Elliott wrote a letter requesting permission to use audio and music from a company in his non-profit movie. Though he believes it is legal, he wants to ask permission out of respect. Roger responded granting permission since Elliott's movie is non-profit, to encourage young filmmakers.
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Permission letter
1. Dear Company/Audio Distributer
I am writing to ask for your permission regarding the audio and music to use in my
movie/film for media. There will be no profit involved and therefore I feel I am not
breaching any laws however I wish to be respectful and ask non the less. I would really
appreciate your reply whether the answer is no or yes and would deeply appreciate any
pointers or tips.
Yours sincerely Elliott
Permission Letter Reply:
Dear Elliott
My name is Roger from AwesomeSoundAndMovies I am writing in response to your
movie/film audio request, as you stated in your email you wouldnt be breaking any
copyright law and would be in no violations what so ever. Therefore, I have no issues with
you using the audio and/or music as it allows young filmmakers like yourself to aim high
and keep producing films and or movies.
Yours sincerely Roger