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Is personal branding relevant for people working in Life Sciences ? Zaki Sellam
What is the goal of today ? Make you understand that in order to progress, one needs to work on its personal brand, even in life sciences !!!
Matter of fact  90% impression based on perceptions vs 10 % for doing a good job  People who get the jobs and progress are not always the best ones !!! Drastic change in communication styles
What are your challenges ?  War for talents  Constant changes Many people are looking for a position within industry  ->  High competition Challenges:  Are technical skills sufficient ? How is it difficult to be memorable? How to be successful before and during recruitment process ?
What is personal branding? Branding ?   image   created in the minds of people when they see or hear a name, a product or a logo Personal branding:   A brand is what people say about you when you are not in the room.    Jeff Bezos, Founder & CEO, Amazon   In other words : Image and style eg who you are ? Integrity and values eg   what you stand for ?  Your strengths eg   what you can contribute ?  Managing your personality The art of marketing yourself !
Why Personal Branding  is important? Perception is Reality !! Importance of network and way people see you  It is not about who you know but about who knows you !! John Purkiss
Packaging example  What would you prefer ? Brand : associate value with your product (you!) Many competing brands (other people)  By branding yourself  youll stand out from other candidates or colleagues If you dont brand yourself, someone else will do it for you
How would you qualify yourself ? In 3 words ! Right now ! Are you more  Branson type ? Beckham type ? Madonna type ? Does your image reflect yourself properly ?  Why some people are good with their branding ?
How do you start from scratch ?  3 Steps to Building your Personal Brand Self-reflection  and awareness Continuous Learning Marketing Strategy and Actions
Set awareness Who are you ? WHAT What do you want to be ? BECOME What makes you unique or different: USP Your best asset ?  Your best achievements ? Your unique skills Areas in need of further development Tools:  Strength finders (Gallup) colleagues, boss, parents, friends Self Reflection and awareness
Continuous Learning It is essential to build and grow your brand   Always benchmark your skills vs others  Create a development plan  Stay on top of technology (Social Media) Leverage strengths (look for niche expertise) dont obsess your weakness
Marketing Strategy and Actions Mission statements Direction: where you want your brand to go? Mission statement: foundation of your career focus First 3 to 5 years of your career Elevator Pitch
Monitor your brand, control your visibility Google yourself !! Ask around you  Permanent task:  Everything you do and choose not to do, communicate the value of your brand (E-mails, meetings, clothes..) E-profile: up to date, relevant, clean, accessible and congruent Make sure  what you do is visible what people say or think about you is visible Marketing Strategy and Actions Trivial but critical tips
Marketing Strategy and Actions Art of networking - Build alliances and form relationships Definition Internal and external alliances Symbiotic process Networking tips: Liaise with people who are relevant to your projects Think relationship building and mutual benefit Use the power of reciprocation :  I will be your customer if you will be mine ! (garage example) Consequence: always provide support and help to people when needed ! Low cost/high impact added value  Dont expect instant gratification from networking Keep in good and regular contact with your network (live entity) Always make sure your network knows of any recent successes
Marketing Strategy and Actions Go always extra yard, beyond the average Get involved in visible activities Managing or mentoring Tasks forces, Extra projects, Committees Groups or associations Presentations, conferences, articles Make presentations Form your reference base Have or build  a group of people who can speak well of you. Comes from your teamwork and relationship building. Market yourself Tell your story - Dont assume that people will know your achievements. Key to Your Personal Branding Campaign is... word-of-mouth
Marketing Strategy and Actions What kind of tools ? Social networks: Xing, Linkedn, Viadeo, Ning Blogs (Blogger, WordPress) Microblogs (Twitter) Podcasts (Itunes) Conferences, Events  Publications  Knowledge or content share  (際際滷 Share) As a start, connect with me in Xing, Linkedn and follow me in Twitter !!
Marketing Strategy and Actions Last but not least, Authenticity !!!!! Brand = Matter of trust (quality, track record, reliability)  Respond to all requests (shows responsibility) Return people s calls immediately (establishes trust) Brand still has to be underpinned by substance Dont flawn what you havent got !! Congruence Same as for packaging with no content Dont be a one-off product !!!! Or Try and Fire person ! Stay true to your brand Respect your engagements and commitments Be ethical and socially responsible. A strong personal brand does not mean developing a big ego !!!! "Try not to become a man of success but a man of value." - Albert Einstein
Thank you Zaki SELLAM MSc, MBA E-mail:  [email_address]   Phone: +41 76 215 47 96  LinkedIn:  http://ch.linkedin.com/in/zakisellam   Twitter:  http://twitter.com/zakisellam

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Personal branding in life sciences industry institut du monde arabe

  • 1. Is personal branding relevant for people working in Life Sciences ? Zaki Sellam
  • 2. What is the goal of today ? Make you understand that in order to progress, one needs to work on its personal brand, even in life sciences !!!
  • 3. Matter of fact 90% impression based on perceptions vs 10 % for doing a good job People who get the jobs and progress are not always the best ones !!! Drastic change in communication styles
  • 4. What are your challenges ? War for talents Constant changes Many people are looking for a position within industry -> High competition Challenges: Are technical skills sufficient ? How is it difficult to be memorable? How to be successful before and during recruitment process ?
  • 5. What is personal branding? Branding ? image created in the minds of people when they see or hear a name, a product or a logo Personal branding: A brand is what people say about you when you are not in the room. Jeff Bezos, Founder & CEO, Amazon In other words : Image and style eg who you are ? Integrity and values eg what you stand for ? Your strengths eg what you can contribute ? Managing your personality The art of marketing yourself !
  • 6. Why Personal Branding is important? Perception is Reality !! Importance of network and way people see you It is not about who you know but about who knows you !! John Purkiss
  • 7. Packaging example What would you prefer ? Brand : associate value with your product (you!) Many competing brands (other people) By branding yourself youll stand out from other candidates or colleagues If you dont brand yourself, someone else will do it for you
  • 8. How would you qualify yourself ? In 3 words ! Right now ! Are you more Branson type ? Beckham type ? Madonna type ? Does your image reflect yourself properly ? Why some people are good with their branding ?
  • 9. How do you start from scratch ? 3 Steps to Building your Personal Brand Self-reflection and awareness Continuous Learning Marketing Strategy and Actions
  • 10. Set awareness Who are you ? WHAT What do you want to be ? BECOME What makes you unique or different: USP Your best asset ? Your best achievements ? Your unique skills Areas in need of further development Tools: Strength finders (Gallup) colleagues, boss, parents, friends Self Reflection and awareness
  • 11. Continuous Learning It is essential to build and grow your brand Always benchmark your skills vs others Create a development plan Stay on top of technology (Social Media) Leverage strengths (look for niche expertise) dont obsess your weakness
  • 12. Marketing Strategy and Actions Mission statements Direction: where you want your brand to go? Mission statement: foundation of your career focus First 3 to 5 years of your career Elevator Pitch
  • 13. Monitor your brand, control your visibility Google yourself !! Ask around you Permanent task: Everything you do and choose not to do, communicate the value of your brand (E-mails, meetings, clothes..) E-profile: up to date, relevant, clean, accessible and congruent Make sure what you do is visible what people say or think about you is visible Marketing Strategy and Actions Trivial but critical tips
  • 14. Marketing Strategy and Actions Art of networking - Build alliances and form relationships Definition Internal and external alliances Symbiotic process Networking tips: Liaise with people who are relevant to your projects Think relationship building and mutual benefit Use the power of reciprocation : I will be your customer if you will be mine ! (garage example) Consequence: always provide support and help to people when needed ! Low cost/high impact added value Dont expect instant gratification from networking Keep in good and regular contact with your network (live entity) Always make sure your network knows of any recent successes
  • 15. Marketing Strategy and Actions Go always extra yard, beyond the average Get involved in visible activities Managing or mentoring Tasks forces, Extra projects, Committees Groups or associations Presentations, conferences, articles Make presentations Form your reference base Have or build a group of people who can speak well of you. Comes from your teamwork and relationship building. Market yourself Tell your story - Dont assume that people will know your achievements. Key to Your Personal Branding Campaign is... word-of-mouth
  • 16. Marketing Strategy and Actions What kind of tools ? Social networks: Xing, Linkedn, Viadeo, Ning Blogs (Blogger, WordPress) Microblogs (Twitter) Podcasts (Itunes) Conferences, Events Publications Knowledge or content share (際際滷 Share) As a start, connect with me in Xing, Linkedn and follow me in Twitter !!
  • 17. Marketing Strategy and Actions Last but not least, Authenticity !!!!! Brand = Matter of trust (quality, track record, reliability) Respond to all requests (shows responsibility) Return people s calls immediately (establishes trust) Brand still has to be underpinned by substance Dont flawn what you havent got !! Congruence Same as for packaging with no content Dont be a one-off product !!!! Or Try and Fire person ! Stay true to your brand Respect your engagements and commitments Be ethical and socially responsible. A strong personal brand does not mean developing a big ego !!!! "Try not to become a man of success but a man of value." - Albert Einstein
  • 18. Thank you Zaki SELLAM MSc, MBA E-mail: [email_address] Phone: +41 76 215 47 96 LinkedIn: http://ch.linkedin.com/in/zakisellam Twitter: http://twitter.com/zakisellam

Editor's Notes

  • #10: To be employable today your most important job is to make a brand for yourself work to become a free agent Today we will review the following steps to building your own personal brand
  • #12: In order to build your brand, you must be devoted to continuous learning Always seek new opportunities to diversify your knowledge base Consider adding a major/minor a certificate Attend conferences or workshops Identify and spend time with a mentor creating a relationship that can enhance your learning Alums: check with employers for $ to support your professional development
  • #13: Mission statement act as a backbone for your company Me, Inc. By creating a mission statement you will have a direction for where you want your brand to go A mission statement is a short, descriptive statement of the common objective and focus of the organization. It is their purpose for existence Create your own mission statement Keep your career mission statement limited to no more than two sentences and no more than thirty words. Begin your statement with the words, "My personal career mission is . . . " and finish with qualifying words and phrases to describe your mission. Following are some examples: "My personal career mission is to become a world-class aeronautical engineer in the commercial aviation industry." "My personal career mission is to gain experience in the public accounting field toward earning my CPA designation." "My personal career mission is to master the leading software development tools and gain greater understanding of e-business application development." Your personal mission statement should be tightly focused toward the first three to five years of your career. You can give specifics about the job type and/or industry, as appropriate. This personal career mission statement will form the foundation of your career focus. A mental conception of your personal career mission statement is not enough. You must write it down on paper and put it up on your wall--ideally, where you can see it every day. And if it needs to be changed or modified over time, go ahead and make the change. Create a vision statement Your vision statement takes your mission statement a bit further by mentioning HOW you will complete what you intend to (as stated in your mission) Make sure you mention specific tactics you will practice or methods you will use. Be as specific as you can. Create a marketing plan for Me, Inc. Be visible to enhance your profile Volunteer Be involved Talk about your mission and your edge/talents/etc. Everything you do and choose not to do, can communicate the value of your brand E-mails you send How you conduct yourself in meetings Words you say How you dress Conversations you have Etc.