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Departamento de Urbanística y Ordenación del Territorio
Universidad de Granada
Profesor: Dr. Francisco Javier Abarca-Álvarez
Alfred Guesdom. Granada
1854. Mapa de Cólera de Londres. Dr. John Snow
Perspectivas (2019)
Perspectivas (2019)
Perspectivas (2019)
Tufte, E. R. (2007). The visual display of quantitative
Information. The Visual Display of Quantitative Information
(Second Edi). Cheshire, Connecticut: Graphics Press.
En Meirelles, I. (2013). Design for Information (Vol. 5).
Perspectivas (2019)
Perspectivas (2019)
Perspectivas (2019)
Joseph Hutchins Colton, Johnson’s New
Illustrated Family Atlas with Physical Geography
(New York, 1864), pp. 10-11.
En Meirelles, I. (2013). Design for Information (Vol. 5).
En Meirelles, I. (2013). Design for Information (Vol. 5).
Ecosistema Urbano. Planning for Protest
Things we could learn from #15M in Madrid
Ecosistema Urbano. Planning for Protest
Things we could learn from #15M in Madrid
Perspectivas (2019)
Abarca-Alvarez, F.J., Staniscia, B. & Montanari, A. (2016)
Cultural Heritage in the framework of European Research Projects
Perspectivas (2019)
Perspectivas (2019)
Campos-Sánchez, F. S., Abarca-Alvarez, F. J., Serra Coch, G. & Chastel, C. (2019).
Comparative assessment on Transit Oriented Development (TOD) level around
transport nodes of large cities: Complementary methods of decision support.
EURE Revista Larinoamericana de Estudios Urbano Regionales. 134 (45).
Abarca-Alvarez, F.J. Osuna-Pérez, F. Reinoso-Bellido, R. (2017)
Identificación de espacios urbanos con mayor calidad de vida.
Proyecto I+D+i EUOBs. Junta de Andalucía
Perspectivas (2019)
En Meirelles, I. (2013). Design for Information (Vol. 5).
Perspectivas (2019)
Perspectivas (2019)
Perspectivas (2019)
En Meirelles, I. (2013). Design for Information (Vol. 5).
Perspectivas (2019)
Perspectivas (2019)
En Meirelles, I. (2013). Design for Information (Vol. 5).
Caras de Chernoff para evaluaciones
de los juzgados de US.
En Meirelles, I. (2013). Design for Information (Vol. 5).
En Meirelles, I. (2013). Design for Information (Vol. 5).
En Meirelles, I. (2013). Design for Information (Vol. 5).
Abarca-Alvarez, F. J., Pérez-Campaña, R. & Talavera-García, R
(2017). Identificación de patrones espaciales del borde
urbano mediante mapas auto-organizados de la centralidad
de la red viaria. Urbano, 20(35), 19-29.
Ecosistema Urbano. Planning for Protest
Things we could learn from #15M in Madrid
En Meirelles, I. (2013). Design for Information (Vol. 5).
En Meirelles, I. (2013). Design for Information (Vol. 5).
Abarca-Álvarez, F.J., Navarro-Ligero, M.L., Valenzuela-Montes
L.M. & Campos-Sánchez F.S. (2019). European Strategies for
Adaptation to Climate Change with the Mayors Adapt
Initiative by Self-Organizing Maps. Applied Sciences;
9(18):3859. https://doi.org/10.3390/app9183859.
En Meirelles, I. (2013). Design for Information (Vol. 5).
En Meirelles, I. (2013). Design for Information (Vol. 5).
En Meirelles, I. (2013). Design for Information (Vol. 5).
Greenwich Emotion Map
Nold, C. (2009). Emotional Cartography. Retrieved
from http://www.emotionalcartography.net
En Meirelles, I. (2013). Design for Information (Vol. 5).
Perspectivas (2019)
"Mapa figurativo de las sucesivas pérdidas de hombres de la Armada Francesa en la campaña de Rusia 1812-1813“.
En Meirelles, I. (2013). Design for Information (Vol. 5).
En Meirelles, I. (2013). Design for Information (Vol. 5).
En Meirelles, I. (2013). Design for Information (Vol. 5).
Abarca-Alvarez, FJ & Campos-Sánchez, FS. (2018).
Inteligencia Artificial para la Inteligencia Urbana: Sistema de Ayuda a la Decisión para
la predicción de la vulnerabilidad social.
En Libro de Actas XVIII Conferencia de la Asociación Española para la Inteligencia
Artificial (CAEPIA). Editorial Universidad de Granada. Granada 23-26 octubre 2018.
N de instancias (%) 5381 100.00
Atributo Media DS Media DS conf TE
2.1_EquipSaludPor1000Hab 1.39 6.16 1.56 2.45 ns
2.1_EquipEducacionPor1000Hab 1.14 2.36 2.16 3.20 *** +
2.1_EquipBienestarPor1000Hab 0.83 1.68 1.85 3.77 *** ++
2.1_EquipCulDepPor1000Hab 0.72 1.47 1.94 3.07 *** +++
2.1_EquipamientosPor1000Hab 4.08 8.31 7.51 7.25 *** +
2.2_%NoAguaCorriente 0.91 2.84 3.16 6.47 *** ++
2.2_%Gas 22.77 33.76 12.31 28.29 *** -
2.2_%Telefono 86.96 17.48 63.45 23.69 *** ---
2.5_%PocaLimpiezaCalles 35.10 19.82 21.23 22.00 *** --
2.6_%Delincuencia 25.32 23.67 4.94 10.62 *** ---
3.1_Poblacion 1367 518.00 900.20 410.50 *** ---
3.1_EdadMediaPoblacion 38.01 4.41 42.74 4.02 *** +++
3.1_%Nacimientos 11.32 3.21 9.54 2.78 *** --
3.2_PersonasPorEdificio 14.46 22.91 2.43 3.79 *** --
3.2_%Hogares1Adulto 18.80 7.55 27.87 7.37 *** +++
3.2_%Hogares1adultoYMenor 1.83 1.12 1.28 0.92 *** -
3.2_%Hogares2adulto 41.24 6.75 41.01 5.11 ns
3.2_%Hogares3adulto 18.41 3.36 16.53 3.13 *** --
3.2_%Hogares4adulto 19.71 6.64 13.32 4.70 *** ---
3.2_Hogares 449.20 167.50 340.20 145.70 *** --
3.2_HabitantesPorHogar 3.04 0.36 2.62 0.31 *** ---
3.2_RatioEdifViviendasPorHogar 0.74 0.56 1.42 0.48 *** +++
3.3_%PoblacionArraigada 80.11 9.49 82.19 5.00 *** +
3.3_%PoblacionInmigranteProvincial 3.87 5.81 3.83 3.52 ns
3.3_%PoblacionInmigranteRegional 1.35 1.28 0.97 1.09 *** -
3.3_%PoblacionInmigranteNacional 1.58 1.33 1.89 1.59 *** +
3.3_%PoblacionInmigranteExtranjero 1.32 2.79 1.13 1.95 *
3.3_%España 97.92 4.58 98.58 2.68 ***
3.3_%EuropaUE 0.77 2.97 0.82 2.21 ns
3.3_%EuropaNoUE 0.18 0.56 0.12 0.38 ***
3.3_%AmericaDelNorte 0.05 0.18 0.02 0.08 ***
3.3_%AmericaCentral 0.04 0.09 0.01 0.05 *** -
3.3_%AmericaDelSur 0.41 0.83 0.20 0.47 *** -
3.3_%Asia 0.08 0.34 0.02 0.12 ***
3.3_%Africa 0.54 2.01 0.23 1.05 ***
3.3_%Oceania 0.00 0.02 0.00 0.01 ***
3.3_%Apatridas 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 ***
3.4_%TrabajaEnProvincia 6.43 5.48 6.81 4.43 *
3.4_%TrabajaEnRegion 0.87 1.00 0.98 0.95 **
3.4_%TrabajaEnEspaña 0.47 0.57 1.00 1.26 *** +++
3.4_%TrabajaOtroPais 0.12 0.29 0.16 0.53 ns
4.1_%Ocupados 33.19 6.51 27.38 7.11 *** ---
4.1_%Parados 10.48 5.11 12.95 7.53 *** +
4.1_%Inactivos 38.02 7.24 43.94 7.25 *** +++
4.2_LocalComercialPor1000Hab 26.90 98.90 19.40 20.90 ***
4.2_OficinaYServiciosPor1000Hab 10.70 44.60 8.10 12.20 ***
4.2_Industrial1000Hab 3.07 12.11 3.63 7.94 ns
4.2_LocalAgrario1000Hab 0.65 6.71 3.14 19.84 ** +
4.2_LocalInactivoPor1000Hab 13.37 20.22 19.63 29.47 *** +
4.3_EstadoConstruccionesD 0.40 0.23 0.50 0.21 *** +
4.4_IDH_COMBINADO- 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 *** +
4.4_IDH_COMBINADO+ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ns
4.4_IDH_COMBINADO 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 *** +
4.5_%AgriculturaGanaderia 4.16 6.06 7.28 5.74 *** ++
4.5_%Pesca 0.14 0.59 0.03 0.12 ***
4.5_%Industria 3.81 2.46 2.81 2.18 *** -
4.5_%Construccion 4.47 2.44 4.35 2.08 ns
4.5_%Servicios 20.61 8.12 12.91 4.83 *** ---
4.5_%Paro 24.09 11.26 31.61 16.40 *** ++
4.6_%ViviendaEnPropiedad 82.28 13.30 82.73 10.10 ns
4.6_%ViviendasEnAlquiler 9.39 11.29 5.05 5.16 *** -
Perfil 4Muestra completa
550 10.22%
Abarca-Álvarez et al. (2019)
Detección de gentrificación a partir de datos demográficos.
En Meirelles, I. (2013). Design for Information (Vol. 5).
Perspectivas (2019)
En Meirelles, I. (2013). Design for Information (Vol. 5).
En Meirelles, I. (2013). Design for Information (Vol. 5).
Alfred H. Barr, Jr, Cubism and Abstract Art (New York, 1936)
En Meirelles, I. (2013). Design for Information (Vol. 5).
En Aigner, W., Miksch, S., Schumann, H., & Tominski, C. (2016).
Human-Computer Interaction. Encyclopedia of Database
Systems. http://doi.org/10.1007/978-0-85729-079-3
Ecosistema Urbano. Planning for Protest
Things we could learn from #15M in Madrid
Abarca-Álvarez, F.J., Campos-Sánchez, F.S. & Mora-Esteban, R.
(2019). Survey Assessment for Decision Support Using Self-
Organizing Maps Profile Characterization with an Odds and
Cluster Heat Map: Application to Children’s Perception of
Urban School Environments. Entropy 21, 916.
https://doi.org/10.3390/e21090916 ISSN 1099-4300
San Francisco Emotion Map
Nold, C. (2009). Emotional Cartography. Retrieved
from http://www.emotionalcartography.net
Stockport Emotion Map
Nold, C. (2009). Emotional
Cartography. Retrieved from
Bibliografía fundamental
Kirk, A. (2012). Data visualization: a successful design process: a structured design approach to equip you with the
knowledge of how to successfully accomplish any data visualization challenge efficiently and effectively.
Meirelles, I. (2013). Design for Information (Vol. 5). http://doi.org/10.1017/CBO9781107415324.004
Nold, C. (2009). Emotional Cartography. Retrieved from http://www.emotionalcartography.net
Tufte, E. R. (1991). Envisioning Information. Bulletin of the Medical Library Association, 79(3), 346–348.
Tufte, E. R. (2006). Beautiful Evidence.
Tufte, E. R. (2007). The visual display of quantitative Information. The Visual Display of Quantitative Information
(Second Edi). Cheshire, Connecticut: Graphics Press. http://doi.org/10.1198/tech.2002.s78

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  • 1. URBAN GAMES Perspectivas Departamento de Urbanística y Ordenación del Territorio Universidad de Granada Profesor: Dr. Francisco Javier Abarca-Álvarez fcoabarca@ugr.es
  • 3. 1854. Mapa de Cólera de Londres. Dr. John Snow
  • 7. Tufte, E. R. (2007). The visual display of quantitative Information. The Visual Display of Quantitative Information (Second Edi). Cheshire, Connecticut: Graphics Press. http://doi.org/10.1198/tech.2002.s78
  • 8. En Meirelles, I. (2013). Design for Information (Vol. 5). http://doi.org/10.1017/CBO9781107415324.004
  • 12. Joseph Hutchins Colton, Johnson’s New Illustrated Family Atlas with Physical Geography (New York, 1864), pp. 10-11.
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  • 21. Campos-Sánchez, F. S., Abarca-Alvarez, F. J., Serra Coch, G. & Chastel, C. (2019). Comparative assessment on Transit Oriented Development (TOD) level around transport nodes of large cities: Complementary methods of decision support. EURE Revista Larinoamericana de Estudios Urbano Regionales. 134 (45). http://www.eure.cl/index.php/eure/article/view/2711
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  • 37. Ecosistema Urbano. Planning for Protest Things we could learn from #15M in Madrid
  • 38. En Meirelles, I. (2013). Design for Information (Vol. 5). http://doi.org/10.1017/CBO9781107415324.004
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  • 44. Greenwich Emotion Map Nold, C. (2009). Emotional Cartography. Retrieved from http://www.emotionalcartography.net
  • 45. En Meirelles, I. (2013). Design for Information (Vol. 5). http://doi.org/10.1017/CBO9781107415324.004
  • 47. "Mapa figurativo de las sucesivas pérdidas de hombres de la Armada Francesa en la campaña de Rusia 1812-1813“. Minard
  • 48. En Meirelles, I. (2013). Design for Information (Vol. 5). http://doi.org/10.1017/CBO9781107415324.004
  • 49. En Meirelles, I. (2013). Design for Information (Vol. 5). http://doi.org/10.1017/CBO9781107415324.004
  • 50. En Meirelles, I. (2013). Design for Information (Vol. 5). http://doi.org/10.1017/CBO9781107415324.004
  • 51. Abarca-Alvarez, FJ & Campos-Sánchez, FS. (2018). Inteligencia Artificial para la Inteligencia Urbana: Sistema de Ayuda a la Decisión para la predicción de la vulnerabilidad social. En Libro de Actas XVIII Conferencia de la Asociación Española para la Inteligencia Artificial (CAEPIA). Editorial Universidad de Granada. Granada 23-26 octubre 2018. https://sci2s.ugr.es/caepia18/proceedings/docs/CAEPIA2018_paper_266.pdf N de instancias (%) 5381 100.00 Atributo Media DS Media DS conf TE 2.1_EquipSaludPor1000Hab 1.39 6.16 1.56 2.45 ns 2.1_EquipEducacionPor1000Hab 1.14 2.36 2.16 3.20 *** + 2.1_EquipBienestarPor1000Hab 0.83 1.68 1.85 3.77 *** ++ 2.1_EquipCulDepPor1000Hab 0.72 1.47 1.94 3.07 *** +++ 2.1_EquipamientosPor1000Hab 4.08 8.31 7.51 7.25 *** + 2.2_%NoAguaCorriente 0.91 2.84 3.16 6.47 *** ++ 2.2_%Gas 22.77 33.76 12.31 28.29 *** - 2.2_%Telefono 86.96 17.48 63.45 23.69 *** --- 2.5_%PocaLimpiezaCalles 35.10 19.82 21.23 22.00 *** -- 2.6_%Delincuencia 25.32 23.67 4.94 10.62 *** --- 3.1_Poblacion 1367 518.00 900.20 410.50 *** --- 3.1_EdadMediaPoblacion 38.01 4.41 42.74 4.02 *** +++ 3.1_%Nacimientos 11.32 3.21 9.54 2.78 *** -- 3.2_PersonasPorEdificio 14.46 22.91 2.43 3.79 *** -- 3.2_%Hogares1Adulto 18.80 7.55 27.87 7.37 *** +++ 3.2_%Hogares1adultoYMenor 1.83 1.12 1.28 0.92 *** - 3.2_%Hogares2adulto 41.24 6.75 41.01 5.11 ns 3.2_%Hogares3adulto 18.41 3.36 16.53 3.13 *** -- 3.2_%Hogares4adulto 19.71 6.64 13.32 4.70 *** --- 3.2_Hogares 449.20 167.50 340.20 145.70 *** -- 3.2_HabitantesPorHogar 3.04 0.36 2.62 0.31 *** --- 3.2_RatioEdifViviendasPorHogar 0.74 0.56 1.42 0.48 *** +++ 3.3_%PoblacionArraigada 80.11 9.49 82.19 5.00 *** + 3.3_%PoblacionInmigranteProvincial 3.87 5.81 3.83 3.52 ns 3.3_%PoblacionInmigranteRegional 1.35 1.28 0.97 1.09 *** - 3.3_%PoblacionInmigranteNacional 1.58 1.33 1.89 1.59 *** + 3.3_%PoblacionInmigranteExtranjero 1.32 2.79 1.13 1.95 * 3.3_%España 97.92 4.58 98.58 2.68 *** 3.3_%EuropaUE 0.77 2.97 0.82 2.21 ns 3.3_%EuropaNoUE 0.18 0.56 0.12 0.38 *** 3.3_%AmericaDelNorte 0.05 0.18 0.02 0.08 *** 3.3_%AmericaCentral 0.04 0.09 0.01 0.05 *** - 3.3_%AmericaDelSur 0.41 0.83 0.20 0.47 *** - 3.3_%Asia 0.08 0.34 0.02 0.12 *** 3.3_%Africa 0.54 2.01 0.23 1.05 *** 3.3_%Oceania 0.00 0.02 0.00 0.01 *** 3.3_%Apatridas 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 *** 3.4_%TrabajaEnProvincia 6.43 5.48 6.81 4.43 * 3.4_%TrabajaEnRegion 0.87 1.00 0.98 0.95 ** 3.4_%TrabajaEnEspaña 0.47 0.57 1.00 1.26 *** +++ 3.4_%TrabajaOtroPais 0.12 0.29 0.16 0.53 ns 4.1_%Ocupados 33.19 6.51 27.38 7.11 *** --- 4.1_%Parados 10.48 5.11 12.95 7.53 *** + 4.1_%Inactivos 38.02 7.24 43.94 7.25 *** +++ 4.2_LocalComercialPor1000Hab 26.90 98.90 19.40 20.90 *** 4.2_OficinaYServiciosPor1000Hab 10.70 44.60 8.10 12.20 *** 4.2_Industrial1000Hab 3.07 12.11 3.63 7.94 ns 4.2_LocalAgrario1000Hab 0.65 6.71 3.14 19.84 ** + 4.2_LocalInactivoPor1000Hab 13.37 20.22 19.63 29.47 *** + 4.3_EstadoConstruccionesD 0.40 0.23 0.50 0.21 *** + 4.4_IDH_COMBINADO- 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 *** + 4.4_IDH_COMBINADO+ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ns 4.4_IDH_COMBINADO 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 *** + 4.5_%AgriculturaGanaderia 4.16 6.06 7.28 5.74 *** ++ 4.5_%Pesca 0.14 0.59 0.03 0.12 *** 4.5_%Industria 3.81 2.46 2.81 2.18 *** - 4.5_%Construccion 4.47 2.44 4.35 2.08 ns 4.5_%Servicios 20.61 8.12 12.91 4.83 *** --- 4.5_%Paro 24.09 11.26 31.61 16.40 *** ++ 4.6_%ViviendaEnPropiedad 82.28 13.30 82.73 10.10 ns 4.6_%ViviendasEnAlquiler 9.39 11.29 5.05 5.16 *** - Perfil 4Muestra completa 550 10.22%
  • 52. Abarca-Álvarez et al. (2019) Detección de gentrificación a partir de datos demográficos.
  • 53. En Meirelles, I. (2013). Design for Information (Vol. 5). http://doi.org/10.1017/CBO9781107415324.004
  • 55. En Meirelles, I. (2013). Design for Information (Vol. 5). http://doi.org/10.1017/CBO9781107415324.004
  • 56. En Meirelles, I. (2013). Design for Information (Vol. 5). http://doi.org/10.1017/CBO9781107415324.004
  • 57. Alfred H. Barr, Jr, Cubism and Abstract Art (New York, 1936)
  • 58. En Meirelles, I. (2013). Design for Information (Vol. 5). http://doi.org/10.1017/CBO9781107415324.004
  • 59. En Aigner, W., Miksch, S., Schumann, H., & Tominski, C. (2016). Human-Computer Interaction. Encyclopedia of Database Systems. http://doi.org/10.1007/978-0-85729-079-3
  • 60. Ecosistema Urbano. Planning for Protest Things we could learn from #15M in Madrid
  • 61. Abarca-Álvarez, F.J., Campos-Sánchez, F.S. & Mora-Esteban, R. (2019). Survey Assessment for Decision Support Using Self- Organizing Maps Profile Characterization with an Odds and Cluster Heat Map: Application to Children’s Perception of Urban School Environments. Entropy 21, 916. https://doi.org/10.3390/e21090916 ISSN 1099-4300
  • 62. San Francisco Emotion Map Nold, C. (2009). Emotional Cartography. Retrieved from http://www.emotionalcartography.net
  • 63. Stockport Emotion Map Nold, C. (2009). Emotional Cartography. Retrieved from http://www.emotionalcarto graphy.net
  • 64. Bibliografía fundamental Kirk, A. (2012). Data visualization: a successful design process: a structured design approach to equip you with the knowledge of how to successfully accomplish any data visualization challenge efficiently and effectively. Meirelles, I. (2013). Design for Information (Vol. 5). http://doi.org/10.1017/CBO9781107415324.004 Nold, C. (2009). Emotional Cartography. Retrieved from http://www.emotionalcartography.net Tufte, E. R. (1991). Envisioning Information. Bulletin of the Medical Library Association, 79(3), 346–348. http://doi.org/10.1213/00000539-199103000-00040 Tufte, E. R. (2006). Beautiful Evidence. Tufte, E. R. (2007). The visual display of quantitative Information. The Visual Display of Quantitative Information (Second Edi). Cheshire, Connecticut: Graphics Press. http://doi.org/10.1198/tech.2002.s78