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Perfecting our Salat (Namaz)
Once in a sermon, before the Fridayprayer,Iheardthatsalat (namaz) iscomposedof botha bodyand a
soul. The body represents the outwardactsof standing,bowing,prostrating,etc. Whereas, the soul is
the appropriate internal andmental state of the worshipperwithoutwhichsalatislike adeadbody
incapable of reformingindividualsandsocieties. Inthisarticle, the focusis on the internal andmental
state - the soul - of salat.
At the beginningof salat,we mustrealize thatwe are aboutto standand communicate withour
Creator,Nurturerand Master andwe are doingso forHis pleasure only.Duringthe salat,we should be
aware of the fact that we are conversingwithThe Absolute KingandGovernorof all thatexists.Hence,
we shoulddo our bestto summonthe deepest humility,concentration, reverence andcalmness inour
salat.The necessarymental states are easiertobringabout if we understandthe meaningof the words
we say in our salat andby prayingincongregation.
Duringsalat, our concentrationcanwaverand our thoughtsmaystray towardsour family,work,etc.
However,the periodicproclamationsof Allah-u-akbar(Godisgreater) shouldremindusthatAllahis
greaterthan whateverwe maybe thinking, worryingorday-dreamingabout.Thus, facilitatingour
concentrationbackto our salat.
Duringsujood(prostration) we must rememberthatwe are the closesttoour Lovingand Generous
Master. The sujoodhasto be made withadoration,humilityandgratitude.Meditatingonthe
innumerableblessings of ourLovingandGenerous Mastercan bringaboutgenuine gratitude and
adoration.Similarly,meditatingonnatural phenomenon suchasrain, the resultinggrowthof plantsand
fruitsandthe movementof planetscanhelpfosterhumilityinourhearts.
Of all ourdailyactivities,salatshouldbe the numberone priority- the actwe wantto perfectthe most.
Alongwithpersonal striving,the helpof The Almightyhastobe sought in thislifelongendeavor. Hence,
our belovedProphet(maypeace andthe blessingsof Allahbe uponhim) taughtustosay afterevery
salat,O Allah,Iseekyourhelptorememberyou,tobe grateful toyou and to worshipyouina beautiful

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Perfecting our Salat (Namaz)

  • 1. Perfecting our Salat (Namaz) Once in a sermon, before the Fridayprayer,Iheardthatsalat (namaz) iscomposedof botha bodyand a soul. The body represents the outwardactsof standing,bowing,prostrating,etc. Whereas, the soul is the appropriate internal andmental state of the worshipperwithoutwhichsalatislike adeadbody incapable of reformingindividualsandsocieties. Inthisarticle, the focusis on the internal andmental state - the soul - of salat. At the beginningof salat,we mustrealize thatwe are aboutto standand communicate withour Creator,Nurturerand Master andwe are doingso forHis pleasure only.Duringthe salat,we should be aware of the fact that we are conversingwithThe Absolute KingandGovernorof all thatexists.Hence, we shoulddo our bestto summonthe deepest humility,concentration, reverence andcalmness inour salat.The necessarymental states are easiertobringabout if we understandthe meaningof the words we say in our salat andby prayingincongregation. Duringsalat, our concentrationcanwaverand our thoughtsmaystray towardsour family,work,etc. However,the periodicproclamationsof Allah-u-akbar(Godisgreater) shouldremindusthatAllahis greaterthan whateverwe maybe thinking, worryingorday-dreamingabout.Thus, facilitatingour concentrationbackto our salat. Duringsujood(prostration) we must rememberthatwe are the closesttoour Lovingand Generous Master. The sujoodhasto be made withadoration,humilityandgratitude.Meditatingonthe innumerableblessings of ourLovingandGenerous Mastercan bringaboutgenuine gratitude and adoration.Similarly,meditatingonnatural phenomenon suchasrain, the resultinggrowthof plantsand fruitsandthe movementof planetscanhelpfosterhumilityinourhearts. Of all ourdailyactivities,salatshouldbe the numberone priority- the actwe wantto perfectthe most. Alongwithpersonal striving,the helpof The Almightyhastobe sought in thislifelongendeavor. Hence, our belovedProphet(maypeace andthe blessingsof Allahbe uponhim) taughtustosay afterevery salat,O Allah,Iseekyourhelptorememberyou,tobe grateful toyou and to worshipyouina beautiful manner.