1. The Pencil Maker took the pencil aside, just before Tr動畛c khi 畉t c但y b炭t c畛a m狸nh vo h畛p, ng動畛i th畛 b炭t
putting him into the box. "There are 5 things you ch狸 k辿o c但y b炭t sang m畛t b棚n v nh畉n nh畛 v畛i c畉u ta
need to know," he told the pencil, "Before I send you r畉ng: C坦 5 i畛u ny m c畉u c畉n ph畉i bi畉t, tr動畛c khi t担i
out into the world. Always remember them and 動a c畉u ra th畉 gi畛i b棚n ngoi. Ph畉i lu担n lu担n nh畛 v
never forget, and you will become the best pencil kh担ng bao gi畛 動畛c qu棚n, c坦 th畉 c畉u m畛i tr畛 thnh c但y
you can be. b炭t ch狸 t畛t nh畉t c坦 th畛.
One: You will be able to do many great things, but Th畛 nh畉t: c畉u c坦 th畛 lm 動畛c r畉t nhi畛u i畛u tuy畛t v畛i,
only if you allow yourself to be held in Someone's v畛i i畛u ki畛n c畉u cho ph辿p m狸nh lu担n 動畛c gi畛 trong
hand." tay ai 坦.
"Two: You will experience a painful sharpening Th畛 hai: D湛 c坦 ph畉i tr畉i qua nh畛ng s畛 g畛t gi滴a au 畛n
from time to time, but you'll need it to become a h畉t l畉n ny 畉n l畉n kh叩c th狸 c畉u ph畉i hi畛u r畉ng m狸nh c畉n
better pencil." i畛u 坦 畛 tr畛 thnh m畛t c但y b炭t t畛t h董n.
"Three: You will be able to correct any mistakes you Th畛 ba: c畉u ph畉i bi畉t s畛a l畛i do m狸nh g但y ra.
might make."
Th畛 t動: ph畉n quan tr畛ng nh畉t c畛a c畉u s畉 lu担n l nh畛ng
"Four: The most important part of you will always th畛 c畉u c坦 b棚n trong.
be what's inside."
V cu畛i c湛ng: h達y nh畛 r畉ng d湛 ang 動畛c vi畉t tr棚n b畉t
"And Five: On every surface you are used on, you c畛 b畛 m畉t no, c畉u c滴ng ph畉i 畛 l畉i d畉u v畉t c畛a m狸nh. V
must leave your mark. No matter what the cho d湛 畛 i畛u ki畛n no i chng n畛a, c畉u c滴ng ph畉i ti畉p
condition, you must continue to write." t畛c vi畉t.
The pencil understood and promised to remember, B炭t ch狸 hi畛u ra v h畛a s畉 ghi nh畛, sau 坦 c畉u ta b動畛c vo
and went into the box with purpose in its heart. chi畉c h畛p v畛i nh畛ng m畛c 鱈ch 達 kh畉c s但u vo tim.
Now replacing the place of the pencil with you. C嘆n b但y gi畛 b畉n h達y 畉t m狸nh vo v畛 tr鱈 c畛a c但y b炭t ch狸
Always remember them and never forget, and you kia. Lu担n lu担n nh畛 v kh担ng 動畛c qu棚n nm i畛u ny, c坦
will become the best person you can be. v畉y b畉n m畛i l con ng動畛i t畛t nh畉t m m狸nh c坦 th畛 tr畛
One: You will be able to do many great things, but M畛t l: b畉n c坦 th畛 lm 動畛c nh畛ng i畛u tuy畛t v畛i ch畛 khi
only if you allow yourself to be a part of your b畉n 畉t m狸nh d動畛i bn tay che ch畛 c畛a nh畛ng ng動畛i
community and allow other human beings to xung quanh, v em nh畛ng g狸 m狸nh c坦 畛 m畛 l嘆ng ra v畛i
access you for the many gifts you possess. nh畛ng ng動畛i xung quanh.
2. Two: You will experience a painful sharpening from Hai l: v畛i vi畛c v動畛t qua nh畛ng kh坦 khn trong cu畛c
time to time, by going through various problems in s畛ng, s畉 kh担ng 鱈t l畉n b畉n ph畉i ch畛u 畛ng nh畛ng s畛 au
life, but you'll need it to become a stronger person. 畛n, nh動ng b畉n c畉n nh畛ng n畛i au 畉y 畛 m畉nh m畉 h董n
Three: You will be able to correct any mistakes you Ba l: b畉n s畉 ph畉i bi畉t c叩ch s畛a ch畛a nh畛ng l畛i l畉m do
might make. ch鱈nh m狸nh g但y ra.
Four: The most important part of you will always be B畛n l: ph畉n quan tr畛ng nh畉t c畛a b畉n lu担n l nh畛ng
what's on the inside. gi叩 tr畛 t畛 b棚n trong.
And Five: On every surface you walk through, you V cu畛i c湛ng: tr棚n m畛i n畉o 動畛ng t畛ng i qua, b畉n 畛u
must leave your mark. No matter what the situation, ph畉i 畛 l畉i d畉u ch但n c畛a m狸nh. D湛 cho ang 畛 trong
you must continue to do your duties. t狸nh hu畛ng no, b畉n c滴ng ph畉i ti畉p t畛c hon thnh
nhi畛m v畛 c畛a m狸nh.
Allow this parable on the pencil to encourage you to
know that you are a special person and only you can H達y 畛 c但u chuy畛n v畛 chi畉c b炭t ch狸 ny cho b畉n th棚m
fulfill the purpose to which you were born to s畛c m畉nh, 畛 b畉n bi畉t r畉ng, m狸nh l m畛t ng動畛i 畉c
accomplish. bi畛t, v r畉ng, ch畛 c坦 b畉n m畛i c坦 th畛 hon thnh nh畛ng
m畛c 鱈ch m s畛 ph畉n 達 s畉p 畉t cho m狸nh.
Never allow yourself to get discouraged and think
that your life is insignificant and cannot make a 畛ng bao gi畛 t畛 cho ph辿p m狸nh 動畛c l湛i b動畛c, hay
change. ngh挑 v畛 cu畛c s畛ng nh動 m畛t i畛u g狸 坦 v担 ngh挑a v
ch畉ng th畛 thay 畛i 動畛c.
Childcare Delight
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