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Writing Your Life  Autobiography Project Perrin McKissick 5-C
All About Me The Day You Were Born - 3/31, 4033 days old, 96,792 hours old - A waxing crescent - A gallon of gas was $1.12, a car was $19,560, and a house was $181,900 - Nice and Slow (by Usher) was a popular song, a popular TV show was ER, 101 Dalmatians was a popular movie - The Eiffel tower opened in France - Rose (middle name) it means fame and it is also a flower
When I was younger 油 When I was younger, my hair was really short, I had a lisp, and I couldnt spell my own name (not that anyone else can). But if you really want to know more about when I was younger, here it goes. Well, I rode my first plane when I was ten DAYS old. I also couldnt dive and always did belly flops. But now I can swim, spell my name, and I dont have a lisp. Plus my hair is longer. Wait, I didnt say I couldnt swim? OK, heres what happened  油 My parents were invited to a barbeque, and my babysitter wasnt there. So I had to go with them. My dad knew they had a pool and knew that I would want to swim, so he wore a bathing suit under his clothes. When we had finally gotten there, I saw the pool and started spazzing. I just had to get in!! Luckily, my dad knew that I wanted to get in, so he got in with me. When we got out, I wanted more. So when no one was looking, I took off my floties and jumped in!!! Unfortunately, I couldnt swim and so I sunk!! A few minutes later, my dad finally saw me and got in. We went home after that. 油 OK, so you heard it. Thats why I said I couldnt swim, but I can now. But just in case, my parents still make sure I know how to swim and everything. So now you know a little about my childhood. Oh, and one thing I left out- when I was younger, I ate grilled cheeses everyday. Now I hate them!! Thanks for reading this... I hoped you liked it!!  Life when you were younger
A Picture is worth a Thousand Words I was at my grandparents house when we took it. It was the day after my brothers birthday, March 21st.油 It was supposed to be a reminder of that awesome day. Me and my grandmother, Annie, were in the living room of her house. My dad was the photographer. We were celebrating our family's March birthdays- mine (11), my brothers (1), my uncle (?), and my great grandmother (97). I was eating cake and then we went to the living room for pictures. After about 20 (???) pictures, we got to go outside. It was awesome!!!!!!!!!!! 油 油 油 油 油
Being Your Age " You lift my feet off the ground.... Spin me around..." - a song by my favorite singer, Taylor Swift. My hair is dirty blonde( even though my friends say its brownish- blonde) and it goes to my shoulders. I also have sort of green eyes and I don't know how tall I am. I am a little young because I was born in 1998. But I am pretty sure that no one has a brother ten years younger than them named Powers. Since my grandfather was a pilot, I rode my first plane when I was ten DAYS old!!!! Its strange. I really don't like sad songs, and I love country. But most of all I like all my friends!!!!! That's basically all about me!!!
Everyday Life at Your Age If you want to know whats in for me and my friends, then you should keep reading this. Some of our favorite music is pop and country. And rap- so not in. A good movie thats in is Bedtime Stories. But I know that Twilight is getting old. Usually, I wear converse and jeans. Some of my friends do the same. We dont really care how we look- but we still like to look good. Most of my friends and I wear our hair down, in pigtails, in braids, or in a ponytail. Last- but not least- SWEDISH FISH ARE NOT ACTUALLY FROM SWEDEN!!! So thats why Sweden is out. I hope that now you know whats in. My typical school day is usually always the same. I will describe a regular Monday for you. First, I go to my classes, and then break. In P.E. we are usually running track or playing in the gym. After P.E., we go to our Y period. On Monday after Y, I have choir. After singing for about 45 minutes, we go to lunch. I sit at table 2, and then I go to recess. Finally, I have my last two classes. I dont like how recess is only 15 minutes long. School is sort of important to me because I want to go to college. Some of my stresses are TESTS!!! I really dont them, and I need to start studying more. On Saturday, I either invite a friend over or go somewhere, like well, I dont know. On Sunday I have church, and then I either go out to lunch or, again, have a friend over. After school, I go to (depending on the day) Swimming, Drums or tennis. Dont forget~ this is only a Typical Day!*!*!*! Outside of school, I go to swimming, drums, and tennis. I dont go to any clubs or anything. I used to collect littlest pet shop pets- but not anymore. Again, I play tennis after school on Thursday. I think boys are weird, gross, rude, and overall- STRANGE!!! I only like the fact that some of my favorite singers and actors are guys. I dont like well, everything!!!!! It confuses me why they like to beat other guys up or do wrestling. I think that the future will be way different than right now. All I know is that things we like now are things well not like later. OK, now you should know a little more about me!!!
MY BRAG PAGE!!!!!!!!!!! So I dont like to brag but I have won 1 trophy. Its not a lot, and I got it when I was six!!!! My talents are drums, basketball, and I am smart I met a model at Spill the Beans and she gave me her autograph  Everyone says I am older then I look I have a guitar And lastly I have awesome friends and 2 dogs Plus I have an awesome room and it is very big And again lastly I have a beach house in Litchfield
16 things I wish I could do Go to a concert Meet Taylor Swift Eat a snail from London Play Guitar Be an Olympic swimmer Wear a pair of designer boots Paint my shoes Get rid of my allergies Own a mansion Meet Coldplay- the band Burn my homework and say my dog ate it Go to France Get a laptop FLY!!!!! Go Goth  By my own beach house
My song!!!!! (Bubbly by Colby Calliet) And they start in my toes Makes me crinkle my nose Wherever it goes I always know That you make me smile Please stay for a while now Just take your time Wherever you go This song is called Bubbly and I chose it because I like blowing bubbles and it is not very loud- like me!!!!!

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  • 1. Writing Your Life Autobiography Project Perrin McKissick 5-C
  • 2. All About Me The Day You Were Born - 3/31, 4033 days old, 96,792 hours old - A waxing crescent - A gallon of gas was $1.12, a car was $19,560, and a house was $181,900 - Nice and Slow (by Usher) was a popular song, a popular TV show was ER, 101 Dalmatians was a popular movie - The Eiffel tower opened in France - Rose (middle name) it means fame and it is also a flower
  • 3. When I was younger 油 When I was younger, my hair was really short, I had a lisp, and I couldnt spell my own name (not that anyone else can). But if you really want to know more about when I was younger, here it goes. Well, I rode my first plane when I was ten DAYS old. I also couldnt dive and always did belly flops. But now I can swim, spell my name, and I dont have a lisp. Plus my hair is longer. Wait, I didnt say I couldnt swim? OK, heres what happened 油 My parents were invited to a barbeque, and my babysitter wasnt there. So I had to go with them. My dad knew they had a pool and knew that I would want to swim, so he wore a bathing suit under his clothes. When we had finally gotten there, I saw the pool and started spazzing. I just had to get in!! Luckily, my dad knew that I wanted to get in, so he got in with me. When we got out, I wanted more. So when no one was looking, I took off my floties and jumped in!!! Unfortunately, I couldnt swim and so I sunk!! A few minutes later, my dad finally saw me and got in. We went home after that. 油 OK, so you heard it. Thats why I said I couldnt swim, but I can now. But just in case, my parents still make sure I know how to swim and everything. So now you know a little about my childhood. Oh, and one thing I left out- when I was younger, I ate grilled cheeses everyday. Now I hate them!! Thanks for reading this... I hoped you liked it!! Life when you were younger
  • 4. A Picture is worth a Thousand Words I was at my grandparents house when we took it. It was the day after my brothers birthday, March 21st.油 It was supposed to be a reminder of that awesome day. Me and my grandmother, Annie, were in the living room of her house. My dad was the photographer. We were celebrating our family's March birthdays- mine (11), my brothers (1), my uncle (?), and my great grandmother (97). I was eating cake and then we went to the living room for pictures. After about 20 (???) pictures, we got to go outside. It was awesome!!!!!!!!!!! 油 油 油 油 油
  • 5. Being Your Age " You lift my feet off the ground.... Spin me around..." - a song by my favorite singer, Taylor Swift. My hair is dirty blonde( even though my friends say its brownish- blonde) and it goes to my shoulders. I also have sort of green eyes and I don't know how tall I am. I am a little young because I was born in 1998. But I am pretty sure that no one has a brother ten years younger than them named Powers. Since my grandfather was a pilot, I rode my first plane when I was ten DAYS old!!!! Its strange. I really don't like sad songs, and I love country. But most of all I like all my friends!!!!! That's basically all about me!!!
  • 6. Everyday Life at Your Age If you want to know whats in for me and my friends, then you should keep reading this. Some of our favorite music is pop and country. And rap- so not in. A good movie thats in is Bedtime Stories. But I know that Twilight is getting old. Usually, I wear converse and jeans. Some of my friends do the same. We dont really care how we look- but we still like to look good. Most of my friends and I wear our hair down, in pigtails, in braids, or in a ponytail. Last- but not least- SWEDISH FISH ARE NOT ACTUALLY FROM SWEDEN!!! So thats why Sweden is out. I hope that now you know whats in. My typical school day is usually always the same. I will describe a regular Monday for you. First, I go to my classes, and then break. In P.E. we are usually running track or playing in the gym. After P.E., we go to our Y period. On Monday after Y, I have choir. After singing for about 45 minutes, we go to lunch. I sit at table 2, and then I go to recess. Finally, I have my last two classes. I dont like how recess is only 15 minutes long. School is sort of important to me because I want to go to college. Some of my stresses are TESTS!!! I really dont them, and I need to start studying more. On Saturday, I either invite a friend over or go somewhere, like well, I dont know. On Sunday I have church, and then I either go out to lunch or, again, have a friend over. After school, I go to (depending on the day) Swimming, Drums or tennis. Dont forget~ this is only a Typical Day!*!*!*! Outside of school, I go to swimming, drums, and tennis. I dont go to any clubs or anything. I used to collect littlest pet shop pets- but not anymore. Again, I play tennis after school on Thursday. I think boys are weird, gross, rude, and overall- STRANGE!!! I only like the fact that some of my favorite singers and actors are guys. I dont like well, everything!!!!! It confuses me why they like to beat other guys up or do wrestling. I think that the future will be way different than right now. All I know is that things we like now are things well not like later. OK, now you should know a little more about me!!!
  • 7. MY BRAG PAGE!!!!!!!!!!! So I dont like to brag but I have won 1 trophy. Its not a lot, and I got it when I was six!!!! My talents are drums, basketball, and I am smart I met a model at Spill the Beans and she gave me her autograph Everyone says I am older then I look I have a guitar And lastly I have awesome friends and 2 dogs Plus I have an awesome room and it is very big And again lastly I have a beach house in Litchfield
  • 8. 16 things I wish I could do Go to a concert Meet Taylor Swift Eat a snail from London Play Guitar Be an Olympic swimmer Wear a pair of designer boots Paint my shoes Get rid of my allergies Own a mansion Meet Coldplay- the band Burn my homework and say my dog ate it Go to France Get a laptop FLY!!!!! Go Goth By my own beach house
  • 9. My song!!!!! (Bubbly by Colby Calliet) And they start in my toes Makes me crinkle my nose Wherever it goes I always know That you make me smile Please stay for a while now Just take your time Wherever you go This song is called Bubbly and I chose it because I like blowing bubbles and it is not very loud- like me!!!!!