How & why real estate agents should be using Periscope.
Why to use Periscope
How to reuse the Periscope videos to be found online
How to combine Periscope & YouTube for big web presence
Charlie Allred, real estate broker & online expert presented this on February 10, 2016 in Chandler AZ.
If you are serious about your online efforts join the Killer Online Mastermind:
3. Why are you here?
Periscope has grown from 0- 10 million users in less than 1
year & YouTube is currently the top video destination for
home shoppers online.
The majority of home shoppers are looking for videos of
homes for sale to view the inside of a home.
And 80% of home shoppers are looking for videos to learn
more about a specific community.
Yet, most real estate agents are not taking advantage of
video, Periscope and YouTube.
Today we will learn the How & Why to use Periscope,
YouTube & Video.
5. Periscope
App Founded March 2015
Now owned by Twitter
10 million users (Sept 2015)
1% of internet users
40 years of video streamed every day
6. What is Periscope
Live streaming video app
Find videos close to you
Find videos about subjects you like
Videos disappear in 24 hours
7. Why Periscope
Live video (more real), viewers are tired of
edited videos
Works with Twitter (grow your following)
Growing fast!!
8. Ways to reuse Periscope
Upload your Periscope to:
YouTube (importance on the next slide)
Twitter / other social media
Your Blog
Where else?
9. Why Do You Need YouTube?
Online Visibility - Use YouTube to
get to Page 1 of google (easier than
a blog post)
10. YouTube
YouTube is a video-sharing website headquartered in San
Bruno, California. The service was created by three former
PayPal employees in February 2005 and has been owned
by Google since late 2006.
13. Easy to make video
Instant Tour
of a home
Stills to a
Walk around
14. Social Media (YouTube) isnt going
Its owned by GOOGLE!
YouTube has 1 billion users
14.4% of Americans use YouTube during
40% of YouTube visits are from mobile
The majority of home buyers use YouTube
for home videos
15. Benefits of YouTube for You
the Real Estate Agent
1. Show up in the search results (with video)
2. Listings with videos have 403% more
3. Grow your following
16. About me
Real Estate Broker from Scottsdale, AZ.
Worked Short Sales hard for 5 years.
Author of Pinnable Real Estate
Tested, tested & tested some more.
I love YouTube for google search results!
Especially for listings
18. The Challenge - Using Periscope &
Using the Video
Are you avoiding social media / internet
marketing? (Periscope)
1. Do you think Periscope is a waste of time?
2. Do you think Periscope is a fad?
3. Do you think Periscope is hard?
19. Shift in Thinking | Commit to Online
Commit to 1-2 social sites
Commit to your Website
Commit to always improving your brand
25. Videos to Share
Area information (huge on Periscope)
one of the most followed Scopers is Discover Israel
Educational Information
Market updates
Area info
Your interests
27. How to have your videos found
Promote your videos
Your blog
Neighborhood name
28. Video Keywords
1. Google the keywords you want
2. Pay attention to the autofill keywords
3. Look and see if there are any videos
33. Animoto - photos to video
Share to Youtube
Good quality
Easy to use
Music is older
34. Your Blog / Video Topics
4 Topics for your blog / videos
Ideas: (these could all be video)
1. Real estate in your city
2. Home decor
3. Home Storage
4. Your interests
5. Your community
35. What to do
Use Periscope
Take Photos & Make Videos
Share videos
Use Keywords
Be engaging - get comments
36. Resources - Online Blue Print
Pinnable Real Estate -
Follow us on Pinterest (Pinterest for real
estate) & (Charlie Allred)
Follow me on Google+: google.
Serious about your online presence, join the
mastermind (email
37. Local Mastermind
Killer Online Real Estate Agents
Meet once a month - 3rd Weds at 9:30am
Next meeting: Wednesday Feb 17th
Topic: Your Keywords
Find your Keywords for your niche
Find blog topic keywords
Where to use keywords
Roundtable discussion
38. Monthly Topics
Your Online marketing plan
Categories for your blog / Keywords
Best Website Platforms
Plug ins
How to get visitors to opt in to your site
Social Sites: YouTube, Google+, Pinterest
39. 2016 Killer Online Mastermind
Meet once a month
Partnered with a company to do the work for
Email me for more info: charlie@srephoenix.