To modify your email signature in Outlook, go to the Tools menu and select Options. In the Mail Format tab, click on the Signatures button to access your signature settings. You can create a new signature or update an existing one by adding your contact information like mobile number, website, and social media addresses. To include icons for sites like Facebook and Twitter, find and save the icon files on your computer first, then insert the pictures into your signature and hyperlink them to the relevant social media addresses.
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Personalise Email Signature
1. 1Insert or modify your email signature (Outlook)Go to Tools on your Toolbar and select Options this opens up a new menu, see below. Now select Mail Format tab. On this tab you will see a button called Signatures. Click on this.10/10/2010PA on the GO息
2. 2If you dont have an email signature, click on the button called New and name your signature. Otherwise you can update your information in the screen below. Like adding your mobile number, website address, Facebook address, Twitter address etc. How to add these go to the next page.10/10/2010PA on the GO息
3. 3To add Facebook, Twitter icons to your signature you need to find these icons first (e.g. Google, Photobucket etc.), have them saved on your computer. There is an option to insert a picture. To link it to Facebook address you need to highlight the picture and click on the hyperlink iconThis window opens up and you can see the button Existing file or Web page is selected and below you can type in the address10/10/2010PA on the GO息