A personal brand is important for planning and tracking personal and professional growth, developing skills to stay relevant, differentiating yourself from others, and achieving career and life goals. It comprises everything someone does, says, how they look and act, their knowledge and accomplishments. To build a strong personal brand, one should know themselves inside and out by understanding what is most important to them, their strengths and weaknesses, passions, and things they avoid. They should also define career and personal goals for the short and long-term. Conducting a SWOT analysis with a close friend's input can provide insight. The key is keeping the most important things at the top of one's list when defining their personal brand.
3. A brand is the sum total of feelings/emotions
that a product consistently brings about
4. Strong brands
Deliver value & positive, consistent experiences
Have excellent reputations
Strongly communicate their positive attributes
Evolve to stay relevant
5. A Personal brand is important
To plan
and track your personal and professional growth
To develop
yourself to be relevant and stay focused
To differentiate
your competitive edge and stand out from the crowd
To launch
and fulfill your career and personal goals
7. Your brand comprises..
Everything you do and say, how you look and
act, what you know and your
It is who you are everytime
8. Where do you start
Know yourself inside out
What is most important to you?
What are your good/not good at?
What are you passionate about?
What are your weaknesses?
What do you avoid doing?
9. Define your career goals
Define your personal goals
10. Where do you want to be in 50 years?
Where do you want to be in 10 years?
Where do you want to be in 5 years?
Where are you now??
11. Do a SWOT Analysis
What are your
Ask a close friend to do this with you