Hannah Brown is seeking a career in nutrition. She graduated from Ohio University in 2016 with a degree in Nutrition Pre-Professional and a Biology minor. She has worked as a lifeguard, babysitter, and office assistant. Brown has volunteered at a domestic violence shelter, Ronald McDonald House, and with senior citizens. She was a member of Alpha Delta Pi sorority and Phi Delta Epsilon Pre-Medicine Fraternity. Brown received honors from Ohio University's College of Health Sciences and Professions and was on the Dean's List.
This document contains a summary of an individual's work experience, education, blogs, projects, and certifications. For work experience, it lists roles as a lifeguard, sales associate at two retailers, office assistant, and hostess. It provides education details about pursuing a Bachelor's degree in communications, marketing, and art at a university. It also lists two lifestyle blogs the individual runs, focused on topics like fashion, health, and travel. Finally, it outlines current certifications in yoga instruction, lifeguarding, first aid, and CPR.
This short document promotes creating Haiku Deck presentations on ºÝºÝߣShare and getting started making one. It encourages the reader to be inspired to make their own presentation using Haiku Deck on the ºÝºÝߣShare platform. A call to action is given to get started creating a Haiku Deck presentation.
This document discusses a software review website that has over 43,000 reviews from real users of various software products and has published more than 55 reports to help buyers determine the right software for their needs based on analysis of review data, without using subjective opinions or magic.
This data sheet provides technical specifications for a natural anodised aluminium housing with a rain shield. The housing is 2 modules in size and measures 5.3" x 8.9" x 3.6". It is compatible with Simplebus Top, Simplebus Color, Simplebus 2, and traditional systems. The packaging dimensions for a single unit are 106mm height, 338mm width, 159mm depth, with a weight of 0.96kg and volume of 5.697dm3.
Moath Othman constructed a device to characterize the zeta potential of metal oxide films using electrokinetic forcing. Alumina tracer particles were characterized in a zetasizer to determine their zeta potential over varying pH and salt concentrations. A device with hafnia films as the surface was fabricated and alumina particles were flowed through it under an electric field. Particle image velocimetry was used to measure particle velocities, which could then determine the zeta potential of the hafnia surface. Future work will calculate the zeta potential of hafnia over more pH values and fabricate similar devices for other metal oxides.
This document contains a summary of an individual's work experience, education, blogs, projects, and certifications. For work experience, it lists roles as a lifeguard, sales associate at two retailers, office assistant, and hostess. It provides education details about pursuing a Bachelor's degree in communications, marketing, and art at a university. It also lists two lifestyle blogs the individual runs, focused on topics like fashion, health, and travel. Finally, it outlines current certifications in yoga instruction, lifeguarding, first aid, and CPR.
This short document promotes creating Haiku Deck presentations on ºÝºÝߣShare and getting started making one. It encourages the reader to be inspired to make their own presentation using Haiku Deck on the ºÝºÝߣShare platform. A call to action is given to get started creating a Haiku Deck presentation.
This document discusses a software review website that has over 43,000 reviews from real users of various software products and has published more than 55 reports to help buyers determine the right software for their needs based on analysis of review data, without using subjective opinions or magic.
This data sheet provides technical specifications for a natural anodised aluminium housing with a rain shield. The housing is 2 modules in size and measures 5.3" x 8.9" x 3.6". It is compatible with Simplebus Top, Simplebus Color, Simplebus 2, and traditional systems. The packaging dimensions for a single unit are 106mm height, 338mm width, 159mm depth, with a weight of 0.96kg and volume of 5.697dm3.
Moath Othman constructed a device to characterize the zeta potential of metal oxide films using electrokinetic forcing. Alumina tracer particles were characterized in a zetasizer to determine their zeta potential over varying pH and salt concentrations. A device with hafnia films as the surface was fabricated and alumina particles were flowed through it under an electric field. Particle image velocimetry was used to measure particle velocities, which could then determine the zeta potential of the hafnia surface. Future work will calculate the zeta potential of hafnia over more pH values and fabricate similar devices for other metal oxides.
1. DGFP Brasov - Serviciul Metodologie si Asistenta Contribuabili OBLIGATII DECLARATIVE PRIVIND
tel 0268-308443; http: // bv.finantepublice.ro SCHIMBAREA / MENTINEREA
2012 2013
Perioada fiscal LUNA Perioada fiscal TRIMESTRUL
CIFRA DE AFACERI < 100.000 EUR Pân in 31.01.2013 se depune Declaratia de mentiuni (010
i sau 070) în care se declar CIFRA DE AFACERI obtinut
nu s-au efectuat achizitii intracomunitare de (recalculat ) în 2012 i se bifeaz schimbarea perioadei
bunuri în anul 2012
bunuri în anul 2012 fiscale de la LUNA la TRIMESTRU
(art. 1561 Legea 571/2003 privind Codul fiscal, pct. 80 alin. (1) HG 44/2004 i
art. 77 alin. (1) OG 92/2003 republicata privind Codul de procedura fiscala)
Perioada fiscal TRIMESTRUL Perioada fiscal LUNA
i Pân în 31.01.2013 se depune Declaratia de mentiuni (010
CIFRA DE AFACERI > 100.000 EUR sau 070) în care se declar CIFRA DE AFACERI obtinut
(recalculat ) în 2012 i se bifeaz schimbarea perioadei
fiscale de la TRIMESTRU la LUNA
(art. 1561 Codul fiscal, pct. 80 alin. (1) HG 44/2004 i art. 77 alin. (1) OG
92/2003 republicata privind Codul de procedura fiscala)
Perioada fiscal TRIMESTRUL Perioada fiscal TRIMESTRUL
CIFRA DE AFACERI < 100.000 EUR Pân în 25.01.2013 se depune Declaratia 094 în care se
si declar CIFRA DE AFACERI obtinut (recalculat ) în 2012
nu s-au efectuat achizitii intracomunitare de i se mentioneaz faptul c nu s-au efectuat achizitii
bunuri în anul 2012 intracomunitare de bunuri în anul 2012
(art. 1561 alin (6) Codul fiscal, pct. 80 alin. (1) HG 44/2004 si OPANAF 7/2010)
OBS. Persoanele impozabile care au avut în anul 2012 perioada fiscal LUNA pentru c au efectuat achizitii intracomunitare
de bunuri în anul 2012 vor avea ca perioad fiscal LUNA i în anul 2013. [art. 1561 alin. (62) Cod fiscal]
OBS. Echivalentul în lei al cifrei de afaceri de 100.000 euro pe baza c reia se stabile te perioada fiscal la TVA
se determin pe baza cursului de schimb comunicat de BNR în data de 28 decembrie 2012 i valabil pentru data de
31 decembrie 2012 (respectiv: 1 euro= 4,4291 lei)
Material actualizat la data de 08.01.2013