The document summarizes an ACE (Action for Continuous Enhancement) project at Findomestic, an Italian credit card company. The project aims to improve the efficiency of Findomestic's Fraud and Chargeback department, which currently has a backlog of cases and lead times of up to 86 days. A cross-functional team will use Lean Six Sigma tools like a Kaizen event over 3 days to analyze the current process, identify issues, and develop solutions to reduce lead times, costs and improve customer satisfaction for fraud and chargeback cases. The project is sponsored by Angelo Piazza and led by Andrea Volpintesta, with support from ACE coach Giuseppe Matarazzo. Financial benefits of
Lean and Agile by Regis Medina - Lean IT Summit 2013Operae Partners
IT managers who want to improve their software development activities are quickly faced with the Lean or Agile? question. Are lean and agile the same thing? Should we deploy agile before implementing lean? Having been on both sides of the table, R辿gis shares what he has learned so far about both approaches, and how best to use them to create high performance software development organizations.
Au-del de l'Agile : Retour d'exp辿rience Lean ITOperae Partners
Exercice fondamental pour toute personne qui fait du lean, le "gemba walk" consiste aller sur le terrain l o湛 la valeur est effectivement produite par les 辿quipes. L'objectif 辿tant de se confronter la r辿alit辿 pour 1/ aider les 辿quipes surmonter les obstacles qu'elles rencontrent 2/ prendre des d辿cision en parfaite connaissance de cause. En ce sens, le gemba est l'antith竪se de la salle de r辿union. C'est ce qu'explique en d辿tail, exemples l'appui, Marie-Pia Ignace dans le webinaire disponible ici :
Visitez notre blog
Notre offre pour un monde informatique sans incidents Operae Partners
Vous aimeriez r辿duire le co短t du "RUN" (incidents et support) pour financer plus de projets et travailler avec plus de s辿r辿nit辿 ? Vous cherchez une m辿thode r辿plicable pour am辿liorer votre fonctionnement ? GR但ce notre accompagnement, vous verrez vos collaborateurs se prendre au jeu de l'am辿lioration, s'approprier de nouvelles techniques et 棚tres fiers de leurs succ竪s.
D辿couvrez notre offre RESOLVE.
Marie-Pia Ignace created the Lean IT Summit in 2011. She wrappud up the 6th edition reminding the audience why IT dramatically needs Lean management.
Watch the video of this presentation here:
Where to start a Lean journey by Marie-Pia IgnaceOperae Partners
In the closing session of the Lean IT Summit 2015, Marie-Pia Ignace, President of Institut Lean France and CEO of Operae Partners explained the basics of Lean: where to start, what to look for and what to focus on. More about Lean in IT on
Lean and digital transformation by R辿gis MedinaOperae Partners
What is the digital transformation about? Launching a new app? Being Agile? Using new technologies such as big data? No!
To succeed, a digital transformation requires to turn everyone into a smart creative. Step by step, R辿gis Medina Partner at Operae Partners explains the key contribution of Lean management in that journey.
Pr辿sentation de l'Obeya et du r担le du Chief Engineer pour faire collaborer les 辿quipes travers l'organisation et mener bien les projets les plus critiques pour l'entreprise.
Plus d agilit辿 avec le lean par R辿gis Medina Agile France 2013Operae Partners
Coacher des managers avec le Lean (Agile France 2013)Operae Partners
Le Lean fournit au coach un chemin pour m辿tamorphoser les managers en d辿veloppeurs de talent (hitozukuri en japonais), qui feront la joie des utilisateurs, des informaticiens et des patrons. Pr辿sentation effectu辿e la conf辿rence Agile France. Public vis辿 : coach agile.
Lean IT : Pourquoi l informatique a besoin du lean !Operae Partners
De sp辿cifications en qualifications, de d辿veloppement en production, l'informatique a besoin du lean management pour satisfaire son client.
"The myth of Certainty - Is implementation a naughty word?" by Steve BellOperae Partners
This document discusses challenges facing traditional approaches to enterprise IT management. It notes that enterprise IT has become fast, complex, competitive and disruptive. New technologies like mobile devices, social networking and cloud computing are driving more change. The traditional IT model focuses too much on keeping the lights on rather than innovation. It argues that doing new things is risky but necessary for transformation. Effective leadership is needed to guide IT through these challenges with competence rather than overconfidence.
"Make problems visible and users happy" by Catherine ChabironOperae Partners
The document discusses implementing work standards to improve accuracy and availability for users. It proposes defining work standards as a sequence of tasks to efficiently manage recurrent IT tasks. This would help make problems visible by identifying deviations from the standards and allow for continuous improvement. The document suggests starting with creating work standards for critical recurrent IT systems using a Failure Mode and Effects Analysis to establish best practices.
"Kaizen spirit in Design work" by Michael Ball辿Operae Partners
This document discusses applying lean principles to design work. It argues that focusing on eliminating waste and engaging employees can increase sales, profits and sustainability. Lean is built on mutual trust between customers, employees and management. The key aspects of lean design are continuous improvement (kaizen) and respect for people. Kaizen involves analyzing work in detail to understand and eliminate waste. The document outlines a lean design process involving understanding customer needs, set-based concurrent engineering to avoid rework, using standards, and preparing for production. It emphasizes that people, not systems, enable great design, and managers should act as teachers to develop employee skills and expertise.
"Our approach to Kaizen" by J Prochazka and M Chmelar Operae Partners
Tieto is a leading IT services company in Northern Europe with 18,000 professionals in nearly 30 countries. The authors are Lean coaches within Tieto who help transform teams and processes using a 14-week Lean framework. Their approach aims to increase customer satisfaction, productivity, and financial results through long-term thinking, problem solving, and continuous improvement led by empowered self-sufficient teams.
"Lean IT practices, from theory to application" by Mike OrzenOperae Partners
The document discusses applying lean principles to IT. It begins by explaining that value in IT comes from information, not functionality alone. It then describes how IT work can be visualized through multiple interconnected value streams. The document advocates understanding real work, streamlining communication, simplifying processes, and using hypothesis-driven problem solving. It provides an example of applying these principles to processing client records. Finally, it discusses challenges of continuous process improvement in IT and offers examples of areas where lean has been applied successfully.
"Information needs for the lean organization" by Jean CunninghamOperae Partners
The traditional cost statements and metrics will derail a lean transformation. Standard cost systems drive production to capacity rather than customer demand. Providing simple, easy, Jean Cunningham's presentation at the 1st European Lean IT Summit held in Paris in October 2011.
"Lean software development: discovering waste" by Mary PoppendieckOperae Partners
The document discusses lean principles for software development. It notes that standard lean tools designed for operations may not be appropriate for application development. Lean principles for development focus on building the right thing, building it right, and delivering fast through techniques like designing based on customer needs, reducing waste from extra features and handoffs, embedding quality through testing, and minimizing technical debt.
1) The CIO conducted 5 field experiments at a French bank to introduce lean principles and cultural change, including giving operational teams budgets to solve problems, using agile for a large project, and establishing a "devOps" model where development and operations teams work together.
2) One experiment involved establishing weekly problem-solving workshops at the customer service department to identify and address the root causes of issues through a PDCA (plan-do-check-act) process.
3) To further break down silos, the CIO advocated transitioning to a "devOps" model where development and operations teams jointly manage systems and are responsible for costs and incidents. This requires a cultural shift around responsibilities and job
"Creating a testing culture" by Mark StriebeckOperae Partners
The document discusses 10 things known to be true about testing at Google. It summarizes Google's approach to testing including focusing on unit testing, making tests fast by parallelizing and using continuous integration, storing all test results in a central system, and changing the culture over a long period by passionate change agents. Testing is integrated into daily work even during breaks, showing how Google aims to keep engineers thinking critically at all times.
"Scoping Lean IT: asking the right questions" by Daniel T JonesOperae Partners
A presentation by Daniel T Jones from The Lean Enterprise Academy at the 1st European Lean IT Summit held in Paris, France in October 2011.
Marie-Pia Ignace created the Lean IT Summit in 2011. She wrappud up the 6th edition reminding the audience why IT dramatically needs Lean management.
Watch the video of this presentation here:
Where to start a Lean journey by Marie-Pia IgnaceOperae Partners
In the closing session of the Lean IT Summit 2015, Marie-Pia Ignace, President of Institut Lean France and CEO of Operae Partners explained the basics of Lean: where to start, what to look for and what to focus on. More about Lean in IT on
Lean and digital transformation by R辿gis MedinaOperae Partners
What is the digital transformation about? Launching a new app? Being Agile? Using new technologies such as big data? No!
To succeed, a digital transformation requires to turn everyone into a smart creative. Step by step, R辿gis Medina Partner at Operae Partners explains the key contribution of Lean management in that journey.
Pr辿sentation de l'Obeya et du r担le du Chief Engineer pour faire collaborer les 辿quipes travers l'organisation et mener bien les projets les plus critiques pour l'entreprise.
Plus d agilit辿 avec le lean par R辿gis Medina Agile France 2013Operae Partners
Coacher des managers avec le Lean (Agile France 2013)Operae Partners
Le Lean fournit au coach un chemin pour m辿tamorphoser les managers en d辿veloppeurs de talent (hitozukuri en japonais), qui feront la joie des utilisateurs, des informaticiens et des patrons. Pr辿sentation effectu辿e la conf辿rence Agile France. Public vis辿 : coach agile.
Lean IT : Pourquoi l informatique a besoin du lean !Operae Partners
De sp辿cifications en qualifications, de d辿veloppement en production, l'informatique a besoin du lean management pour satisfaire son client.
"The myth of Certainty - Is implementation a naughty word?" by Steve BellOperae Partners
This document discusses challenges facing traditional approaches to enterprise IT management. It notes that enterprise IT has become fast, complex, competitive and disruptive. New technologies like mobile devices, social networking and cloud computing are driving more change. The traditional IT model focuses too much on keeping the lights on rather than innovation. It argues that doing new things is risky but necessary for transformation. Effective leadership is needed to guide IT through these challenges with competence rather than overconfidence.
"Make problems visible and users happy" by Catherine ChabironOperae Partners
The document discusses implementing work standards to improve accuracy and availability for users. It proposes defining work standards as a sequence of tasks to efficiently manage recurrent IT tasks. This would help make problems visible by identifying deviations from the standards and allow for continuous improvement. The document suggests starting with creating work standards for critical recurrent IT systems using a Failure Mode and Effects Analysis to establish best practices.
"Kaizen spirit in Design work" by Michael Ball辿Operae Partners
This document discusses applying lean principles to design work. It argues that focusing on eliminating waste and engaging employees can increase sales, profits and sustainability. Lean is built on mutual trust between customers, employees and management. The key aspects of lean design are continuous improvement (kaizen) and respect for people. Kaizen involves analyzing work in detail to understand and eliminate waste. The document outlines a lean design process involving understanding customer needs, set-based concurrent engineering to avoid rework, using standards, and preparing for production. It emphasizes that people, not systems, enable great design, and managers should act as teachers to develop employee skills and expertise.
"Our approach to Kaizen" by J Prochazka and M Chmelar Operae Partners
Tieto is a leading IT services company in Northern Europe with 18,000 professionals in nearly 30 countries. The authors are Lean coaches within Tieto who help transform teams and processes using a 14-week Lean framework. Their approach aims to increase customer satisfaction, productivity, and financial results through long-term thinking, problem solving, and continuous improvement led by empowered self-sufficient teams.
"Lean IT practices, from theory to application" by Mike OrzenOperae Partners
The document discusses applying lean principles to IT. It begins by explaining that value in IT comes from information, not functionality alone. It then describes how IT work can be visualized through multiple interconnected value streams. The document advocates understanding real work, streamlining communication, simplifying processes, and using hypothesis-driven problem solving. It provides an example of applying these principles to processing client records. Finally, it discusses challenges of continuous process improvement in IT and offers examples of areas where lean has been applied successfully.
"Information needs for the lean organization" by Jean CunninghamOperae Partners
The traditional cost statements and metrics will derail a lean transformation. Standard cost systems drive production to capacity rather than customer demand. Providing simple, easy, Jean Cunningham's presentation at the 1st European Lean IT Summit held in Paris in October 2011.
"Lean software development: discovering waste" by Mary PoppendieckOperae Partners
The document discusses lean principles for software development. It notes that standard lean tools designed for operations may not be appropriate for application development. Lean principles for development focus on building the right thing, building it right, and delivering fast through techniques like designing based on customer needs, reducing waste from extra features and handoffs, embedding quality through testing, and minimizing technical debt.
1) The CIO conducted 5 field experiments at a French bank to introduce lean principles and cultural change, including giving operational teams budgets to solve problems, using agile for a large project, and establishing a "devOps" model where development and operations teams work together.
2) One experiment involved establishing weekly problem-solving workshops at the customer service department to identify and address the root causes of issues through a PDCA (plan-do-check-act) process.
3) To further break down silos, the CIO advocated transitioning to a "devOps" model where development and operations teams jointly manage systems and are responsible for costs and incidents. This requires a cultural shift around responsibilities and job
"Creating a testing culture" by Mark StriebeckOperae Partners
The document discusses 10 things known to be true about testing at Google. It summarizes Google's approach to testing including focusing on unit testing, making tests fast by parallelizing and using continuous integration, storing all test results in a central system, and changing the culture over a long period by passionate change agents. Testing is integrated into daily work even during breaks, showing how Google aims to keep engineers thinking critically at all times.
"Scoping Lean IT: asking the right questions" by Daniel T JonesOperae Partners
A presentation by Daniel T Jones from The Lean Enterprise Academy at the 1st European Lean IT Summit held in Paris, France in October 2011.