The document provides instructions for managing users and teams in Casual. There are two ways to add users - by inviting them via email or creating a placeholder account. User accounts display in cards and can be edited by clicking "Edit" to manage permissions. Users have roles like Leader, Participant, or Spectator that determine their abilities. Teams can also be managed in projects, allowing users to be added and assigned roles that control their project access and task responsibilities.
2. Visit the People section of your workspace to invite
or manage user accounts.
3. There are 2 ways to add Accounts:
- Invite a user via email
- Add a person placeholder (detached account)
4. The Invite new users option, allows you to enter
multiple emails and select a role for each user.
5. Add a person option allows you to create an account
by name. The user can be invited to take over
this account later on.
6. User accounts are displayed as cards. Select a card
to see additional info about a user.
7. To edit user details & manage permissions, Click on the
Edit option located on the top-right corner.
8. Every user account has one of these roles:
Leader(Owner) - full ability to create & edit anything.
Participant - ability to create & edit projects but cannot
view projects made by others.
Spectator - only participate in projects made by others.
9. Visit the Team section in your project to manage
the project team.
10. Easily add users from your workspace or invite new users.
Every user will be invited to join the workspace & project.
11. Change the role of each team member. Team member can
have one of these roles:
1. Leader (Owner) - Manager; Ability to edit project plan.
2. Participant - ability to execute tasks ONLY.
3. Spectator - ability to see projects progress ONLY.
12. After the project team is formed, you can assign
executors for the task.
13. People tab located on the left of your screen - displays
the list of people who are responsible for the process.