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PERSUASIONHerding the digital sheep best presentation in years!Someguy, 際際滷share
1. The Theory
Life = makingchoices
more information=more difficult to choose
more choiceavailable=more difficult to choose
Duringevolution, man has developedsemi-automaticreactions to helphimmakechoicesMust. Buy. Stuff. Online.
Someguywell mention at theend of the presentationboileditdown to 6 BASIC PRINCIPLES
ReciprocityScarcityLikingAuthoritySocial ProofCommitment/Consistency
1. RECIPROCITY束you scratch my back,Ill scratch yours損
Use reciprocity to givethingsawayfor free and people will return
Do youconsidergoing back whenyougotsomething for free?
Do youconsidergoing back whenyougotsomething for free?
Do youconsidergoing back whenyougotsomething for free?
People are inclined to returnfavorsyou have donethem
What do you do whensomeonefollowsyou on twitter?
If youjustread a good article and theauthorasksyou to promoteit, willyou?
Chances are yourealreadygivingstuffaway for free
Free newsletterFree RSS feedFree tutorialsFree tipsFree webinar/podcastFree softwareFree trial
Askyourusers/visitors to promoteyour content in return for whattheyget
2. SCARCITYWe all love a goodstampede
Whensomethingisscarce,people automaticallyperceiveitas more valuable
Persuasion: herding the digital sheep
束createdscarcityaround a virtualgood and thatcreatesbuzz.損
Scarcityisparticularly effectivein e-commerceenvironments
Scarcity in time
Scarcity in amount
束Triple Whammy損Limited accessLimited timeLimited stock
3. LIKINGEverdenied a requestfrom a friend?
If people likeyou, theyllbe back
Problem: theyre not talking to you,theyrelookingat a computer screen
Put a face on youractivity
Use handwriting,itshumanAre weseeingreciprocityhere?You consume his content, heasksyou to check out the bannerFair deal or fair deal?
束The doctorsaidso損4. AUTHORITY
Establishingauthoritymakesiteasy for people to chooseyouover the next attention sucker
Endorsementfrom experts/users
Once yourauthorityisestablished,youcanstartrolling
5. SOCIAL PROOFWe are all sheep
In a world of everincreasinginformation, werely on otherpeopleschoices to makeourown
Fromreviews to reviews of reviews
Ninja Squirrelswatched496,663 times? That must be good, right?
6. COMMITMENT/CONSISTENCYThe moment youdecide on something,You startconvincingyourselfits the right choice
People want to beengagedmakeit as easy as possible for them
Security OK in headerloweringthreshhold
Why shop with us?feed the masses
love yourselectioneasy online sitedelivery out of this worldDidwe mention 束triple whammy損?
Combine theseelementsto herd the digital sheep
The logo: likingScarcityScarcitySocial proof + authority: 束nr 1損Social proofScarcityAppealing to childhood: liking
Liking (handwriting) + commitment (free)In one place  easy  instant : loweringthreshhold to increasecommitmentSocial ProofAuthority
Social Proof (3 million) +Commitment (simple way)AuthorityLiking + Authority + Social ProofAuthorityLiking
This presentationWould not have been possiblewithoutRobert CialdiniRead hiswidelyacclaimed book INFLUENCE, I personallyrecommendit
Im ThomasThis isactually one of the first pictureswhengooglingmyname  dontaskI  do e-commerce:www.bagazoo.comwww.chocolateque.comwww.essentialist.beand othersIf youlikedthispresentation, pleasefollow me:twitter.com/thomasvdc

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Persuasion: herding the digital sheep