Brinadeiras de Crianças - Tela de ivan Cruz (Crianças na Praça)Echirley
O documento discute a importância do brincar para o desenvolvimento infantil. Brincar ajuda as crianças a explorar e construir conhecimento de forma lúdica, desenvolvendo habilidades para a vida futura. O documento lista diversas atividades de brincadeira, como jogos, música, dança, teatro e exploração da natureza.
O texto descreve a importância da preservação do meio ambiente e da Terra, nossa casa. A ONU realizou reuniões para discutir ações de proteção ambiental diante dos problemas causados pelo mau tratamento da Terra, que pode se tornar um lugar hostil para a vida. Todos temos o dever de respeitar a vida e o meio ambiente.
O documento apresenta a famÃlia da criança. Ele começa descrevendo a si mesmo, seus pais e avós. Em seguida, descreve sua tia, tio, primo e expressa admiração por sua tia que ensina sobre a palavra "amor" em diferentes idiomas.
O documento lista 32 atividades sensoriais que estimulam a exploração de texturas, como brincar com areia molhada, gelatina colorida, massinhas texturizadas e esponjas coloridas. As atividades estimulam os sentidos do tato e visão e o desenvolvimento motor fino e a criatividade das crianças.
Este documento apresenta uma sequência didática de uma semana sobre o tema da árvore para alunos de educação infantil. Cada dia aborda um aspecto diferente sobre árvores, incluindo partes da árvore, animais polinizadores, desmatamento e produção de mudas. As atividades incluem apresentações, conversas, brincadeiras, músicas, pintura e colagem.
Trabalhar a palavra visando à produção de Textosguest52ce29a6
Este projeto educacional propõe trabalhar a palavra "rato" com alunos do 1o e 2o anos do ensino fundamental. Serão realizadas cinco aulas utilizando computadores e contando a história "O rato roeu a roupa". Nas aulas, as crianças irão ler, escrever, identificar letras e produzir um livro sobre a história, desenvolvendo habilidades linguÃsticas com o apoio da informática.
Escola Municipal Maria do Carmo Rebello de Souza
Professora: Luzane Castro
Formadora: Adriana Guimas
Formadora: Simone Helen Drumond Ischkanian
O poema descreve borboletas de diferentes cores brincando na luz. As brancas são alegres e francas, as amarelas são bonitinhas, e as pretas trazem escuridão. O poema de VinÃcius de Moraes foi ilustrado por alunos do 6o ano B no perÃodo vespertino.
Coletânea português matemática 4o ano aluno 2015 (1)Raquel Becker
O documento descreve uma atividade realizada por estudantes do PIBID da FURB que usou tecnologias e recursos semióticos para ensinar vocabulário em inglês. Os alunos criaram vÃdeos resumindo a história "O Mágico de Oz" em português e inglês com música e desenhos. A atividade teve como objetivo ampliar o vocabulário dos estudantes e mostrar como o letramento e a tecnologia podem promover a aprendizagem.
O documento apresenta 6 perguntas sobre 4 cenas diferentes. As cenas mostram crianças brincando e realizando atividades do cotidiano como vender limonada, construir uma casinha na árvore e cozinhar.
A história fala sobre uma cigarra e uma formiga. A cigarra passou o verão cantando enquanto a formiga juntava grãos. Quando chegou o inverno, a cigarra foi pedir comida à formiga, mas esta recusou-se porque a cigarra não tinha trabalhado ou juntado comida como ela.
Uma menina chamada Cachinhos Dourados entra na casa dos três ursinhos enquanto eles estão fora. Ela come o mingau do Bebê Urso, senta e quebra a cadeira dele, e dorme na cama dele. Quando os ursinhos voltam, descobrem o que aconteceu e assustam Cachinhos Dourados, que foge correndo pela floresta.
Este documento presenta operaciones matemáticas básicas como el dobro, el triple y la mitad. Explica que el dobro es multiplicar por 2, el triple es multiplicar por 3, y la mitad es dividir entre 2 de manera igual.
Peggy asks her daddy to turn on the television but he wants to watch football. Peggy doesn't like football and asks for cartoons instead. Daddy gets excited about a goal in the football game and tells Peggy to be quiet. Peggy has the idea to cover herself with a blanket so daddy thinks she left the room. Daddy then realizes Peggy is under the blanket and agrees to watch cartoons instead to make her happy.
The document lists various activities a person engages in within different rooms of their house, including reading, sleeping, playing, homework, and getting dressed in the bedroom; washing, brushing teeth, and bathing in the bathroom; talking, storytelling, reading, watching TV, and playing in the living room; and cooking, eating, setting the table, and washing dishes in the kitchen.
O documento lista 32 atividades sensoriais que estimulam a exploração de texturas, como brincar com areia molhada, gelatina colorida, massinhas texturizadas e esponjas coloridas. As atividades estimulam os sentidos do tato e visão e o desenvolvimento motor fino e a criatividade das crianças.
Este documento apresenta uma sequência didática de uma semana sobre o tema da árvore para alunos de educação infantil. Cada dia aborda um aspecto diferente sobre árvores, incluindo partes da árvore, animais polinizadores, desmatamento e produção de mudas. As atividades incluem apresentações, conversas, brincadeiras, músicas, pintura e colagem.
Trabalhar a palavra visando à produção de Textosguest52ce29a6
Este projeto educacional propõe trabalhar a palavra "rato" com alunos do 1o e 2o anos do ensino fundamental. Serão realizadas cinco aulas utilizando computadores e contando a história "O rato roeu a roupa". Nas aulas, as crianças irão ler, escrever, identificar letras e produzir um livro sobre a história, desenvolvendo habilidades linguÃsticas com o apoio da informática.
Escola Municipal Maria do Carmo Rebello de Souza
Professora: Luzane Castro
Formadora: Adriana Guimas
Formadora: Simone Helen Drumond Ischkanian
O poema descreve borboletas de diferentes cores brincando na luz. As brancas são alegres e francas, as amarelas são bonitinhas, e as pretas trazem escuridão. O poema de VinÃcius de Moraes foi ilustrado por alunos do 6o ano B no perÃodo vespertino.
Coletânea português matemática 4o ano aluno 2015 (1)Raquel Becker
O documento descreve uma atividade realizada por estudantes do PIBID da FURB que usou tecnologias e recursos semióticos para ensinar vocabulário em inglês. Os alunos criaram vÃdeos resumindo a história "O Mágico de Oz" em português e inglês com música e desenhos. A atividade teve como objetivo ampliar o vocabulário dos estudantes e mostrar como o letramento e a tecnologia podem promover a aprendizagem.
O documento apresenta 6 perguntas sobre 4 cenas diferentes. As cenas mostram crianças brincando e realizando atividades do cotidiano como vender limonada, construir uma casinha na árvore e cozinhar.
A história fala sobre uma cigarra e uma formiga. A cigarra passou o verão cantando enquanto a formiga juntava grãos. Quando chegou o inverno, a cigarra foi pedir comida à formiga, mas esta recusou-se porque a cigarra não tinha trabalhado ou juntado comida como ela.
Uma menina chamada Cachinhos Dourados entra na casa dos três ursinhos enquanto eles estão fora. Ela come o mingau do Bebê Urso, senta e quebra a cadeira dele, e dorme na cama dele. Quando os ursinhos voltam, descobrem o que aconteceu e assustam Cachinhos Dourados, que foge correndo pela floresta.
Este documento presenta operaciones matemáticas básicas como el dobro, el triple y la mitad. Explica que el dobro es multiplicar por 2, el triple es multiplicar por 3, y la mitad es dividir entre 2 de manera igual.
Peggy asks her daddy to turn on the television but he wants to watch football. Peggy doesn't like football and asks for cartoons instead. Daddy gets excited about a goal in the football game and tells Peggy to be quiet. Peggy has the idea to cover herself with a blanket so daddy thinks she left the room. Daddy then realizes Peggy is under the blanket and agrees to watch cartoons instead to make her happy.
The document lists various activities a person engages in within different rooms of their house, including reading, sleeping, playing, homework, and getting dressed in the bedroom; washing, brushing teeth, and bathing in the bathroom; talking, storytelling, reading, watching TV, and playing in the living room; and cooking, eating, setting the table, and washing dishes in the kitchen.
Spring brings clouds, rain, and sun that can create rainbows. It is a time when trees, flowers, and grass grow green again. During spring, birds, bees, butterflies, ladybirds, frogs, rabbits, snakes, snails, and fish are active in nature near mountains, rivers, and lakes.
The document depicts various natural elements like the sun, clouds, rain, rainbow, trees, flowers, grass, mountains, river, lake, birds, ducks, bees, butterflies, ladybirds, rabbits, frogs, spiders, caterpillars, snakes, fishes, turtles, moon, stars and owls through the use of simple illustrations.
Presentatie voor de bouw 1.0Hans de Waay
Een 2 daagse inkooptraining, toegespitst op de situatie in de bouw.
Voor inkopers en toeleveranciers aan de bouw, die meer grip op hun werk willen krijgen.
Arch360 Group is a specialized search firm and background check provider focused on the financial services and IT industries. It conducts comprehensive background checks on individuals for $750 and organizations for $1500, checking education, licenses, litigation history, regulatory compliance, and media sources. The company was founded in 2014 and is headquartered in Orange County, California, serving clients nationwide across various sectors. It is led by Managing Director Gabriela Coldea.
The document describes a content-based image retrieval (CBIR) system called FELIS. It discusses the need for CBIR systems, existing CBIR systems like BlobWorld and PatSeek and their limitations. It then describes the proposed FELIS system, which will use shape (DAC), color (histogram) and texture (Gabor) features to represent images and allow users to search by image content. Hardware requirements include a modern CPU, 1GB storage and RAM, while software requirements include a recent OS, Java 6 and image processing/database tools. Initial work on the project has been completed.
A little boy finds a dirty balloon on the street and washes it clean. He blows it up until it gets very big and pops, startling him. Though a little girl asks to play with the balloon, the boy refuses and says they are not friends. The story shows a boy finding and playing with a balloon that gets too large and bursts.
The Refueling Spotter's Tool is a tracking program used by refueling personnel to ensure safety and technical specification compliance during core refueling operations. It provides an overall and magnified quadrant views of the core to match the bridge view. It allows tracking of individual fuel bundles, control rods, and SRMs, showing their location, status, and proximity to the core edge to guide refueling activities.
The document lists various Christmas symbols and traditions such as bells, Christmas trees, balls, candles, candy, toys, Santa Claus, stars, mules, sheep, bows, and the three wise men.
The document discusses several animals native to Australia including kangaroos, dingoes, koalas, kookaburras, wallabies, and wombats. It also mentions that Aborigines lived in Australia for at least 12,000 years before Europeans arrived.
The document describes the seasonal changes of a tree over the course of a year, from winter when it has no leaves, to spring when its leaves turn green, summer when its flowers bloom and bees are busy, autumn when its leaves fall to the ground and are blown away by the wind, and winter returns with snow.
This document outlines the constitution of the College of Engineering Student Council. It details the council's name, affiliations, purpose, membership structure, election procedures, officer roles and removal process, decision-making policies, committees, meeting guidelines, financial processes, and amendment procedures. The constitution establishes the council to unite engineering societies, strengthen collaboration, and serve as a communication platform between students, faculty and administrators.
Mary is trying to go to sleep with her blanket, pillow, and teddy bear when she hears knocking at the door and footsteps outside. Someone calls her name, and a monster appears saying it is hungry and will eat her. The monster makes loud noises and shows its mouths, noses, eyes, ears, feet, hands, and face to Mary. Mary tells the monster to go away. Finally, the monster leaves and Mary is able to sleep once more.
This document describes the current state of the Altamaha Elementary School media center and plans for renovations. It details that the media center is too small due to the addition of a computer lab, leaving little space for books, seating or classes. Survey results found needs for more computers, a separate AR testing area, wireless access, and seating. Renovation plans include expanding the space by moving the computer lab and circulation desk, adding furniture and shelving, designating areas for reading, research and AR testing, and installing new flooring and wireless technology to create a more welcoming environment conducive to learning.
This document lists different body parts and some of the things they can do. The nose can smell flowers, the mouth can drink water, eat apples, say things, sing, laugh, and smile. Hands can hold a stone or flower, touch water and sand, wave, shake hands, take or give keys, and clap. Eyes can look at the sky or things, and ears can listen to teachers and hear music.
Subnetting is the process of taking one IP network address and dividing it into two or more sub-networks to create smaller network segments. It is done to add more local area networks, free up bandwidth, and localize departments. An IP address is made up of 32 bits divided into four octets, and subnetting works by splitting the address into a network and host portion to establish multiple sub-networks.
This document describes a city called Barcelona and different places one might go within the city. It discusses the traffic in Barcelona and that traffic lights and signals help keep people safe. It then provides examples of different types of buildings like houses, skyscrapers, and short buildings. It lists various locations one could visit like the cinema, theater, museum, shopping areas, supermarket, restaurant, zoo, amusement park, someone's home, a party, swimming pool, hair salon, bank, hospital, church, and library. Lastly, it discusses ways to get around the city like by car, motorbike, bus, subway, bike, or walking and places to visit outside the city in winter or summer like mountains, villages,
This document provides a list of winter clothing items to keep a person warm, including hats, coats, scarves, gloves, trousers, boots, t-shirts, jumpers, sweaters, skirts, socks, shoes, and sports shoes. The items are grouped and listed with headings to show complete winter outfits.
The document describes winter activities and safety precautions. It mentions that in winter it snows, is cold, and windy outside so the speaker puts on a scarf, coat, boots, and hat to stay warm. They enjoy playing in the snow by skiing or ice skating and like to eat hot food and drinks.
The document describes winter activities. It snows in winter which allows playing in the snow such as making a snowman by rolling snow into a body and adding head, eyes, nose, mouth, hat, scarf, gloves, coat, buttons, and boots.
Wild animals live freely in forests and on ice, looking for food when hungry. They are not domesticated like dogs and cats. Panda bears eat bamboo and polar bears eat fish in their natural habitats, while brown bears live in forests.
The big brother tries to comfort and soothe the baby after it wakes up crying in the middle of the night while the parents are out. He gives the baby a rattle to play with, reads it a book, then gives it a dummy/pacifier and a baby bottle when those don't work. Finally, he gives the baby a kiss which helps it fall back asleep. The big brother cares for the baby until it is sleeping peacefully again.
The story is about a girl named Emmy who wants to bake a cake with her mother. They gather the ingredients like chocolate, eggs, sugar, and flour. After baking, the cake smells delicious but is too hot to eat. Emmy's mother puts the cake on a high shelf and leaves to go shopping, telling Emmy not to eat the cake. Emmy gets hungry and uses a ladder to reach the cake. She eats the whole cake and gets a stomachache. When her mother returns, Emmy admits to eating the cake.
Peter is called to dinner multiple times by his mother but keeps playing with toys to delay going to the table. When he finally sits down, his hands are dirty so his mother makes him wash them. He enjoys the soup but does not like the fish served for dinner. Peter tricks the cat into eating the fish so it appears the cat finished it instead of him. However, his mother knows Peter is being untruthful and sends him to his room without any TV as punishment for his behavior.
This document outlines a typical daily schedule involving meals, noting that it is time for breakfast in the morning, lunch is served during school hours in the afternoon, an afternoon snack is had after returning home from school, tea is served in the late afternoon, and dinner is the evening meal before bedtime.
This document lists various winter clothing items including hats, coats, scarves, gloves, socks, boots, trainers, trousers, t-shirts and jumpers that people wear to stay warm during cold winter weather.
This document provides instructions for building a snowman, listing the materials needed to construct a snowman's head from a small snowball, its body from a bigger snowball, and stones for its eyes and mouth. A carrot is used for the snowman's nose, and additional items like a hat, twigs for arms, buttons, a scarf, gloves, shoes, and a broom are listed to fully assemble the snowman.
This document lists the main body parts of a human in no particular order, including hair, nose, eyes, mouth, ears, arms, shoulders, hands, finger, knee, legs, toes and feet.
Peter does not want to eat the fish that his mother has cooked for dinner. When his mother asks who ate the fish, Peter claims that the cat ate it instead. His mother does not believe him and sends him to bed without watching TV as punishment for not eating his dinner.
The poem teaches colors by providing examples of objects associated with each color. It discusses orange, yellow, red, purple, green, black, and blue, describing carrots, lemons, apples, grapes, grass, night, ocean, and other objects. The poem reinforces learning colors by putting them in the speaker's "head" and knowing them "by heart."