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Perception and BehaviorPerception and Behavior
How to Stimulate CreativityHow to Stimulate Creativity
Anne EgrosAnne Egros
Global Executive CoachGlobal Executive Coach
Company: Zest and Zen InternationalCompany: Zest and Zen International
If a tree falls in the forestIf a tree falls in the forest
and there is nobody aroundand there is nobody around
does it make a sound?does it make a sound?
PerceptionPerception is the critical activity that links theis the critical activity that links the
individuals to stimulus. environment, group andindividuals to stimulus. environment, group and
PerceptionPerception consists of:consists of:
ExposureExposure : Stimulus to nervous system: Stimulus to nervous system
AttentionAttention : Sensation is passed to the brain: Sensation is passed to the brain
InterpretationInterpretation: Assignment of meaning to the: Assignment of meaning to the
received sensationreceived sensation
VVisual :isual :pictures, sights, imagespictures, sights, images
Aural:Aural: sounds, noise, music, tonessounds, noise, music, tones
Kinesthetic:Kinesthetic: sensations, physical feelings ofsensations, physical feelings of
the body, smells, tastesthe body, smells, tastes
The Perception Is SubjectiveThe Perception Is Subjective
 Individuals areIndividuals are
variablevariable in theirin their
responses to stimulusresponses to stimulus
 Perception andPerception and
MemoryMemory are bothare both
very selective.very selective.
Perception and Behavior: How To Stimulate Creativity
Individual Factors in PerceptionIndividual Factors in Perception
Words influence because theyWords influence because they
evoke us toevoke us to createcreate
representationsrepresentations within ourwithin our
minds at multiple levels.minds at multiple levels.
Ocean meansOcean means
The assignment of meaning to sensationsThe assignment of meaning to sensations
Cognitive interpretationCognitive interpretation  process process
whereby stimuli are placed into existingwhereby stimuli are placed into existing
categories of meaningcategories of meaning
Affective interpretationAffective interpretation  the the
emotional or feeling response triggered byemotional or feeling response triggered by
a stimulusa stimulus
Can you control what youCan you control what you
Surface StructureSurface Structure is:is:
Body LanguageBody Language
What You ObserveWhat You Observe
Deep Structure:Deep Structure:
Right Brain/Left BrainRight Brain/Left Brain
Emotional Brain Vs Logical BrainEmotional Brain Vs Logical Brain
Right Brain=Lizard brain
Random, Intuitive holistic,
Synthesizing, Subjective, Looks at
Left brain: Logical Brain
Sequential, Rational, Analytical,
Objective, Looks at parts
Emotions are the gatekeeper to
Automatic "fight" or "flight" mode
FEAR Anxiety
Dont Worry beDont Worry be
Happy !Happy !
for positive thinkingfor positive thinking
Positive emotions enhance the ability of the cerebralPositive emotions enhance the ability of the cerebral
cortex to process information and to createcortex to process information and to create
permanent mental programs.permanent mental programs.
Step 1 : Clean your
Step 2 : Recall enjoying
Step 3 : Relax
have Fun
Learned ResponsesLearned Responses
Age and ExperienceAge and Experience
Attitudes and MotivationAttitudes and Motivation
Intelligence and MemoryIntelligence and Memory
Personality and PerceptionPersonality and Perception
Individual behaviourIndividual behaviour
will depend on:will depend on:
Why do people eat Big Macs?Why do people eat Big Macs?
Why do people eat Big Macs?Why do people eat Big Macs?
More than 60% of
Americans are
overweight and of
these, more than 30%
are obese ! 80%
percent of obese adults
have coronary heart
disease, diabetes,
hypertension or
Big Macs are
cheap, convenient,
and they taste
pretty good !
The Death of Common SenseThe Death of Common Sense
Facts = LogicFacts = Logic
Persuasion =Persuasion = EmotionEmotion
Logic rarely wins overLogic rarely wins over emotionemotion
To better connect with people around you, it isTo better connect with people around you, it is
critical to understand how they interact with thecritical to understand how they interact with the
world around themworld around them
The world of media is changingThe world of media is changing
Microsoft ClipArtGallery
New Realities inNew Realities in
Trends Action
 Find ways to extract value from
 Develop new coverage models
 Get faster and/or get out of the
 Develop new models for two-way
 The volume of information
flowing will grow
 The media is exploding
efficiency will increase
 Collaboration and
interaction will increase
 Redefine value proposition from
gateway to gatekeeper
 Levels of centralized
control will decrease

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Perception and Behavior: How To Stimulate Creativity

  • 1. Perception and BehaviorPerception and Behavior How to Stimulate CreativityHow to Stimulate Creativity Anne EgrosAnne Egros Global Executive CoachGlobal Executive Coach Company: Zest and Zen InternationalCompany: Zest and Zen International
  • 2. If a tree falls in the forestIf a tree falls in the forest and there is nobody aroundand there is nobody around does it make a sound?does it make a sound?
  • 3. PerceptionPerception PerceptionPerception is the critical activity that links theis the critical activity that links the individuals to stimulus. environment, group andindividuals to stimulus. environment, group and situationsituation PerceptionPerception consists of:consists of: ExposureExposure : Stimulus to nervous system: Stimulus to nervous system AttentionAttention : Sensation is passed to the brain: Sensation is passed to the brain InterpretationInterpretation: Assignment of meaning to the: Assignment of meaning to the received sensationreceived sensation
  • 4. StimulusStimulus VVisual :isual :pictures, sights, imagespictures, sights, images Aural:Aural: sounds, noise, music, tonessounds, noise, music, tones Kinesthetic:Kinesthetic: sensations, physical feelings ofsensations, physical feelings of the body, smells, tastesthe body, smells, tastes
  • 5. The Perception Is SubjectiveThe Perception Is Subjective Individuals areIndividuals are variablevariable in theirin their responses to stimulusresponses to stimulus Perception andPerception and MemoryMemory are bothare both very selective.very selective. MESSAGE
  • 7. Individual Factors in PerceptionIndividual Factors in Perception InterestsInterests NeedsNeeds
  • 8. Words influence because theyWords influence because they evoke us toevoke us to createcreate representationsrepresentations within ourwithin our minds at multiple levels.minds at multiple levels.
  • 10. InterpretationInterpretation The assignment of meaning to sensationsThe assignment of meaning to sensations Cognitive interpretationCognitive interpretation process process whereby stimuli are placed into existingwhereby stimuli are placed into existing categories of meaningcategories of meaning Affective interpretationAffective interpretation the the emotional or feeling response triggered byemotional or feeling response triggered by a stimulusa stimulus
  • 11. Can you control what youCan you control what you see?see?
  • 12. Surface StructureSurface Structure is:is: WordsWords TonalityTonality Body LanguageBody Language GesturesGestures What You ObserveWhat You Observe
  • 14. Right Brain/Left BrainRight Brain/Left Brain Emotional Brain Vs Logical BrainEmotional Brain Vs Logical Brain Right Brain=Lizard brain Random, Intuitive holistic, Synthesizing, Subjective, Looks at Left brain: Logical Brain Sequential, Rational, Analytical, Objective, Looks at parts
  • 15. Emotions are the gatekeeper to learning Automatic "fight" or "flight" mode FEAR Anxiety STRESS
  • 16. Dont Worry beDont Worry be Happy !Happy !
  • 17. Re-programmingRe-programming for positive thinkingfor positive thinking Positive emotions enhance the ability of the cerebralPositive emotions enhance the ability of the cerebral cortex to process information and to createcortex to process information and to create permanent mental programs.permanent mental programs. Step 1 : Clean your Head Step 2 : Recall enjoying experience Step 3 : Relax have Fun
  • 18. Learned ResponsesLearned Responses Age and ExperienceAge and Experience Attitudes and MotivationAttitudes and Motivation Intelligence and MemoryIntelligence and Memory Personality and PerceptionPersonality and Perception Individual behaviourIndividual behaviour will depend on:will depend on:
  • 19. Why do people eat Big Macs?Why do people eat Big Macs?
  • 20. Why do people eat Big Macs?Why do people eat Big Macs? FACTS: More than 60% of Americans are overweight and of these, more than 30% are obese ! 80% percent of obese adults have coronary heart disease, diabetes, hypercholesterolemia, hypertension or osteoarthritis REALITY Big Macs are cheap, convenient, and they taste pretty good ! INSTANT GRATIFICATION EMOTIONAL REWARD
  • 21. The Death of Common SenseThe Death of Common Sense Facts = LogicFacts = Logic Persuasion =Persuasion = EmotionEmotion Logic rarely wins overLogic rarely wins over emotionemotion
  • 22. To better connect with people around you, it isTo better connect with people around you, it is critical to understand how they interact with thecritical to understand how they interact with the world around themworld around them The world of media is changingThe world of media is changing Microsoft ClipArtGallery BlackBerry速
  • 23. New Realities inNew Realities in CommunicationCommunication Trends Action Find ways to extract value from information Develop new coverage models Get faster and/or get out of the way Develop new models for two-way collaboration The volume of information flowing will grow The media is exploding Communication efficiency will increase Collaboration and interaction will increase Redefine value proposition from gateway to gatekeeper Levels of centralized control will decrease

Editor's Notes

  • #6: What do we hear when we listen to a sound??
  • #9: We track these references and ideas onto the screen of our mind. We then generalize about those representations, classify them, categorize them, etc. This structures our minds, sends commands to our nervous system, and creates our felt sense of reality.
  • #24: (1) Identify Influencers and Quality PR firms need to identify, target and cover the top sources of influence (and diviners of quality/truth) online. This means for any client, issue, or constituency must be able to identify, track and influence the key contributors to defining quality. Key new barometers of quality and influence include: Open source reviews and ratings (Gomez, BizRate.com, consumer reviews) Meta content analysis and content aggregators (reviews of reviews, analysis of analysis) Relevant user groups (over 100,000) Complaint and feedback sites (e.g., Yournamesucks.com) Trusted intermediaries and communities (e.g. Motley Fool, iVillage, etc.) Online newsletters, gurus and evangelists Employees (2) Find Ways to Extract Value From Information Shift from providing the information, to learning from it. PR leaders will use tools like data mining and marketing automation to analyze information flows to anticipate issues and trends and provide value added services to their clients, such as: accurate forecasts identifying bellwether trends ahead of the curve superior market research on issues built on direct feedback and collaboration early warning on disasters and critical issues better segmentation and prioritization of constituents, influencers and media to direct communication strategies and coverage models (3) Develop New Coverage Models PR leaders need new planning tools to create better coverage strategies and combine multiple communication channels (and technologies) to cover the entire network and expanding media. New planning tools such as network influencer mapping and constituency segmentation models can help inform content architecture, communications strategies, and allocate scarce resources in the most effective manner. PR must find ways to migrate much of the interaction to self service or low cost telephone-and web channels. This can be facilitated by many new tools (borrowed from direct marketing and hybrid selling leaders) can help leverage humans Permission marketing programs and email campaigns Event triggered marketing programs Self service web sites and utilities Tele-web customer service channels to cover media and inquires Content and communication architecture and navigation (4) Redefine Value Proposition from Gatekeeper to Gateway Must adopt new investments that are more effective that traditional tools and are better aligned with online media and constituent behavior. These include Search engine optimization Seeded content, content syndication Affiliate networks of thousands of influencer sites Viral marketing approaches (e.g. Whack a Flack) Coverage, seeding and participation in chat groups and user groups Hosted forums, knowledgebases and FAQ s on wed sites targeted at media/constituent needs (5) Get faster and/or Get Out of the Way The news cycle will shrink to zero (immediate). Moving faster (reducing cycle time, eliminating manual processes) is important in the short term, but PR leaders will look beyond repaving cowpaths with automation that speeds existing (linear) processes and focus on redefining processes and adopting new technologies with the focus on speeding or generating immediate feedback. (6) Develop New Models for Two-Way Collaboration New info economy requires two way communications with media and constituency via means such as polling, inquiry and forums. Pull strategies that generate inbound inquires (e.g. self service web sites with tele-web integration to a call center rep )will prove more Personalized web sites, content and newsletters targeted to help media do their jobs better Hosted discussion forums for media and constituents Feedback and incorporation into message development.