The document discusses the importance of maximizing flexibility in organizational performance measurement. It states that performance measures should reflect objectives, be useful for decision making, and focus on key performance areas. The document advocates for balancing financial and non-financial, lead and lag measures. It also emphasizes allowing flexible reporting of measures over time and across organizational levels to provide management with a comprehensive view of performance.
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Performance measurement whitepaper
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2. CAMMS Whitepaper
In todays intensely competitive and 鍖nancially unstable environment, an organisations
performance is critical. I am a 鍖rm believer that performance management done well can
transform an organisation, making it ultimately more successful in its everyday activities and
business processes, 鍖owing through to the achievement of its highest level strategic goals.
However, as in鍖uential management consultant Peter Drucker said What gets measured gets
managed. All too often organisations arent e鍖ectively or e鍖ciently measuring what they
doing and factoring this into their decision making and future development.
Measures (or KPIs) should exist at all levels of the organisation and a successful performance
management system creates a network of measures that enable performers at all levels to see
and measure their impact on critical organisation outputs. The key is to ensure that your
organisation creates e鍖ective measures that enable 鍖exibility of reporting in the future.
What makes a good measure?
Each organisation needs to decide for itself what performance measures are important and
need to be collected and reported upon. It is worth remembering the words of Robert S.
Kaplan and David P. Norton, creators of the balanced scorecard, Measure what you want, not
want what you can measure.
By striking a balance in its performance measurement system, a company compiles a more
complete picture of how it's doing. This comprehensive picture enables executives and
managers to learn from mistakes, constantly improve, and make the smartest possible
Performance measures should
re鍖ect corporate objectives and be linked to the organisations plans (strategic and
be useful for decision making and/or required for reporting
be simple, understandable and interpretable
be measurable and quanti鍖able
be capable of being collected regularly and consistently to re鍖ect trends
be cost e鍖ective to collect, analyse and report
focus on key areas of performance, not all areas of performance
where appropriate, be linked to a standard and be able to be benchmarked
Balance is key to a strong performance measurement system. E鍖ective performance
measurement provides that comprehensive range of information with which a company can
gauge its performance. Achieving the balance in measures includes consideration of the
The importance
of maximising o inputs, outputs and outcomes
o 鍖nancial and non-鍖nancial
鍖exibility in o lead and lag
managing your o quality, quantity, timeliness and cost
3. CAMMS Whitepaper
The need for 鍖exibility in measures for reporting purposes
Traditionally performance measurement softwares focus has been on simple and rigid
tracking of key performance indicator data. This is 鍖ne if you only want to report on your
measures in a narrow context on an ongoing basis.
However, a more considered approach to what it most useful to management and employees
in performance tracking, combined with new technology, has enabled a more 鍖exible and
dynamic approach to performance measurement.
CAMMS has incorporated this functionality and 鍖exibility into its suite of software products,
to enable organisations to:
link KPIs by a simple drag and drop at any level of the organisation or planning structure
automatically roll down and roll up KPIs at any level
setup calculated KPIs
allow both YTD and current period views of performance
automate tracking of KPIs from other corporate software applications
weight KPIs within Scorecards at any level
perform trend analysis on KPI data over time
use KPIs to empower the organisation on multiple fronts
on screen graphical analysis with multiple customisation options
Case Study City of Boroondara
The City of Boroondara is a metropolitan council, representing more than 165,000 people in
the inner-eastern suburbs of Melbourne. The Council has been using CAMMS interplan速
solution for 5 years to bring their performance management framework to life through its
integration of planning, measurement, reporting and resource allocation.
In June 2011 at the Australasian Reporting Awards in Melbourne, the Council won the coveted
2011 Report of the Year, for their Annual Report 2009-10, over Australian business giants BHP
Billiton, Telstra and Woodside Petroleum. The awards are designed to promote excellence in
report writing and are open to all public companies including the major industrials and banks
as well as non-for-pro鍖t and public sector organisations.
2011 Mayor of Boroondara Councillor Nicholas Tragas said "The quality of this report is greatly
assisted by our rigorous internal reporting regime aimed at e鍖cient operations on behalf of
our community."
Tragas believes the collation of correct and timely information encourages better
decision-making. Reliable software is crucial to this process. "If you have a good repository to
capture tangible, recorded information, you're on the way there," he says.
In Conclusion
The importance There is increasing pressure on Local Government to improve management, performance and
of maximising transparency across all service areas. CAMMS believes the development of a more 鍖exible
approach to performance measures and improved reporting analysis will provide long term
鍖exibility in bene鍖ts to the sector and individual organisations.
managing your CAMMS suite of integrated solutions has been helping organisations worldwide drive
organisational performance for nearly 10 years.
4. Organise a demonstration and see the di鍖erence 鍖rst hand by contacting:
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