1. The experiment tested how the period of oscillation of a pendulum is affected by the length of the string.
2. Data was collected using a photogate sensor and rotational motion sensor to measure the period of oscillation for string lengths of 20 cm and 10 cm.
3. The results found that the period of oscillation was longer when the string length was 20 cm compared to 10 cm, showing that longer strings result in longer periods.
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Pendulum 121125034647-phpapp01
1. ~Pendulum~
Bil Name Matrics No.
1. Nik Ikhwan Bin Nik Li D20101037491
2. Muhammad Yunus Bin Hamid D20101037440
3. Muhammad Riyadh Bin Roslan D20101037482
3. •Pendulum is a hypothetical pendulum suspended by a weightless frictionless thread
of constant length.
•The pendulum’s period is tested by using different length of string.
•Which length of string that slower and faster the period of the pendulum’s
4. What other What can you get
application that from observing
similar to the experiment?
What is the graph
How to avoid shape?
1. The apparatus was set up as shown in figure 1.
2. The length of the string that attach to the constant mass was set as
20 cm length.
3. The pendulum is displaced so that it performed oscillation of simple
harmonic motion.
4. The data were recorded automatically by using photogate sensor and
rotational motion sensor.
7. 5) The pendulum will oscillate between the U-sides of the photogate
sensor and the pendulum is attached to the rotational motion sensor.
The rotational motion sensor will measure angular position as the
pendulum swings. The photogate sensor will measure the period of
oscillation directly as it passes through the U-sides of the sensor.
6) Stop the experiment after the pendulum has make 20 oscillations.
7) The period T for the 20 oscillations were determined.
8) The experiment was repeated by substituted the length of the string
by using 10 cm length
13. • Result
Graph of Angular Positon (°) Againts Time (s) For
String Length 10 cm
14. Data analysis
From the graph obtained, we can conclude the data
as table below
Length Time taken Period, T
of String to
(l) complete
20 cm 19.23 s 0.96 s
10 cm 15.89 s 0.79 s
15. Data analysis
Gravity calculation
Equation 1
Equation 2
16. Data analysis
Gravity calculation
By substitute the data into the equation
17. Data analysis
Gravity calculation
From the experiment, the gravitational value
obtained was ,
The theoretical value for the gravitational
acceleration is
18. Data analysis
Gravity calculation
Formula for " Percentage Error":
(The "|" symbols mean absolute value, so negatives become positive)
19. Discussion
• From the experiment, we use data logger as the medium to detect
the time and the angular positions of the pendulum
• From the graph, the time to complete 20 oscillations can be
determine. The period calculated using time to complete 20
oscillations divided by 20.
• The time taken 20 oscillations for 20 cm l string was 19.23 s and the
time taken for 10 cm string was 15.89 s. from the formula below
The time taken for oscillation, T is directly proportional to the string
length, l. Therefore, the longer the l, the longer the T.
20. • By using the formula:
The acceleration of gravity is calculated was
• The percentage error calculated in this
experiment is
• This indicated that there were some errors that
occurred during the experiment process. There
errors could be:
1) Air resistance (solution: do the experiment
at the vacuum condition)
2) Human error (solution: measured the length
of l precisely and carefully)
21. Conclusion
• From the experiment, the value of gravitational
acceleration obtained is is percentage
error compare to the theoretical value which is
• The longer the length of string, the longer the period for
oscillation taken.
• The data logging application used was Data Studio which
the data reading taking automatically by the computer.
23. Case
Firefighters had to rescue a boy aged 10 that
carried by the water flow to other side of river.
Which rope should be used by the firefighters to
get to the other side in the short time??
26.  In this experiment that shown by the graph, the
longer the string, it will take longer time to stop.
 This item swing longer if we can increase the length
of string.
 We can save our energy to and can just look it swing
in our office.
 Increase the length will make this decorative item will
make it swing for a longer period.
28. • The baby will move their body during they sleep. So this cradle
will swing because it follows principle of pendulum.
• Swinging may make disturb the baby and make them wake up and
• Based on the experiment we know that, when we release the
ball, the shorter string will make a shorter time to complete one
• We know that picture A have long string and near to the ground
compare to picture B which is have shorter string.
• The cradle A will swing slowly compare to cradle B that may
swing from side to side more faster which can disturb your baby
when sleep.