Personality disorders are characterized by chronic and rigid patterns of relating to others that cause social and occupational problems. There are 10 personality disorders classified into 3 clusters. Cluster A includes paranoid, schizoid, and schizotypal disorders marked by social avoidance. Cluster B includes histrionic, narcissistic, borderline, and antisocial disorders marked by dramatic emotions. Cluster C includes avoidant, obsessive-compulsive, and dependent disorders marked by anxiety. Treatment may involve psychotherapy and medication to treat associated symptoms.
3. Characteristic
? Individual with PDs show:
- chronic
- lifelong
- rigid
- unsuitable patterns of relating with others
? that cause social & occupational problems
4. Con¨t (2)
? Person with PDs
- generally are not aware that they are the
cause of their own problems
- do not have frank psychotic symptoms
- do not seek psychiatric help
8. Cluster A
Hallmark: Avoids social relationships, is
^peculiar ̄ but not psychotic
Genetic or familial association: Psychotic illnesses
Paranoid: distrustful, suspicious, litigious,
attributes responsibility for own
problems to others
Schizoid:long-standing pattern of voluntary
social withdrawal
Schizotypal: peculiar appearance,
magical thinking,
odd thought patterns & behaviour
10. Cluster B
Hallmark: Dramatic, emotional, inconsistent
Genetic of familial association:
mood disorders & substance abuse
Histrionic: Theatrical, extroverted, emotional,
sexually provocative, ^life of the party ̄,
In men, ^Don Juan ̄ dress & behaviour
Cannot maintain intimate relationships
Narcissistic: Pompous, with a sense of special
Lacks empathy for others
11. Con¨t´. Cluster B
Antisocial: Refuses to conform to social norms &
shows no concern for others
Associated with conduct disorder in
childhood & criminal behavior in
adulthood (^psychopaths ̄ or
^sociopaths ̄)
Borderline: Erratic, impulsive, unstable behavior &
Feeling bored, alone & ^empty ̄
Suicide attempts for relatively trivial
Mini-psychotic episodes
13. Cluster C
Hallmark : Fearful, anxious
Genetic or familial association: anxiety disorders
Avoidant: Sensitive to rejection, socially
Feelings of inferiority
Perfectionistic, orderly, inflexible
Dependent: Allows other people to make
decisions & assume responsibilty
for them
Poor self-confidence
15. Con¨t´.cluster C
Procrastina & is inefficient
Shows outward compliance, but feels
inward defiance
- Emotionally unstable
Tendency to act impulsively without consideration of the
consequences, together with affective instability.
Easily precipitated when impulsive acts are criticized or
thwarted by others.
16. Treatment
? For those who seek help, individual & group
psychotherapy may be useful
? Pharmacotherapy can also be used to treat symptoms
such as depression & anxiety that may be associated
with the PDs.