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Perspectives at Carbon Expo 2015
Meet us at booths in the Spanish Pavilion and the German Pavilion or
in one of the side events and events in the German Pavilion to
discuss emerging climate policy and carbon market issues.
Current status of the CDM and its relevance for the new climate agreement
 Results from latest climate policy research
Tuesday 26 May 2015, 13.30-14.30
Room 11, Level 0
Stephan Hoch will speak on how emerging new instruments in the CDM and
NAMAs can best complement each other: the emergence of CDM Programme of
Activities, Standardized Baselines, hybrid CDM-NAMA initiatives, and climate
finance innovations could be the ingredients for an effective new climate regime.
Pilot activities for NMM
Tuesday 26 May 2015, 16:00-16:30
German Pavilion
Axel Michaelowa and Bj旦rn Dransfeld will speak on options to utilize and
advance pilot activities to provide lessons and best practice examples for an
emerging new market mechanism in the new climate regime.
Market mechanisms in INDCs
Wednesday 27 May 2015, 14:30-15:00
German Pavilion
Axel Michaelowa and Matthias Honegger will discuss the potential role of market
mechanisms in INDCs and their possible consequences for market dynamics as
well as implications for the post-2020 regime.
Linking carbon markets and climate finance
Thursday 28 May 2015, 10:00-10:30
German Pavilion
Stephan Hoch will present innovative solutions for linking carbon markets and
climate finance and how environmental integrity can be ensured while mobilizing
vast mitigation potentials from the private sector.

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Perspectives at Carbon Expo 2015

  • 1. 油 info@perspectives.cc 油 www.perspectives.cc 油 Perspectives at Carbon Expo 2015 Meet us at booths in the Spanish Pavilion and the German Pavilion or in one of the side events and events in the German Pavilion to discuss emerging climate policy and carbon market issues. Current status of the CDM and its relevance for the new climate agreement Results from latest climate policy research Tuesday 26 May 2015, 13.30-14.30 Room 11, Level 0 油 Stephan Hoch will speak on how emerging new instruments in the CDM and NAMAs can best complement each other: the emergence of CDM Programme of Activities, Standardized Baselines, hybrid CDM-NAMA initiatives, and climate finance innovations could be the ingredients for an effective new climate regime. Pilot activities for NMM Tuesday 26 May 2015, 16:00-16:30 German Pavilion Axel Michaelowa and Bj旦rn Dransfeld will speak on options to utilize and advance pilot activities to provide lessons and best practice examples for an emerging new market mechanism in the new climate regime. Market mechanisms in INDCs Wednesday 27 May 2015, 14:30-15:00 German Pavilion 油 Axel Michaelowa and Matthias Honegger will discuss the potential role of market mechanisms in INDCs and their possible consequences for market dynamics as well as implications for the post-2020 regime. Linking carbon markets and climate finance Thursday 28 May 2015, 10:00-10:30 German Pavilion 油 Stephan Hoch will present innovative solutions for linking carbon markets and climate finance and how environmental integrity can be ensured while mobilizing vast mitigation potentials from the private sector.