This document lists personality traits associated with four archetypes - the otter, beaver, golden retriever, and lion. The otter is described as talkative, lively, curious, and likes making new friends. The beaver is thoughtful, creative, orderly, and persistent. The golden retriever has a relaxed personality and avoids conflict by mediating problems calmly. The lion is a natural born leader who acts decisively to solve problems and stimulate activity.
3. Traits of the Otter (Sanguine)
Life of the party
Good sense of humour
Memory for colour
Cheerful and bubbling over
Make friends easily
Love people
Thrive on compliments
Don’t hold grudges
Like spontaneous activities
5. Traits of a Beaver (Melancholic)
Deep and thoughtful
Serious and purposeful
Talented and creative
Sensitive to others
Orderly and organized
Detail conscious
Persistent and thorough
Good problem solver
Make friends cautiously
Content to stay in background
7. Traits of a Golden Retriever (Phlegmatic)
Low-key personality
Easy going and relaxed
Calm, cool, and collected
Patient, well balanced
Quiet but witty
Avoids conflict
Sympathetic and kind
Good listener
Keeps emotions hidden
Mediates problems
Enjoys watching people
Has compassion and concern
9. Traits of a Lion (Choleric)
Born leader
Compulsive need for change
Must correct wrongs
Strong willed and decisive
Independent and self-sufficient
Goal oriented
Exudes confidence
Not easily discouraged
Seeks practical solutions
Moves quickly to action
Stimulates activity
Is usually right