My personal experience and lessons learned from over 20 years of managing developers, designers, product owners, testers, and all kinds of technical people. These are my personal opinions based on leading teams at Apple, DoubleClick, LimeWire, Spotify, and HuffPost.
2. What is People Management?
Creating a team identity
Recruiting recruits
Playing team psychologist
Planning a team strategy
Setting goals
Defining a process
Coaching a team
Evaluating team members
Winning and losing
Managing in the face of reality
3. Winning and Losing
If you win every game you are not really
challenging your team
If you lose every game you might want to
make some changes
Inside every win is a loss
Inside every loss is a win
Luck has a lot more to do with winning and
losing than anyone cares to admit
Make sure your team knows the difference
between winning and losing
4. Evaluating Team Members
Create a clear and simple criteria to
measure and rank your team
Constantly measure and rank your team (in
your mind)
Give feedback early and often
Give feedback in a useful form
Give feedback with a purpose
Give feedback that is honest
If you help your team members to grow they will value you
more than you can imagine
5. Setting Goals
Don't fool around with goals
Set V.A.G.U.E. Objectives (not S.M.A.R.T.)
Vague: You dont know exactly what to do. The team member has to
find out. You job is to point in the right direction not draw the line down
the road. The answer is off-road.
Assay-required: Dont measureexperiment. Its the only path to
reliable knowledge.
Guesstimatable: I dont know if you can do it. I think you can but
there is some risk of failure. This keeps you from feeling dead inside.
Unparalleled: If goals should be realistic then nothing impossible
would get done: Landing on the Moon, electing black men president,
creating a popular phone without a keypad.
Eternal: Nothing is ever finished. Keep refining, iterating, upgrading
6. Creating a Team Identity
Who are we?
What are we doing?
Where are we doing it?
When are we doing it?
Why are we doing it?
How are we doing it?
A team without a core identity has already failed.
A team with a poor identity is in danger of failing.
A team with a great identity turns failure into success.
7. Recruiting Recruits
Hire people who are not looking for a "job"
Hire people who can teach you something
Hire people who can teach themselves
Hire people who can teach others
There are 2 kinds of people in an organization
Dividers: They require lots of help and divide the productivity of
organization in half.
Multipliers: They don't require any help at all and multiple the productivity
of the org by 10.
Dividers love Multipliers, but Multipliers hate Dividers!
8. Playing Team Psychologist
"I'm not a doctor but I play one on TV."
Humans are social, hierarchical, territorial,
and opportunistic animals
Study human behavior the way naturalists
Most interpersonal problems can be solved
by listening
A manager's main job is not to be an enabler
Humor is a manager's best friend
9. Planning a Team Strategy
What game are we playing here?
Which way is the goal?
What are the rules?
What is the other team doing?
Who's on first, What's on second, I Don't
Know's on third!
How much time do we have left?
How do we tell the difference between
winning and losing?
10. Defining a Process
These are the rules of the "game"
In software development we have various
flavors of waterfall and agile.
In manufacturing we have various flavors of
total quality management.
In the Blues we have chord progressions
and 12 bars
In management we have Sigma Six, MBOs,
and OKRs
In the Army we have Discipline and Initiative
Become a student of all of them!
11. Coaching a Team
Go watch a Soccer game and see what real
coaches do
Coaches are not the "stars" of the team
Coaches don't direct every play
Coaches do most of their work before and
after the game
Coaches can be players but not team
Coaches are very involved emotionally
Coaches eat, sleep, and travel with the team
Coaches focus on fundimentals
12. Managing in the Face of Reality
Work is not the most important thing in life
Work can create unintended consequences
Know HR policy and the law
Know when to back off
Know when to call for backup
Know where the line between work and life
Remember that your team members are
paid to work for you and might not really
think your dumb jokes are funny :)
13. Other Types of Management to
Meeting Management: Ensuring meetings
aren't a waste of time
Time Management: Ensuring the highest
priorities get done (and only those priorities)
Executive Management: Ensuring you have
a great relationship with your boss without
being a "yes man or woman"
Managing Managers: Ensuring you empower
your managers and not managing through
14. Questions?
There are no dumb questions
You can manage anything by asking great
Socrates (at his best) asked questions and
did not give answers
A good question is the best kind of coaching
A good question is not a thinly veiled attack
by the questioner on the questionee