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(Drawn up in 2002 and supplemented in 2006 and 2016)
My name is Pentti Veli Tapani Kangas, born on 1965 in Rovaniemi, Finland. After
that, I lived in Finnish Lapland up to the age of 26, when my job brought me via
Helsinki to Central Finland. From there, I returned to Rovaniemi and Levi in 2002.
I have a permanent residential place still in Levi, but now it is time for me to serve
the rest of the world. My sons are studying elsewhere, and my wifes job is in
Family information
My family includes wife and two sons.
I graduated from high school in Kemij辰rvi in 1984. My professional studies were
done at Rovaniemi technical school where I graduated as a master builder civil
engineering in 1989. Later I expanded my education at H辰me Polytechnic, where in
2001 I graduated from the Engineering (UAS) training program with civil
engineering and environmental subjects.
Skills and competencies
In my work in the cities of Levi, Himos and J辰ms辰 (technical service center), I
have acquired experience in a variety of technical tasks. I was the CEO and
designer, but my job has been much more extensive.
J辰ms辰 is a city in central Finland (www.jamsa.fi), Himos is a skiing and holiday
center (www.himos.fi) and Levi is the biggest activity center in the north of
Finland in Finnish Lapland (www.levi.fi).
I worked in civil engineering design in J辰ms辰 and Himos. In Levi, I was involved in
the design process on various systems:
 street design
 water management planning
 public land planning (including public buildings with courtyards, parking
 traffic planning
Planning tools have included MicroStation SE software (cf. AutoCAD), which is
made from tools of Terrasolid Ltd.s engineering programs Terra Street, Terra Pipe,
TerraModeller, TerraSurvey and Terra Park.
Development and construction began in J辰ms辰 at the grassroots level. Throughout
my working life, I have done supervising control and participated in drawing up
the contract papers. The Levi job was mainly as the subscribers main
representative who communicates with many local control authorities:
 preparation of contract documents from beginning to warranty check
 contract objects monitoring and documentation work
 street lighting and construction management as a responsible representative
of the subscriber
 In the cities of J辰ms辰 and Himos, my work consisted of streets and water
supply services. When I wasnt planning, I was a foreman supervisor in the
building areas of civil engineering.
 In Levi, I was still in the habit of checking out sites mainly if a change in
plans was necessary.
 In J辰ms辰, my work consisted of street maintenance tasks (e.g., road
inspectors deputies, winter maintenance on-call). Seasonally, my work
included water and sewer facility maintenance tasks.
 In Levi, my passion and areas of expertise were in the water supply plant
remote control and development of network automation. Levi has a
Syspoint Ltd.s remote control, and at my own home, I have all remote
computers through which I am able to see on a daily basis and control the
network for the status quo, making necessary adjustments in the network
Surveying and planning
 In J辰ms辰, my work consisted of street and water supply field work control
(planning and measuring systems compatibility), as well as collecting
measurement data in-reading and making terrain models with CAD
programs. As regards to land use, I made the master plans as necessary for
planning purposes. In master planning, I controlled the planners in respect
to public land formulas.
 In Levi, my responsibility was to control measurements. In master
planning, I monitored water rights from the formula draft stage onward.
During zoning, I gave my opinions if needed, mainly related to water
management. The planning process ends with the water supply landowner
agreement, which includes the network building and transition costs.
Design control
 I worked with external consultants in design control in the drafting stage,
reception of ready plans, and complaints of design errors. I also listed the
materials used in building choice for possible contractors. An important
duty was the careful brainstorming phase before starting the planning
 Supplies and service contracts had a significant role in my work, as well as
maintenance and operations, and water management controls in particular
sectors of the Acquisition Act, under which the acquisition was made.
 The main principles in acquisitions are flexibility, perseverance, price and
quality. Water management is a field specifically for the long term, and
with the right solutions will last for decades of sustainable networks. Water
supply may become an emergency, in which case you have to have a good
and confidential sourcing network that you can call on in times of distress,
even for equipment suppliers and urgent parts in emergency situations.
Administrative tasks
 contacts with clients and equipment suppliers
 liaison with the authorities (environment centers, municipalities, road
authorities, Regional State Administrative ELY, etc.)
 preparation and following up of the budget
 preparation of work programs
 invoices receiving and inspection
 preparation of financial statements and the main task of depreciation
 environmental permits, grant processes
 preparation of annual reports
 organization of public events
 cost estimates for the general level and in more detail in each application.
Water supply
 applying for grants for water management
 adoption of client contracts
 preparation of water management documents (general provisions, price list
of water supply, general terms and conditions, tariffs) in accordance with
the Water Management Act, and all the upgrades.
Water supply companies Himos-Infra Oy and Levin Vesihuolto Oy
 Himos-Infra Oy is 100% owned by J辰ms辰. I was the companys first CEO,
and during the year that I served, the company was well operated, both
technically and economically. The company was not only the water supply
company; I also had the responsibility to act as an arranger in the holiday
housing fair area of building and construction, which was arranged in 2002.
I understand that the company is still today largely where it was when it
was created.
 Levin Vesihuolto Oy was founded in 2002, and I was the first CEO of the
company (1.11.2002). Levi is a popular skiing and tourism center in
Finnish Lapland. There are both a water supply and a waste water
treatment plant in the Levi area. Based on my previous experience, I
developed and expanded the company immediately. We managed to build
the company as a well-functioning water company to support the areas
business. I worked at the company 13.5 years, and the position ended
mostly in administrative disputes with the current Chairman of the Board
of Directors. I did not hesitate to leave the company because I helped
create a well-functioning company. Ill look for new challenges.
Information technology
 design MicroStation SE program (cf. AutoCAD)
 Microsoft Office software
 use of AutoCAD software for water supply network map and plans
 implementation of CGIs water loyalty program for water billing
 water supply remote monitoring and network automation was by Syspoint
Ltd.s implementation of the program, which was the backbone of the
MicroSCADA software. For data transfer, use of radio modem in place of
the GSM network, underground cables or optical fibers.
 Today, data transfer and exchange of information and marketing are
significant for various social media services. Financial management is
beginning to become so electric that information technology is no longer a
tool, but is framed around many issues.
Activities related to the profession
 When I started with the active intervention of the Finnish Water Works
Association in 2008, I was appointed a deputy member of the Board of
Directors. In 2011, I was asked to be a member on sewage works for a
representative group of experts, and in 2012, for the financial committee.
In 2013, I was appointed a member of the Board of Directors.
International assigments and voluntary sector
Through my profession I am a member of many international water supply sectors
scientific communities through social media. I have very good relationships for
water sectors industry, organizations, planners, suppliers and sellers. Memberships
f.ex. The Water Network, Mission Ganga Knowledge Community, American
Water Works Association, Water Treatment Industry Group, Water Technologies
and Water and Wastewater Professionals.
In sports I have had many international tasks in freestyle; f.ex. I have been the
chief of the competition many times. Three times in European Cup and the biggest
one was the World Cup Final, which was held in 1989. Instead of that I have been
competitor, junior coach and member of freestyle committee in Ski Federation
In my job the biggest international case has been one water-project which is going
on all the time. In project-planning there were only one investor from USA, one
lawyer and I. Many years and many meetings. I have to say that I love to work an
do business with foreign people.
In the summer, I play golf. In winter, I do a little downhill and cross-country
skiing. In general, I like hiking, carpentry and charitable work.
Final comments
My strength is to see a projects overall process management from birth to the level
of the end users. The companies where I served as CEO were so interesting that I
have had the opportunity to be closely involved in the lead-through of the entire
chain. I am also good at networking with other company leaders, interest groups,
authorities, equipment suppliers, contractors, designers and clients.
The above information is a cross-section of the type of person I am and my work
history. However, a few words on paper cant describe an entire life; verbal words
may be better. Therefore, in my CV, I have listed the important people who can
give their opinions of me.
Levi 16.11.2016
Pentti Kangas
Pentti Kangas

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Personal presentation 16112016_Eng

  • 1. 1(4) PERSONAL PRESENTATION (Drawn up in 2002 and supplemented in 2006 and 2016) Particulars My name is Pentti Veli Tapani Kangas, born on 1965 in Rovaniemi, Finland. After that, I lived in Finnish Lapland up to the age of 26, when my job brought me via Helsinki to Central Finland. From there, I returned to Rovaniemi and Levi in 2002. I have a permanent residential place still in Levi, but now it is time for me to serve the rest of the world. My sons are studying elsewhere, and my wifes job is in Rovaniemi. Family information My family includes wife and two sons. Education I graduated from high school in Kemij辰rvi in 1984. My professional studies were done at Rovaniemi technical school where I graduated as a master builder civil engineering in 1989. Later I expanded my education at H辰me Polytechnic, where in 2001 I graduated from the Engineering (UAS) training program with civil engineering and environmental subjects. Skills and competencies In my work in the cities of Levi, Himos and J辰ms辰 (technical service center), I have acquired experience in a variety of technical tasks. I was the CEO and designer, but my job has been much more extensive. J辰ms辰 is a city in central Finland (www.jamsa.fi), Himos is a skiing and holiday center (www.himos.fi) and Levi is the biggest activity center in the north of Finland in Finnish Lapland (www.levi.fi). I worked in civil engineering design in J辰ms辰 and Himos. In Levi, I was involved in the design process on various systems: street design water management planning public land planning (including public buildings with courtyards, parking lots) traffic planning Planning tools have included MicroStation SE software (cf. AutoCAD), which is made from tools of Terrasolid Ltd.s engineering programs Terra Street, Terra Pipe, TerraModeller, TerraSurvey and Terra Park. Development and construction began in J辰ms辰 at the grassroots level. Throughout my working life, I have done supervising control and participated in drawing up the contract papers. The Levi job was mainly as the subscribers main representative who communicates with many local control authorities: preparation of contract documents from beginning to warranty check contract objects monitoring and documentation work street lighting and construction management as a responsible representative of the subscriber
  • 2. 2(4) Construction In the cities of J辰ms辰 and Himos, my work consisted of streets and water supply services. When I wasnt planning, I was a foreman supervisor in the building areas of civil engineering. In Levi, I was still in the habit of checking out sites mainly if a change in plans was necessary. Maintenance In J辰ms辰, my work consisted of street maintenance tasks (e.g., road inspectors deputies, winter maintenance on-call). Seasonally, my work included water and sewer facility maintenance tasks. In Levi, my passion and areas of expertise were in the water supply plant remote control and development of network automation. Levi has a Syspoint Ltd.s remote control, and at my own home, I have all remote computers through which I am able to see on a daily basis and control the network for the status quo, making necessary adjustments in the network devices. Surveying and planning In J辰ms辰, my work consisted of street and water supply field work control (planning and measuring systems compatibility), as well as collecting measurement data in-reading and making terrain models with CAD programs. As regards to land use, I made the master plans as necessary for planning purposes. In master planning, I controlled the planners in respect to public land formulas. In Levi, my responsibility was to control measurements. In master planning, I monitored water rights from the formula draft stage onward. During zoning, I gave my opinions if needed, mainly related to water management. The planning process ends with the water supply landowner agreement, which includes the network building and transition costs. Design control I worked with external consultants in design control in the drafting stage, reception of ready plans, and complaints of design errors. I also listed the materials used in building choice for possible contractors. An important duty was the careful brainstorming phase before starting the planning process. Acquisitions Supplies and service contracts had a significant role in my work, as well as maintenance and operations, and water management controls in particular sectors of the Acquisition Act, under which the acquisition was made. The main principles in acquisitions are flexibility, perseverance, price and quality. Water management is a field specifically for the long term, and with the right solutions will last for decades of sustainable networks. Water supply may become an emergency, in which case you have to have a good and confidential sourcing network that you can call on in times of distress, even for equipment suppliers and urgent parts in emergency situations. Administrative tasks contacts with clients and equipment suppliers liaison with the authorities (environment centers, municipalities, road authorities, Regional State Administrative ELY, etc.) preparation and following up of the budget preparation of work programs
  • 3. 3(4) invoices receiving and inspection preparation of financial statements and the main task of depreciation calculations environmental permits, grant processes preparation of annual reports organization of public events cost estimates for the general level and in more detail in each application. Water supply applying for grants for water management adoption of client contracts preparation of water management documents (general provisions, price list of water supply, general terms and conditions, tariffs) in accordance with the Water Management Act, and all the upgrades. Water supply companies Himos-Infra Oy and Levin Vesihuolto Oy Himos-Infra Oy is 100% owned by J辰ms辰. I was the companys first CEO, and during the year that I served, the company was well operated, both technically and economically. The company was not only the water supply company; I also had the responsibility to act as an arranger in the holiday housing fair area of building and construction, which was arranged in 2002. I understand that the company is still today largely where it was when it was created. Levin Vesihuolto Oy was founded in 2002, and I was the first CEO of the company (1.11.2002). Levi is a popular skiing and tourism center in Finnish Lapland. There are both a water supply and a waste water treatment plant in the Levi area. Based on my previous experience, I developed and expanded the company immediately. We managed to build the company as a well-functioning water company to support the areas business. I worked at the company 13.5 years, and the position ended mostly in administrative disputes with the current Chairman of the Board of Directors. I did not hesitate to leave the company because I helped create a well-functioning company. Ill look for new challenges. Information technology design MicroStation SE program (cf. AutoCAD) Microsoft Office software use of AutoCAD software for water supply network map and plans implementation of CGIs water loyalty program for water billing water supply remote monitoring and network automation was by Syspoint Ltd.s implementation of the program, which was the backbone of the MicroSCADA software. For data transfer, use of radio modem in place of the GSM network, underground cables or optical fibers. Today, data transfer and exchange of information and marketing are significant for various social media services. Financial management is beginning to become so electric that information technology is no longer a tool, but is framed around many issues. Activities related to the profession When I started with the active intervention of the Finnish Water Works Association in 2008, I was appointed a deputy member of the Board of Directors. In 2011, I was asked to be a member on sewage works for a representative group of experts, and in 2012, for the financial committee. In 2013, I was appointed a member of the Board of Directors.
  • 4. 4(4) International assigments and voluntary sector Through my profession I am a member of many international water supply sectors scientific communities through social media. I have very good relationships for water sectors industry, organizations, planners, suppliers and sellers. Memberships f.ex. The Water Network, Mission Ganga Knowledge Community, American Water Works Association, Water Treatment Industry Group, Water Technologies and Water and Wastewater Professionals. In sports I have had many international tasks in freestyle; f.ex. I have been the chief of the competition many times. Three times in European Cup and the biggest one was the World Cup Final, which was held in 1989. Instead of that I have been competitor, junior coach and member of freestyle committee in Ski Federation Finland. In my job the biggest international case has been one water-project which is going on all the time. In project-planning there were only one investor from USA, one lawyer and I. Many years and many meetings. I have to say that I love to work an do business with foreign people. Hobbies In the summer, I play golf. In winter, I do a little downhill and cross-country skiing. In general, I like hiking, carpentry and charitable work. Final comments My strength is to see a projects overall process management from birth to the level of the end users. The companies where I served as CEO were so interesting that I have had the opportunity to be closely involved in the lead-through of the entire chain. I am also good at networking with other company leaders, interest groups, authorities, equipment suppliers, contractors, designers and clients. The above information is a cross-section of the type of person I am and my work history. However, a few words on paper cant describe an entire life; verbal words may be better. Therefore, in my CV, I have listed the important people who can give their opinions of me. Thanks, Levi 16.11.2016 Pentti Kangas Pentti Kangas