This document outlines a Personal Best template for success comprised of the BEST system:
Belief - Having an unshakeable belief in what you are doing and standing for. Emulate - Shortcutting success by learning from others and proven methods instead of reinventing the wheel. Strategy - Having a compelling plan that you are committed to achieving. Thinking - Realizing the huge potential of your mind to shape your world and goals.
2. BB Duddy
Personal Best This Just Works
In business and in life success leaves clues.Over the last two years I have spoken to
over two hundred leaders, entrepreneurs, sports people, scientists, CEOs scientists and
thinkers, companies and organisations.
These conversations resulted in certain patterns being revealed key strategies that
showed time and time again. Using the Personal Best template these strategies fitted
into a BEST system .
3. BB Duddy
The omnipresent power behind the worlds greatest achievers and companies an unshakeable belief in
what they were doing and what they stood for.
They shortcut their way to success by tapping into the knowledge of others. Why re-invent the wheel
people and organisations grow faster by using proven methods to fast track their way to their goals
They had a compelling plan that they either alone or as a collective were committed to achieving.
Realising the huge potential of your mind to shape your world and your