What about perfume brands and their websites ? Do the luxury brands who create these wonderful fragrances make the customer live on their websites experiences as exceptional as their creations ?
The concept of Luxemosphere created by Luxe Corp and Uch辿 Okonkwo can help us to make a sensorial analysis of this. This kind of approach keeps being inexperienced but is really fruitful.
After viewing these slides, you will not wonder anymore why the thema of the Club e-Luxe Breakfast Seminar 2013 is exactly : Sensory Luxury - Using digital media as the 6th sense to connect the Online & the Offline Worlds of Luxury (http://www.luxe-etc.com/fr/index.php/events/club-e-luxe-breakfast-seminar-2013-announcement-page/ ) ...
Website navigation is critical to the success of your user experience. Your visitors may use primary or secondary options to navigate through the pages like drop downs, mega navs, speaking blocks, breadcrumbs, footers, sitemaps
This document outlines a new business model for the fragrance industry using disposable perfume capsules dispensed from a machine. The model proposes selling the capsules through clubs, transportation hubs, condominiums, public places, and everywhere as an alternative to traditional perfume bottles.
This document outlines the responsibilities and experience of an individual for business development, product development, marketing, sales management, supply chain management, and brand management roles. Some key responsibilities include developing fragrances and cosmetics, creating marketing plans, managing sales targets and forecasts, overseeing distribution and key accounts, launching new brands and products, and providing sales training. The individual has over 8 years of experience in the industry and has successfully launched numerous fragrances and cosmetic lines for major brands.
Factors Affecting Buyer Behaviour With Regards To PerfumeAbid Siddiqui
The perfume market in India has grown substantially over the past decade and is influenced by various cultural, social, personal and situational factors. Culturally, religion and changing social norms have impacted demand. Socially, reference groups like family and friends, as well as factors like age, gender and income influence purchasing decisions. Personal characteristics such as lifestyle, personality and motives also shape behavior. Situational triggers include availability, location and mood. The buying process typically involves an initiator who influences consideration, followed by an influencer, a decider who chooses the product, and a buyer who makes the purchase.
Production of Flavours and Perfumes with FormulationsAjjay Kumar Gupta
Perfumes and Flavours are a harmonious combination of natural and / or synthetic ingredients essential to lend taste and smell to food, pharmaceutical, personal care, fabric care and household care products, pleasing the senses in totality. Supposing Perfumes and flavours are eliminated from use our, life will become dull and boring, not good enough to live. Thankfully, today Perfumes and flavours are present throughout all levels of product right from an expensive one to the cheapest and play an invaluable role by its performance and signal attributes to take care of this emotional need, stimulating as well as calming or relaxing the user. The flavour and Perfumes industry in India is fragmented, with top global players and local players of various sizes competing in the same marketplace.
See more
Art of flavour-making, Book of flavours with formulations, Book of perfumes with formulations, Business guidance for flavours industry, Business guidance for perfumes industry, Business Plan for a Startup Business, Essential oil perfume spray, Flavor and Fragrance Market in India, Flavor Formulations, Flavor making Formulas, Flavor Making Small Business Manufacturing, Flavour and fragrance companies in India, Flavour and Fragrance Cosmetics Business, Flavour and Fragrance Industry, Flavouring Formulation, flavours and perfumes manufacturing Business, flavours making machine factory, Flower perfumes, Formulas for Flavours, Formulating a synthetic perfume, Formulation & preparation of flavours, Formulation and Production of Flavour, Formulation of perfume, Fragrance formulas, Fragrance industry in India, Fragrances and Flavours Opportunities & Challenges, How perfume is made, How to Make a Natural Perfume, How to make perfume from flowers, How to Make Perfume Using Flowers, How to Make Perfume with Essential Oils, How to make perfume?, How to Make Your Own Floral Perfume, How to Start a flavours Production Business, How to start a fragrance line, How to Start a Perfume Business, How to start a perfume business in India, How to Start a Perfumes Production Business, How to start a successful flavours and perfumes business, How to Start Perfumes and flavours Industry in India, How to start perfumes and flavours making industry?, Indian fragrance & flavour industry, Indian perfume industry, Is perfume business profitable?, List of perfume industry in India, Make Your Own Perfume with Essential Oils, Making Flowers into Perfume, Making perfume, Most Profitable Perfumes and flavours Business Ideas, Opening up the future of flavours in India, Perfume aromatics, Perfume business, Perfume business ideas, Perfume business in India, Perfume business opportunity, Perfume business plan, Perfume business start up, Perfume Formulas, Perfume formulations
Definition, History, Notes in perfume, Classification of perfume, Aromatic sources, Manufacturing, Ingredients causing allergic reactions, attar, types of attar, difference between attar and perfume, reasons behind using perfume, leading brands of perfume.
Cosmetics and perfumes have been used for thousands of years to enhance beauty and provide pleasant smells. Perfume is created by combining fragrant essential oils, aroma compounds, and solvents. Ancient Egyptians were among the first cultures to incorporate perfumes, which were made from plant parts like bark, flowers, fruits, leaves, resins, roots, and woods, as well as substances like ambergris, castoreum, civet, hyraceum, and honeycomb. Common fragrance compounds include calone, linalool, coumarin, and white musk, while solvents include acetone, benzaldehyde, benzyl acetate, benzyl alcohol, camphor, ethanol, and
This document discusses websites, their purpose, common conventions, and how to analyze them. It suggests websites are used to generate and engage fans, promote artists, and build brands. Typical website features include navigation bars, logos, content areas, and social media links. The document instructs to label features on websites, perform textual analysis of design elements, and create a mock band website with analysis for skills development.
This document discusses branding and marketing strategies for real estate professionals. It defines what a brand is and provides tips for creating a unique personal brand by identifying passions, expertise, and what clients have in common with the business. The document then outlines steps to market the brand, including creating business cards, email promotions, and promoting across social media. It discusses using blogs and websites to share content and create an online community. Overall, the document provides a comprehensive guide to developing a brand and marketing plan for real estate professionals.
Luxury Brands (15th Alex Marketing Club) by Mr.Mohamed AttiaMahmoud Bahgat
Luxury Brands (15th Alex Marketing Club) by Mr.Mohamed Attia
to attend & Get the Address Confirm to me on Pvt WhatsApp
Only If you are a Marketer Register as a member & or a Speaker in the link
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*(悋悋惘惠惘慍 悴惘惡悋惠 悽悋惶悸)*
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Marketing club 19 (Future)
Marketing club 20 (Future)
Marketing Club Middle East
Since 29 October 2015
We have 7 groups whatsapp
with 750 marketers
From all middle east
since 9 years
& now 13 more groups
For Marketing Club Lovers as future Marketers
Many non Marketers yet have asked to Attend the Club
((We Wish All can Attend,But Cant right now but soon we will..))
Criteria for attending Marketing Club Meetings
For Better Harmony & Mind set.
Must be only Marketer
Also Previous Marketing experience
Business Managers
Country Manager,GM
Directors, CEO
Are most welcomed to add Value to us.
*Unmatched Criteria* till we allow all soon
Not Med Rep,
Not Key Account,
Not Product Specialist,
Not Sales Supervisor,
Not Sales Manager,
But till you become a marketer
you can join our What'sApp group
Marketing Lover Future Club Group
*Unmatched Criteria*
For Conflict of Interest
Also Can't attend
If Working in a Marketing Services Provider
=not Hotel or tourism
=not Restaurant
=not Advertising
=not Event Manager
=not Market Researcher
this Club for Only Marketers
Soon will open for all
Very Soon we will have
Business Leaders Club
For Sales Managers & Directors
Will be Not for Marketers
悴惘惡 惶忰悸 悋悋惘惠悴 惡 惺悋愕惡
#Marketing_Club Group on Facebook
Now we can talk freely In all marketing topics
As open discussion all the time
On our Facebook group
Without disturbing anyone
on our 16 what'sApp groups
To keep what's app groups simple &to the point
Only 2 or 3 posts daily
悋惠 惡惘悋忰惠 惺 悋愕惡
悽 悋悋惠愕悋惡 惶惘 惠惡 惡愕惠悋惠 悋悸 愀 忰惠 悋 慍惺悴 悋悋愕
悋愆惠惘 悋悛 惶忰悸 悋愕惡
悋愆惠惘 悋悛 悴惘惡 悋愕惡
惠愕悴 惡悋惠 惠惶 惡惺惷 悋忰悋惷惘悋惠 悖 惺悋悋
This document discusses how physical evidence and servicescapes can help close the gap between service design and standards. It provides examples of how Marriott uses distinctive servicescapes to create uniquely branded experiences for each of their hotel brands from luxury to budget. The servicescapes are carefully designed with elements like lobby areas, restaurants, and guest rooms tailored to match the targeted customer segment and brand strategy. Physical evidence can influence customer experience through clues that shape impressions and feelings. Well-designed servicescapes can package the service, facilitate the customer and employee experience, encourage socialization, and differentiate a business from its competitors.
This document provides an overview of search engine optimization (SEO) best practices. It discusses the importance of content, keywords, updates, and links. Specifically, it recommends choosing relevant keyword phrases and placing them throughout pages on the site. It also stresses the need to regularly create and update content to keep search engines engaged. Additionally, the document outlines strategies for obtaining high-quality external links from other sites through link building campaigns and social media engagement. The overall goal of SEO, according to the document, is to optimize content and keywords while increasing accessibility and links to improve search engine rankings.
Luxury Experiences and Digital StrategyAdv Media Lab
The document discusses how luxury brands are integrating digital experiences to redefine luxury. It notes that while luxury brands aim to convey exclusivity online, their digital experiences often lack user-friendliness. The document provides examples of how luxury brands can use digital to engage customers through social media, cultural content, and exclusive online communities while still conveying the exclusivity of the brand. It emphasizes the importance of good design, user experience, and customer service for luxury brands' digital initiatives.
Its quite common for luxury brands to apply their strong branding values of exclusivity and differentiation to the online space. However, these values are often applied at the expense of user experience...
"Websites for Artists"
What makes a Successful Artist Website
Hand with paintbrush by Limkis
SEO chain: Freepik
Geometrical Background: Freepik
Creating, Curating, and Putting Great Content to UseVigLink
PostRelease was created to drive discovery of content by making content distribution scalable and measurable. It allows advertisers to create campaigns that are analyzed and placed on relevant sites. Publishers can install a single line of code to participate. The platform provides reporting for visitors, reads and clicks for advertisers and publishers. Placements are clearly disclosed as advertiser generated content.
Navigation design alternatives for websitesCarolyn King
Presentation done for Brisbane Web Design Meetup (18 Nov 2010) about what I learned about website navigation design in 2010, including a look back at web designs from the 1990s and a review of current styles of navigation.
Website designers and software EngineersRajesh Grover
A web site is a presentation, communication, learning, and teaching tool as well as a marketing tool. When creating a website, it is important to think about the purpose of the site, target audience, and what will bring the audience back. Key rules for website design include considering the user perspective, allowing some user control, ensuring visual content relates to functionality, respecting interface conventions, and understanding web medium constraints. The steps to build a website are to gather images and files, choose a design tool, and start designing pages while saving work frequently.
Digital user experience specialists Yourmum featured in the Effective Digital Marketing Strategies workshop at the International Institute for Product and Service Innovation. The presentation discusses the benefits of having a user experience focus when designing websites/web applications etc and the process for effective digital user experience implementation .
Decoding Digital Week 2: Design & ImplementationSymphony3
In week two we discussed how businesses can go about designing and implementing a website. We look at a website brief, choosing and CMS and website design.
The document discusses how businesses can use the internet. It covers the history of the internet from ARPANET to modern browsers. It then discusses how businesses can use the internet for marketing, advertising, e-commerce, research, customer feedback, and finding suppliers. The document also covers what branding is and provides 7 steps to creating a brand, including defining products/services, target markets, customer needs, emotions, personality, and standardizing elements for recognition. It emphasizes that a website should integrate brand elements to reflect connections and create a mood supporting the organization's story.
The Age of Emotional and Experience DesignDenise Jacobs
The document summarizes the evolution of web design from the early 1990s to the present. It discusses four key eras: 1) 1992-1996, the early "World Wide Web" era with basic HTML and early browsers. 2) 1997-2001, the dot-com boom era with expanding HTML and CSS usage and the rise of commercial websites. 3) 2002-2007, the era of web standards and the beginnings of ubiquitous access. 4) 2008-present, the modern era emphasizing standards-based design, emotional and experience design, and designing for all devices and environments. The document advocates focusing on potential, having aspirations, and being responsible to shape the future of web design.
This document provides guidance on creating an effective website. It discusses defining the website's purpose, creating relevant and up-to-date content, using an accessible and usable design, selecting an appropriate domain name, and ensuring the site is contactable. It also covers measuring performance and keeping the site updated over time. The overall aim is to equip readers with an understanding of the human and technical elements needed to achieve a successful website.
This document provides an overview of a branding course, including session topics, assigned readings, and course objectives. Some key points:
- The course covers topics like creating brand value, brand positioning, building brand equity, and brand research methods.
- Sessions explore strategic brand management processes and frameworks, including customer-based brand equity and Keller's brand resonance pyramid.
- Brand designing is distinguished from brand building, and the document outlines factors that go into creating a brand's identity and visualizing it, like logo, colors, and language.
- Brand positioning and repositioning are discussed in the context of points of parity, points of difference, and ensuring differences are relevant, distinctive, credible and communicable
Presentation given by Ben Pilgrim and Andy Butland of Zone at the Umbraco "Show & Tell" event held in London, on 31st March 2017. The theme of the day was the Umbraco editorial experience.
Back to Basics: Getting the Content Essentials Rightdclsocialmedia
In this session well consider what we might be neglecting in our rush to be exciting and trendy. Well explore the content essentials, and look at how an organization can manage and plan for them.
More Related Content
Similar to Perfume brands websites and sensoriality (20)
This document discusses websites, their purpose, common conventions, and how to analyze them. It suggests websites are used to generate and engage fans, promote artists, and build brands. Typical website features include navigation bars, logos, content areas, and social media links. The document instructs to label features on websites, perform textual analysis of design elements, and create a mock band website with analysis for skills development.
This document discusses branding and marketing strategies for real estate professionals. It defines what a brand is and provides tips for creating a unique personal brand by identifying passions, expertise, and what clients have in common with the business. The document then outlines steps to market the brand, including creating business cards, email promotions, and promoting across social media. It discusses using blogs and websites to share content and create an online community. Overall, the document provides a comprehensive guide to developing a brand and marketing plan for real estate professionals.
Luxury Brands (15th Alex Marketing Club) by Mr.Mohamed AttiaMahmoud Bahgat
Luxury Brands (15th Alex Marketing Club) by Mr.Mohamed Attia
to attend & Get the Address Confirm to me on Pvt WhatsApp
Only If you are a Marketer Register as a member & or a Speaker in the link
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悖 悋悒惺悋悋惠 悋悖悋惘 悋惠惡 悋惠愕
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*(悋悋惘惠惘慍 悴惘惡悋惠 悽悋惶悸)*
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Marketing club 19 (Future)
Marketing club 20 (Future)
Marketing Club Middle East
Since 29 October 2015
We have 7 groups whatsapp
with 750 marketers
From all middle east
since 9 years
& now 13 more groups
For Marketing Club Lovers as future Marketers
Many non Marketers yet have asked to Attend the Club
((We Wish All can Attend,But Cant right now but soon we will..))
Criteria for attending Marketing Club Meetings
For Better Harmony & Mind set.
Must be only Marketer
Also Previous Marketing experience
Business Managers
Country Manager,GM
Directors, CEO
Are most welcomed to add Value to us.
*Unmatched Criteria* till we allow all soon
Not Med Rep,
Not Key Account,
Not Product Specialist,
Not Sales Supervisor,
Not Sales Manager,
But till you become a marketer
you can join our What'sApp group
Marketing Lover Future Club Group
*Unmatched Criteria*
For Conflict of Interest
Also Can't attend
If Working in a Marketing Services Provider
=not Hotel or tourism
=not Restaurant
=not Advertising
=not Event Manager
=not Market Researcher
this Club for Only Marketers
Soon will open for all
Very Soon we will have
Business Leaders Club
For Sales Managers & Directors
Will be Not for Marketers
悴惘惡 惶忰悸 悋悋惘惠悴 惡 惺悋愕惡
#Marketing_Club Group on Facebook
Now we can talk freely In all marketing topics
As open discussion all the time
On our Facebook group
Without disturbing anyone
on our 16 what'sApp groups
To keep what's app groups simple &to the point
Only 2 or 3 posts daily
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悽 悋悋惠愕悋惡 惶惘 惠惡 惡愕惠悋惠 悋悸 愀 忰惠 悋 慍惺悴 悋悋愕
悋愆惠惘 悋悛 惶忰悸 悋愕惡
悋愆惠惘 悋悛 悴惘惡 悋愕惡
惠愕悴 惡悋惠 惠惶 惡惺惷 悋忰悋惷惘悋惠 悖 惺悋悋
This document discusses how physical evidence and servicescapes can help close the gap between service design and standards. It provides examples of how Marriott uses distinctive servicescapes to create uniquely branded experiences for each of their hotel brands from luxury to budget. The servicescapes are carefully designed with elements like lobby areas, restaurants, and guest rooms tailored to match the targeted customer segment and brand strategy. Physical evidence can influence customer experience through clues that shape impressions and feelings. Well-designed servicescapes can package the service, facilitate the customer and employee experience, encourage socialization, and differentiate a business from its competitors.
This document provides an overview of search engine optimization (SEO) best practices. It discusses the importance of content, keywords, updates, and links. Specifically, it recommends choosing relevant keyword phrases and placing them throughout pages on the site. It also stresses the need to regularly create and update content to keep search engines engaged. Additionally, the document outlines strategies for obtaining high-quality external links from other sites through link building campaigns and social media engagement. The overall goal of SEO, according to the document, is to optimize content and keywords while increasing accessibility and links to improve search engine rankings.
Luxury Experiences and Digital StrategyAdv Media Lab
The document discusses how luxury brands are integrating digital experiences to redefine luxury. It notes that while luxury brands aim to convey exclusivity online, their digital experiences often lack user-friendliness. The document provides examples of how luxury brands can use digital to engage customers through social media, cultural content, and exclusive online communities while still conveying the exclusivity of the brand. It emphasizes the importance of good design, user experience, and customer service for luxury brands' digital initiatives.
Its quite common for luxury brands to apply their strong branding values of exclusivity and differentiation to the online space. However, these values are often applied at the expense of user experience...
"Websites for Artists"
What makes a Successful Artist Website
Hand with paintbrush by Limkis
SEO chain: Freepik
Geometrical Background: Freepik
Creating, Curating, and Putting Great Content to UseVigLink
PostRelease was created to drive discovery of content by making content distribution scalable and measurable. It allows advertisers to create campaigns that are analyzed and placed on relevant sites. Publishers can install a single line of code to participate. The platform provides reporting for visitors, reads and clicks for advertisers and publishers. Placements are clearly disclosed as advertiser generated content.
Navigation design alternatives for websitesCarolyn King
Presentation done for Brisbane Web Design Meetup (18 Nov 2010) about what I learned about website navigation design in 2010, including a look back at web designs from the 1990s and a review of current styles of navigation.
Website designers and software EngineersRajesh Grover
A web site is a presentation, communication, learning, and teaching tool as well as a marketing tool. When creating a website, it is important to think about the purpose of the site, target audience, and what will bring the audience back. Key rules for website design include considering the user perspective, allowing some user control, ensuring visual content relates to functionality, respecting interface conventions, and understanding web medium constraints. The steps to build a website are to gather images and files, choose a design tool, and start designing pages while saving work frequently.
Digital user experience specialists Yourmum featured in the Effective Digital Marketing Strategies workshop at the International Institute for Product and Service Innovation. The presentation discusses the benefits of having a user experience focus when designing websites/web applications etc and the process for effective digital user experience implementation .
Decoding Digital Week 2: Design & ImplementationSymphony3
In week two we discussed how businesses can go about designing and implementing a website. We look at a website brief, choosing and CMS and website design.
The document discusses how businesses can use the internet. It covers the history of the internet from ARPANET to modern browsers. It then discusses how businesses can use the internet for marketing, advertising, e-commerce, research, customer feedback, and finding suppliers. The document also covers what branding is and provides 7 steps to creating a brand, including defining products/services, target markets, customer needs, emotions, personality, and standardizing elements for recognition. It emphasizes that a website should integrate brand elements to reflect connections and create a mood supporting the organization's story.
The Age of Emotional and Experience DesignDenise Jacobs
The document summarizes the evolution of web design from the early 1990s to the present. It discusses four key eras: 1) 1992-1996, the early "World Wide Web" era with basic HTML and early browsers. 2) 1997-2001, the dot-com boom era with expanding HTML and CSS usage and the rise of commercial websites. 3) 2002-2007, the era of web standards and the beginnings of ubiquitous access. 4) 2008-present, the modern era emphasizing standards-based design, emotional and experience design, and designing for all devices and environments. The document advocates focusing on potential, having aspirations, and being responsible to shape the future of web design.
This document provides guidance on creating an effective website. It discusses defining the website's purpose, creating relevant and up-to-date content, using an accessible and usable design, selecting an appropriate domain name, and ensuring the site is contactable. It also covers measuring performance and keeping the site updated over time. The overall aim is to equip readers with an understanding of the human and technical elements needed to achieve a successful website.
This document provides an overview of a branding course, including session topics, assigned readings, and course objectives. Some key points:
- The course covers topics like creating brand value, brand positioning, building brand equity, and brand research methods.
- Sessions explore strategic brand management processes and frameworks, including customer-based brand equity and Keller's brand resonance pyramid.
- Brand designing is distinguished from brand building, and the document outlines factors that go into creating a brand's identity and visualizing it, like logo, colors, and language.
- Brand positioning and repositioning are discussed in the context of points of parity, points of difference, and ensuring differences are relevant, distinctive, credible and communicable
Presentation given by Ben Pilgrim and Andy Butland of Zone at the Umbraco "Show & Tell" event held in London, on 31st March 2017. The theme of the day was the Umbraco editorial experience.
Back to Basics: Getting the Content Essentials Rightdclsocialmedia
In this session well consider what we might be neglecting in our rush to be exciting and trendy. Well explore the content essentials, and look at how an organization can manage and plan for them.
2. Perfume and website
A fragrance cannot be tested without beeing smelled. That is why
it is alwas accompanied by a universe, a dream, values.
The problem is especially acute on a website : except concerning
experimental devices, a fragrance cannot be smelled through the
So how to make Internet users experience indirectly a luxury
perfume ?
3. 3 points that must be kept in mind
1. Creation of universes potential on the web has a priori no limit.
2. The presence of luxury brands on the web is still discussed today. As a
consequence, creativity and avant-gardism of these brands are seldom
deployed on their websites (save for some exceptions).
3. On the other hand, luxury consumers are expecting them to create as
extraodinary experiences on their websites as they do in their flagships.
4. The problem : how can a luxury perfume
brand website satisfy new expectations
of luxury consumers ?
5. starting point : the 束 Luxemosphere 損
Lorna Chicksand (Birmingam Business School) and Rachel Knowles
(Brandscape) brought into prominence the concept of 束 webmosphere 損 during
the IBM e-business conference in 2002 : it is about developing a specific
atmosphere on the Internet context. In their view webmospherics is directly
linked to five human senses.
Luxemosphere is a concept created by Luxe Corps analysts and its CEO Uch辿
Okonkwo, who explains it in her book Luxury Online. Styles, Systems,
Strategies.The matter is now creating a prestigious atmosphere on a luxury
brand website, as exceptional as it can be the case in the other interactions with
the brand. 束 It is about creating an exceptional online experience for every
person visiting and revisiting the website 損. As for the webmosphere,
luxemosphere is linked to the senses.
6. Testing fragance house websites with luxumospheric
criteria (1/4)
Strong welcome page introduction
High-impact home page
Brand specific design concept
Harmonized color scheme
High-pixel and relevant images
Clear text font style
Legible text font size
Full-screen mode
Relevant avatars
Balanced graphics
7. Testing fragance house websites with luxumospheric
criteria (2/4)
Brand identity-specific sound
Music variety
Multiple music options
Sound control tools
Section-specific background sound
Click-sound necessity
Voice narration choices
Balanced tone, pitch and tempo
Text listening options
Text translation possibilities
8. Testing fragance house websites with luxumospheric
criteria (3/4)
Scent emission
18. The main trends
Only Thierry Muglers website is really luxemospheric because of its strong polysensoriality.
Two others are not far from having a luxemosphere : Viktor & Rolf and Paco Rabanne.
These 3 brands are young and avant-gardist compared to the other small or
traditionnal perfume makers.
All the brands stimulate smell except Chanel and Herm竪s. They either explain the smells or
describe universes related to the fragrances or send samples.
There is de facto a relationship between sending samples and having an e-boutique.
Although it seems logical, these relationship is a priori not a necessity.
19. Some of the best practices 1/2
Very strong universe
Balanced graphics
http://www.viktor-rolf.com and especially its Secret Service :
Brand identity specific sounds
Brand specific design concept
3D experience
Exceptional and rich universe
20. Some of the best practices 2/2
http://www.pacorabanne.com/ and especially http://www.pacorabanne.com/blackxs/uk/your-
Very strong and immersive universe
A real interactivity
One of the most interesting experience
Couldnt other brands and especially luxury brands learn from these
practices and get websites as exceptional as they are offline ?
21. Discussion to be continued
22. Note : Some remarks about Okonkwos criteria
We can easily imagine 2 kinds of limits :
In themselves :
Lack of precision
Lack of objectivity of some of them (束 strong welcome page 損, ...)
Need to be explained, especially by ergonomic criteria. That is what we did in order
to give marks to the websites.
In regard to a luxury website :
Semantics is nearly neglect
Dont take into account users path into the website
Not only sensoriality, but spirituality too should be taken into account in a
luxury website analysis