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Equilibrium is the basis
              of the work
 Brigitte is the basis of
        my aggravation

           Pen Hallows
Mandala of
                                                                   Now: real time, real
the Universe                                                       space

                                         Kabbalistic worlds
4 worlds of the                                               N
Kaballah or parallel

5 elements  is the
5th implied?
Is all time imaginary   W                                                                 E
                         Past: Imaginary time
time except the time                                              Future: Imaginary
youre at? Urgh!

                1. Stand in center of room and face east
banishing       2. Touch forhead, say Ateh
ritual of the   3. Touch chest, say Malkuth
                4. Touch R shoulder, say ve-Geburah
Pentagram       5. Touch L shoulder, say ve Gedulah
                6. Hands in prayer position, say le-Olahm,
                7. Draw Pentagram in air in front of you,
                   starting in lower left corner. Use finger
                   (or wand) and stab center of Pentagram.
                   Say: Yod he vav heh.
                8. Turn South. Repeat but say Adonai
                9. Turn to West. Repeat and say Eheieh
                10.Turn to North. Repeat and say Agla
                11.Turn to East. Extend arms in front in a
                   cross and say: Before me Raphael,
                   behind me Gabriel, On my right hand,
                   Michael, On my left hand, Auriel. For
                   about me flames the pentagram, and in
                   the center stands the 6 rayed star.
                12.Repeat steps 2-6
Ive seen Riga do this so
many times  why is          De-haunting Preparation
Brigitte bugging me
about it?
Prep work:
1) Get schematic of
   house. Use
   pendulum to locate
   hot spots. Confirm
   with partner.
2) Discuss haunting with
   owner outside of
   house  dont want
   ghosts to listen in.
3) Protection/cloaking
   ritual before entering.
4) Wear talisman
Numerology                      0: No thing. Infinity. Power preceding
                                  manifestation. Hekate?
 cheat sheet                     1: Beginning/inception. Manifestation.
                                 2: Duplication, polarity, partnership.
                                  High priestess/subconscious.
                                 3: Multiplication. Growth. Creation.
                                 4: Order. Logic. Systems.
                                 5: Instability, new cycles, freedom,
                                 6: Wholeness, spirit of unity, harmony,
                                  beauty, equilibrium
                                 7: Fate. Divine order. Wisdom.
                                  Harmony dispelled. Turning point.
                                 8: Stability. Balance. Rhythm.
                                  Vibration. Control. Too much control?
Visconti -Sforza Tarot deck     9: Completion. Endings. Achievement
15th century                      of goal. Preparation for new cycle.
The Fool                       Key Words
                                New beginnings: The Fool card
Numerological                    indicates a new phase, a period when
associations: Zero, the          life can take a different path and expand
number of the Fool is said       our horizons. It can indicate a journey -
to bring profound                physical or emotional, a time to strike
transformational                 out and start something new - time to
change. The empty circle         take a crazy chance in life.
symbolizes the nothingness
                                Faith: The Fool tells us to let go of the
of death and the totality of     worry and fear of what life may hold and
life. It is unmanifest,          have faith in fate and our own instincts.
unlimited, eternal.              Trust that your 'pipe dreams' will come
                                 to fruition. Trust in your choice and be
Astrological                     true to yourself.
associations: The Fool is       Fearlessness : One needs to be
associated with Uranus,          fearless to have faith, and with faith one
symbolizing innovation and       is fearless. The Fool is fearless as he
revolution, delighting in        steps toward the cliff's edge.
surprise and provoking          Joy: Another byproduct of faith, the
change.                          Fool with his sunny demeanor
                                 experiences joy as he lives in the
The Hanged
Man                               Notes:
                                  May reflect the legend of the Norse god
Astrological                      Odin, who voluntarily hung upside down
associations:The planet           from the world tree, Yggdrasil, for nine days
Neptune is linked to the          to gain enlightenment  specifically the
Hanged Man. Neptune is            knowledge of the runes, considered in
the modern ruler of the         Norse mythology to be a sort of alpha and
sign Pisces. Neptune (or          omega of all mysteries. Odin died the
Poseidon) is the god of the       moment he glimpsed the runes, but his
Seas from Greco/Roman             understanding of the runes immediately
                                  resurrected him. Saint Peter was also
myth. Neptune is the              crucified upside down because he felt he
planet of dreams, artistic        was not worthy of being crucified in the
vision, illusion, delusion,       same manner as Jesus  aside from the
and spirituality. It is said to   mutual idea of sacrifice, I dont think theres
dissolve boundaries and           a connection to the Hanged Man card, and
barriers, leading to higher       much prefer the Norse interpretation.
awareness, compassion or
                                  Key Words:
                                     Unconventional thinking
Now she wants me to come
up with a junk oracle ?
This bites.

At least Ive got plenty of
junk, starting with this guitar
pick given to me by that
country singer. I guess
giving away guitar picks is
the thing to do if youre a
country star. Whatever. At
least its lucky 13.

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Pen's magical journal

  • 1. Magical Journal Equilibrium is the basis of the work Brigitte is the basis of my aggravation Pen Hallows
  • 2. Rigas Mandala of Now: real time, real the Universe space Kabbalistic worlds 4 worlds of the N Kaballah or parallel Dimensions/ universes? 5 elements is the 5th implied? Is all time imaginary W E Past: Imaginary time time except the time Future: Imaginary time youre at? Urgh! S
  • 3. Lesser 1. Stand in center of room and face east banishing 2. Touch forhead, say Ateh ritual of the 3. Touch chest, say Malkuth 4. Touch R shoulder, say ve-Geburah Pentagram 5. Touch L shoulder, say ve Gedulah 6. Hands in prayer position, say le-Olahm, Amen 7. Draw Pentagram in air in front of you, starting in lower left corner. Use finger (or wand) and stab center of Pentagram. Say: Yod he vav heh. 8. Turn South. Repeat but say Adonai 9. Turn to West. Repeat and say Eheieh 10.Turn to North. Repeat and say Agla 11.Turn to East. Extend arms in front in a cross and say: Before me Raphael, behind me Gabriel, On my right hand, Michael, On my left hand, Auriel. For about me flames the pentagram, and in the center stands the 6 rayed star. 12.Repeat steps 2-6
  • 4. Ive seen Riga do this so many times why is De-haunting Preparation Brigitte bugging me about it? Prep work: 1) Get schematic of house. Use pendulum to locate hot spots. Confirm with partner. 2) Discuss haunting with owner outside of house dont want ghosts to listen in. 3) Protection/cloaking ritual before entering. 4) Wear talisman
  • 5. Numerology 0: No thing. Infinity. Power preceding manifestation. Hekate? cheat sheet 1: Beginning/inception. Manifestation. Hermes? 2: Duplication, polarity, partnership. High priestess/subconscious. 3: Multiplication. Growth. Creation. 4: Order. Logic. Systems. 5: Instability, new cycles, freedom, adaptation. 6: Wholeness, spirit of unity, harmony, beauty, equilibrium 7: Fate. Divine order. Wisdom. Harmony dispelled. Turning point. 8: Stability. Balance. Rhythm. Vibration. Control. Too much control? Oppression? Visconti -Sforza Tarot deck 9: Completion. Endings. Achievement 15th century of goal. Preparation for new cycle.
  • 6. The Fool Key Words New beginnings: The Fool card Numerological indicates a new phase, a period when associations: Zero, the life can take a different path and expand number of the Fool is said our horizons. It can indicate a journey - to bring profound physical or emotional, a time to strike transformational out and start something new - time to change. The empty circle take a crazy chance in life. symbolizes the nothingness Faith: The Fool tells us to let go of the of death and the totality of worry and fear of what life may hold and life. It is unmanifest, have faith in fate and our own instincts. unlimited, eternal. Trust that your 'pipe dreams' will come to fruition. Trust in your choice and be Astrological true to yourself. associations: The Fool is Fearlessness : One needs to be associated with Uranus, fearless to have faith, and with faith one symbolizing innovation and is fearless. The Fool is fearless as he revolution, delighting in steps toward the cliff's edge. surprise and provoking Joy: Another byproduct of faith, the change. Fool with his sunny demeanor experiences joy as he lives in the moment.
  • 7. The Hanged Man Notes: May reflect the legend of the Norse god Astrological Odin, who voluntarily hung upside down associations:The planet from the world tree, Yggdrasil, for nine days Neptune is linked to the to gain enlightenment specifically the Hanged Man. Neptune is knowledge of the runes, considered in the modern ruler of the Norse mythology to be a sort of alpha and sign Pisces. Neptune (or omega of all mysteries. Odin died the Poseidon) is the god of the moment he glimpsed the runes, but his Seas from Greco/Roman understanding of the runes immediately resurrected him. Saint Peter was also myth. Neptune is the crucified upside down because he felt he planet of dreams, artistic was not worthy of being crucified in the vision, illusion, delusion, same manner as Jesus aside from the and spirituality. It is said to mutual idea of sacrifice, I dont think theres dissolve boundaries and a connection to the Hanged Man card, and barriers, leading to higher much prefer the Norse interpretation. awareness, compassion or confusion. Key Words: Acceptance Self-sacrifice Unconventional thinking Suspension
  • 8. Junk Oracle? Now she wants me to come up with a junk oracle ? This bites. At least Ive got plenty of junk, starting with this guitar pick given to me by that country singer. I guess giving away guitar picks is the thing to do if youre a country star. Whatever. At least its lucky 13.