bill and Carl _________
                        Day #1:
                                                         tomorrow. (talk, will talk,
Past, Present, Future   1. He _______ the horse
Tenses. Copy each       yesterday. (chase, chased)
                                                         2. He ______ the horses last
sentence adding the     2. Cookie __________ the
                                                         week. (watched, will watch,
correct tense of the    beans now. (stirs, stirred)
verb.                   3. Ma _________ the children
                                                         3. Cookie __________ the
                        last night. (counts, counted)
                                                         dishes next week. (clean,
                                                         will clean, cleaned)
Day #3:
1. Sue ______ bill
tomorrow. (marry,
                        Day #4:                          Day #5:
will marry, married)
                        1. Sue ________ with Bill last   1. Bill _______ the guitar last
2. The rattlesnake
                        night. (dances, danced)          year. (play, played)
________ Bill now.
                        2. Sue ___________ her dress     2. Pa just _________ the
(helps, helped, will
                        now. (sews, sewed)               wagon train. (join, joined)
                        3. Cookie _________ the pizza    3. Carl ______ in the river
3. The coyotes
                        later. (sliced, will slice)      later. (swim, will swim)
______ Bill last
week. (miss, missed,                                                          Pecos Bill
will miss)
Day #1:
1. He _______ the horse yesterday. (chase,

2. Cookie __________ the beans now. (stirs,

3. Ma _________ the children last night. (counts,

                                             Pecos Bill
Day #2:
1. Bill and Carl _________ tomorrow. (talk, will
talk, talked)

2. He ______ the horses last week. (watched, will
watch, watch)

3. Cookie __________ the dishes next week.
(clean, will clean, cleaned)

                                             Pecos Bill
Pecos Bill
Day #3:
1. Sue ______ bill tomorrow. (marry, will marry,
2. The rattlesnake ________ Bill now. (helps,
helped, will help)
3. The coyotes ______ Bill last week. (miss,
missed, will miss)

                                            Pecos Bill
Pecos Bill
Day #4:
1. Sue ________ with Bill last night. (dances,

2. Sue ___________ her dress now. (sews, sewed)

3. Cookie _________ the pizza later. (sliced, will

                                              Pecos Bill
Pecos Bill
Day #5:
1. Bill _______ the guitar last year. (play, played)

2. Pa just _________ the wagon train. (join, joined)

3. Carl ______ in the river later. (swim, will swim)

                                                Pecos Bill
Pecos Bill

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Pecos bill grammar

  • 1. Day #2: 1. Bill and Carl _________ Day #1: tomorrow. (talk, will talk, Past, Present, Future 1. He _______ the horse talked) Tenses. Copy each yesterday. (chase, chased) 2. He ______ the horses last sentence adding the 2. Cookie __________ the week. (watched, will watch, correct tense of the beans now. (stirs, stirred) watch) verb. 3. Ma _________ the children 3. Cookie __________ the last night. (counts, counted) dishes next week. (clean, will clean, cleaned) Day #3: 1. Sue ______ bill tomorrow. (marry, Day #4: Day #5: will marry, married) 1. Sue ________ with Bill last 1. Bill _______ the guitar last 2. The rattlesnake night. (dances, danced) year. (play, played) ________ Bill now. 2. Sue ___________ her dress 2. Pa just _________ the (helps, helped, will now. (sews, sewed) wagon train. (join, joined) help) 3. Cookie _________ the pizza 3. Carl ______ in the river 3. The coyotes later. (sliced, will slice) later. (swim, will swim) ______ Bill last week. (miss, missed, Pecos Bill will miss)
  • 2. Day #1: 1. He _______ the horse yesterday. (chase, chased) 2. Cookie __________ the beans now. (stirs, stirred) 3. Ma _________ the children last night. (counts, counted) Pecos Bill
  • 3. Day #2: 1. Bill and Carl _________ tomorrow. (talk, will talk, talked) 2. He ______ the horses last week. (watched, will watch, watch) 3. Cookie __________ the dishes next week. (clean, will clean, cleaned) Pecos Bill
  • 5. Day #3: 1. Sue ______ bill tomorrow. (marry, will marry, married) 2. The rattlesnake ________ Bill now. (helps, helped, will help) 3. The coyotes ______ Bill last week. (miss, missed, will miss) Pecos Bill
  • 7. Day #4: 1. Sue ________ with Bill last night. (dances, danced) 2. Sue ___________ her dress now. (sews, sewed) 3. Cookie _________ the pizza later. (sliced, will slice) Pecos Bill
  • 9. Day #5: 1. Bill _______ the guitar last year. (play, played) 2. Pa just _________ the wagon train. (join, joined) 3. Carl ______ in the river later. (swim, will swim) Pecos Bill