Prezentacija za obradu NJ Rimske republike za 1. razred gimnazije.
- organizacija republike i meuodnos struktura vlasti
- stale邸ke borbe za vla邸u i moi
- osvajanja Apeninskog poluotoka
Prilikom obrade gradiva, potrebna je korelacija s filozofijom, sociologijom, etikom, PiG.
Korelacija se dosti転e s pitanjima koja se postavljaju uenicima s ciljem razvoja kritikog mi邸ljenja.
(npr.: to mislite za邸to su se plebejci pobunili? Tko je imao stvarnu mo u dru邸tvu? to znai pravo veta, a 邸to bi bio imunitet? Zbog ega je imunitet bitan za tribune? Zbog ega bi bilo bitno popisati sve zakone ako ih svi ve znaju? to bi znailo Divide et impera u vojnom smislu? Kako to poma転e Rimljanima? Za邸to grade ceste?)
This document discusses different visual tools for organizing information: mind maps, timelines, and infographics. It provides instructions on how to create each tool using both physical and digital methods. Students are guided through exercises to practice developing mind maps about teamwork, transferring timelines to digital formats, analyzing good and bad infographic examples, and creating their own infographic using online software. The conclusion asks students to evaluate how visualization tools can help improve their learning and skills.
Prezentacija za obradu NJ Rimske republike za 1. razred gimnazije.
- organizacija republike i meuodnos struktura vlasti
- stale邸ke borbe za vla邸u i moi
- osvajanja Apeninskog poluotoka
Prilikom obrade gradiva, potrebna je korelacija s filozofijom, sociologijom, etikom, PiG.
Korelacija se dosti転e s pitanjima koja se postavljaju uenicima s ciljem razvoja kritikog mi邸ljenja.
(npr.: to mislite za邸to su se plebejci pobunili? Tko je imao stvarnu mo u dru邸tvu? to znai pravo veta, a 邸to bi bio imunitet? Zbog ega je imunitet bitan za tribune? Zbog ega bi bilo bitno popisati sve zakone ako ih svi ve znaju? to bi znailo Divide et impera u vojnom smislu? Kako to poma転e Rimljanima? Za邸to grade ceste?)
This document discusses different visual tools for organizing information: mind maps, timelines, and infographics. It provides instructions on how to create each tool using both physical and digital methods. Students are guided through exercises to practice developing mind maps about teamwork, transferring timelines to digital formats, analyzing good and bad infographic examples, and creating their own infographic using online software. The conclusion asks students to evaluate how visualization tools can help improve their learning and skills.
Methods of payment
This document summarizes various methods of payment including cash, checks, bank transfers, debit/credit cards, and online payments. It discusses the key functions of money as a medium of exchange, unit of account, and store of value. Regarding payment instruments, it describes how checks, bank drafts, direct debits, and wire transfers work. The differences between debit and credit cards are outlined, noting that debit cards deduct funds from your bank account while credit cards provide a line of credit. Finally, it briefly discusses online payment options like PayPal and Bitcoin.
This document discusses different types of loans and mortgages from the perspective of customers and banks. It defines loans and differentiates between secured and unsecured loans. It explains how interest rates affect monthly payments and payoff periods. It discusses reasons why companies may need loans and describes the amortization of loans. It also outlines the process of opening bank credit, factors that influence credit approval, and types of credit commitments banks provide including guarantees. The document further explains mortgage contracts, different types of leasing agreements including operating and financial leases, and real estate lease-back arrangements.
This document provides an introduction to the basics of stock exchanges and investing in stocks. It defines key terms like stocks, stock market, dividends, and common/preferred stocks. It also describes why companies issue stock and the main ways investors can profit from stock ownership. The document outlines several hands-on activities for learning about different types of stocks, largest companies by market capitalization, and basic online investing concepts through video tutorials.
This document outlines a personal finance workshop that teaches participants how to create and manage a budget. It discusses the importance of setting financial goals and tracking income and expenses, categorizing fixed and variable costs, and understanding take-home pay after taxes. Participants engage in activities like recording their own spending, analyzing sample budgets, and creating a budget to meet hypothetical financial goals based on a case study income scenario. The goal is for participants to learn budgeting strategies to help achieve their own savings objectives.
This document provides an overview of personal finance topics for investing, including that investments can earn more money than savings accounts, investments are intended for long-term holdings, and some investments allow easier access to funds than others. It recommends diversifying funds across different investment types and considering safety, liquidity, and return potential before investing. The document then lists topics to be covered in a group Jigsaw activity, including certificates of deposit, money market accounts, bonds, mutual funds, stocks, and collectibles, and provides related online resources.
Insurance is a contract between a consumer and insurance company that outlines coverage plans to keep finances safe from unexpected risks. There are many types of insurance like life, health, car, and home insurance that protect against different situations depending on one's needs. Estate planning is also important and involves creating a will that details how one's money and belongings should be distributed after death. Reflection on risk management and how to achieve goals while minimizing financial risks is encouraged.
This document outlines the key components of a business plan for starting a small business from 2015-2017. It discusses analyzing the target economic sector and necessary resources. It also covers the business concept, financial cycle, types of industries, sources and uses of finance, equity vs borrowed capital, budgets, management control, and crowdfunding. The overall goal is to create a comprehensive business plan to launch a new small business venture.
This document lists several famous entrepreneurs including Bill Gates, Walt Disney, Steve Jobs, John D. Rockefeller, Donald Trump, Mark Zuckerberg, and Richard Branson. It does not provide any additional context or information about the entrepreneurs listed.
This document discusses taxation and provides links to various online resources about taxes, including videos, interactive timelines, and group activities. Readers are asked to test their knowledge about taxes using online quizzes. The document guides students through exploring the concepts of what taxes are, how they work, whether they are useful or can be avoided, and differences between tax evasion and avoidance. Students also learn about tax havens and the history of taxation. They complete group projects where they research topics, make posters and quizzes, and share information with each other.
Autor: Kristijan ivak, prof.
Privatna gimnazija i ekonomsko-informatika 邸kola Futura
od 443. do 429. g. pr. Kr.
biran za stratega
unaprijedio atensku
svi atenski graani (otac+majka=Atenjani)
dobili pristup dr転avnim slu転bama
dnevnice za obavljanje dr転avnih poslova
plae za sudjelovanje u radu Narodne
skup邸tine (svi slobodni Atenjani stariji od 20
Narodna skup邸tina ima svu vlast
demokratska republika
転ene, meteci i robovi nemaju politika prava
blagajna Atikog saveza prebaena u Atenu
jaanje kopnene vojske i mornarice
Fidija obnovio akropolu
Atena s Pirejem povezana obrambenim zidom
Sofoklo Herodot
Protagora ovjek je mjera svih stvari.
Anaksagora Sunce je u転arena kugla
(431.-404. g . pr. Kr.)
uzroci: nesuglasice i suprotnosti izmeu
Peloponeskog saveza (Sparta) i Atikog
pomorskog saveza (Atena)
povod: sukob oko Korkire (Krfa), Korinta i
rat je opisao Tukidid u
svom djelu: Povijest
Peloponeskog rata
Sparti prevlast na kopnu, Ateni na moru
Spartanci pusto邸e atika 転itna polja,
Atenjani napadaju peloponesku obalu
Spartanci opsjeli Atenu 転ito sti転e iz
kolonija preko luke Pirej
izbila zbog mnogobrojnih izbjeglica i
slabijih higijenskih uvjeta
od kuge umro i Periklo
umrla treina Atenskog stanovni邸tva
obmanjivai naroda
bore se za vlast u
Ateni nakon Periklove
Alkibijad nagovorio
Atenjane na Sicilsku
raspu邸ten Atiki pomorski savez
Atena se odrekla ratne mornarice
sru邸ene gradske zidine i zid koji je Atenu
povezivao s Pirejem
sru邸ena atenska demokracija vlast
Koliko je godina zaredom Periklo biran za
atenskog stratega?
Kako je Periklo unaprijedio atensku
Je li atenska republika bila potpuno
to je dovelo do procvata Atene u
Periklovo doba?
U emu se oitovao taj procvat?
Objasni uzroke i povod Peloponeskom ratu.
Tko je opisao Peloponeski rat?
Opi邸i ratna zbivanja.
Zbog ega je u Ateni izbila kuga i kakve je
posljedice imala?
Tko su demagozi?
Objasni Alkibijadovu ulogu u ratu.
Navedi posljedice Peloponeskog rata.