This document provides instructions for building a simple periscope out of cardboard and mirrors. It explains that two cardboard rectangles should be glued together to form a box, with mirrors glued inside, and two more cardboard rectangles attached on the outside to form a viewing area. When looking through one end, the mirrors allow the user to see objects that would otherwise be blocked by viewing them through reflection. The periscope demonstrates how reflection using mirrors works to bounce light and allow the user to see around corners or obstacles.
4. You will need:
Card board, Hot glue, An adult, Two mirrors, Scissors.
Now you are ready to start building.
5. Now you make your own periscope
First you cut 4 rectangles and 2 small squares.
Now you glue two rectangles together and then do same 1 time more on
other side. Now you glue the mirrors inside the box. Then glue 2