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Globalizing Food Markets and New Challenges
                          for Smallholder Farmers

Understanding and addressing global agriculture developments—both advantageous and
not—are critical to improvingsmallholder livelihoods, in which ICT can play a major
role. The continued increase in globalization and integration offood markets has
intensified competition and efficacy in the agriculture sector, and has brought unique
opportunitiesto include more smallholders into supply chains. Yet in the same vein,
agriculture faces a range of modern and seriouschallenges, particularly in developing
countries exposed to price shocks, climate change, and continued deficiencies in
infrastructure in rural areas.

When commodity prices rise quickly and steeply, they precipitate concerns about food
insecurity, widespread poverty,and conflict—more so in countries that import high
volumes of staple foods. Globalized food markets also increase therisk that some
countries and many smallholders will remain marginalized from the expanding and
more profitable agriculturalvalue chains (such as premium foods, which have seen an
increase in demand due to an expanding middle class)that rely on technical
sophistication to ensure speed, scale, and customization.

Climate change has also played an acute role in keeping smallholders in the underbelly
of value chains. Farmers canno longer rely on timeworn coping strategies when all of
their familiar benchmarks for making agricultural decisions—the timing of rains for
planting and pasture, the probability of frost, the duration of dry intervals that spare
crops fromdisease—are increasingly less reliable. Severe and unexpected weather are
shrinking already-limited yields and promotingmigration from rural areas and rural jobs.
Weather-related events leave developing-country governments, who lack
the resources and the private sector investment to provide risk management instruments,
to cope with major crop failuresand the displaced victims only after the fact.

It is in the context of globalizing agriculture where the need for information becomes
most vivid. The smallholders, whostill provide a significant portion of the world’s food,
need information to advance their work just as much as industrialscaleproducers.

Comparing the two types of farmers—industrial and small-scale—exemplifies the
latter’s disadvantages.Where wealthier industrial producers can use the Internet, phone,
weather forecasts, other digital tools, and technologiesas simple as vehicles and
infrastructure as basic as electricity to glean information on prices, markets, varieties,
production techniques, services, storage, or processing, smallholders remain dependent
primarily on word of mouth,previous experience, and local leadership.

The smallholder disadvantage does not stop there. Financial and insurance services are
often out of reach and poorlyunderstood. Key intermediaries like producer organizations
and rural institutions (including local government) could helpalleviate the disadvantage,
but in many places, the former are just emerging and the latter are inefficient and
nontransparent.Both require a variety of technical and financial support to grow and
become inclusive and effective. Many of thesechallenges and others can be addressed
by using ICT effectively.
First Assignment

Translate this text with your group discussion and answer these following questions
based on your arguments and point of view of this text

1. Why some commodity prices rise quickly and steeply in the market, both in
traditionalmarket and supermarket?

2. From your point of view, why climate change has also played an acute role in
keeping smallholders in the underbelly of value chains? Answer this question based
on the data and facts that you have.
GlobalisasiMakananPasardanTantanganBaruuntukPetani Plasma

Memahamidanmengatasipertanian global perkembangan-baikmenguntungkandantidak-
sangatpentinguntukmeningkatkanmatapencaharianpetanikecil,       di    mana      ICT
efektivitasdalamsektorpertanian,           dantelahmembawapeluang              yang
unikuntukmemasukkanpetanilebihkerantaipasokan. Namundalam vena yang sama,
pertanianmenghadapiberbagaitantangan modern danserius, khususnya di negara-
negaraberkembangterkenaguncanganharga,                               perubahaniklim,
dankekuranganterusinfrastruktur di daerahpedesaan.

merekamemicukekhawatirantentangkerawananpangan,         kemiskinan   yang    meluas,
dankonflik-lebih di negara-negara yang mengimpor volume tinggimakananpokok.
Pasarpangan                                                                   global
ariperluasandanrantainilailebihmenguntungkanpertanian    (sepertimakanan    premium,
yang       telahmelihatpeningkatanpermintaankarenakelasmenengahberkembang)      yang
mengandalkankecanggihanteknisuntukmenjaminkecepatan, skala, dankustomisasi.

antainilai. Petanitidakbisalagimengandalkanstrategimengatasiausketikasemuatolokukur
yang                                            merekakenaluntukmembuatkeputusan-
pertanianwaktuhujanuntukpenanamandanpadangrumput,         kemungkinanes,      durasi
interval    kering   yang   tanamancadangdaripenyakit-semakinkurangdapatdiandalkan.
Cuacaburukdantakterdugamenyusuthasil                                           yang
Cuacaterkaitperistiwameninggalkannegaraberkembangpemerintah,                   yang
menrisiko, untukmengatasikegagalanpanenbesardankorbanpengungsihanyasetelahfakta.
Iniadalahdalamkonteksglobalisasipertanian            di    manakebutuhanakaninformasimenjadi
paling      jelas.       Para      petani,          yang      masihmemberikanporsi          yang

Membandingkanduajenispetani-industridanskalakecil-contohkerugian                yang   terakhir.
Dimanaprodusenindustri kaya bisamenggunakan internet, telepon, perkiraancuaca, alat-
alat               digital               lainnya,                danteknologi               yang
masitentangharga, pasar, varietas, teknikproduksi, jasa, penyimpanan, ataupengolahan,
petanitetaptergantungterutamadarimulutkemulut,                        pengalamansebelumnya,

Kerugianpetanikeciltidakberhenti                                 di                         situ.
(termasukpemerintahdaerah)             bisamembantumeringankanmerugikan,           tetapi     di
banyaktempat,                   yang                pertamahanyamunculdan                   yang
lusifdanefektif.     Banyaktantanganinidanlainnyadapatdiatasidenganmenggunakan              ICT


1. Mengapabeberapahargakomoditasmeningkatdengancepatdantajam di pasar, baik di
pasartradisionaldan supermarket?
2.                             Dari                              sudutpandangAnda,
mengapaperubahaniklimjugatelahmemainkanperandalammenjagaakutpetanikecil         di
perutrantainilai?   Menjawabpertanyaaninididasarkanpada   data     danfakta   yang

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Pertanian tugas 1, 25 peb 2013(2)

  • 1. Globalizing Food Markets and New Challenges for Smallholder Farmers Understanding and addressing global agriculture developments—both advantageous and not—are critical to improvingsmallholder livelihoods, in which ICT can play a major role. The continued increase in globalization and integration offood markets has intensified competition and efficacy in the agriculture sector, and has brought unique opportunitiesto include more smallholders into supply chains. Yet in the same vein, agriculture faces a range of modern and seriouschallenges, particularly in developing countries exposed to price shocks, climate change, and continued deficiencies in infrastructure in rural areas. When commodity prices rise quickly and steeply, they precipitate concerns about food insecurity, widespread poverty,and conflict—more so in countries that import high volumes of staple foods. Globalized food markets also increase therisk that some countries and many smallholders will remain marginalized from the expanding and more profitable agriculturalvalue chains (such as premium foods, which have seen an increase in demand due to an expanding middle class)that rely on technical sophistication to ensure speed, scale, and customization. Climate change has also played an acute role in keeping smallholders in the underbelly of value chains. Farmers canno longer rely on timeworn coping strategies when all of their familiar benchmarks for making agricultural decisions—the timing of rains for planting and pasture, the probability of frost, the duration of dry intervals that spare crops fromdisease—are increasingly less reliable. Severe and unexpected weather are shrinking already-limited yields and promotingmigration from rural areas and rural jobs. Weather-related events leave developing-country governments, who lack the resources and the private sector investment to provide risk management instruments, to cope with major crop failuresand the displaced victims only after the fact. It is in the context of globalizing agriculture where the need for information becomes most vivid. The smallholders, whostill provide a significant portion of the world’s food, need information to advance their work just as much as industrialscaleproducers. Comparing the two types of farmers—industrial and small-scale—exemplifies the latter’s disadvantages.Where wealthier industrial producers can use the Internet, phone, weather forecasts, other digital tools, and technologiesas simple as vehicles and infrastructure as basic as electricity to glean information on prices, markets, varieties, production techniques, services, storage, or processing, smallholders remain dependent primarily on word of mouth,previous experience, and local leadership. The smallholder disadvantage does not stop there. Financial and insurance services are often out of reach and poorlyunderstood. Key intermediaries like producer organizations and rural institutions (including local government) could helpalleviate the disadvantage, but in many places, the former are just emerging and the latter are inefficient and nontransparent.Both require a variety of technical and financial support to grow and become inclusive and effective. Many of thesechallenges and others can be addressed by using ICT effectively.
  • 2. First Assignment Translate this text with your group discussion and answer these following questions based on your arguments and point of view of this text 1. Why some commodity prices rise quickly and steeply in the market, both in traditionalmarket and supermarket? 2. From your point of view, why climate change has also played an acute role in keeping smallholders in the underbelly of value chains? Answer this question based on the data and facts that you have.
  • 3. GlobalisasiMakananPasardanTantanganBaruuntukPetani Plasma Memahamidanmengatasipertanian global perkembangan-baikmenguntungkandantidak- sangatpentinguntukmeningkatkanmatapencaharianpetanikecil, di mana ICT dapatmemainkanperanutama. Peningkatanterusglobalisasidanintegrasipasarmakanantelahmeningkatkanpersaingandan efektivitasdalamsektorpertanian, dantelahmembawapeluang yang unikuntukmemasukkanpetanilebihkerantaipasokan. Namundalam vena yang sama, pertanianmenghadapiberbagaitantangan modern danserius, khususnya di negara- negaraberkembangterkenaguncanganharga, perubahaniklim, dankekuranganterusinfrastruktur di daerahpedesaan. Ketikahargakomoditasmeningkatdengancepatdantajam, merekamemicukekhawatirantentangkerawananpangan, kemiskinan yang meluas, dankonflik-lebih di negara-negara yang mengimpor volume tinggimakananpokok. Pasarpangan global jugameningkatkanrisikobahwabeberapanegaradanpetanibanyakakantetapterpinggirkand ariperluasandanrantainilailebihmenguntungkanpertanian (sepertimakanan premium, yang telahmelihatpeningkatanpermintaankarenakelasmenengahberkembang) yang mengandalkankecanggihanteknisuntukmenjaminkecepatan, skala, dankustomisasi. Perubahaniklimjugatelahmemainkanperandalammenjagaakutpetanikecildalamperutdarir antainilai. Petanitidakbisalagimengandalkanstrategimengatasiausketikasemuatolokukur yang merekakenaluntukmembuatkeputusan- pertanianwaktuhujanuntukpenanamandanpadangrumput, kemungkinanes, durasi interval kering yang tanamancadangdaripenyakit-semakinkurangdapatdiandalkan. Cuacaburukdantakterdugamenyusuthasil yang sudahterbatasdanmempromosikanmigrasidaridaerahpedesaandanpekerjaanpedesaan. Cuacaterkaitperistiwameninggalkannegaraberkembangpemerintah, yang tidakmemilikisumberdayadaninvestasisektorswastauntukmenyediakaninstrumenmanaje menrisiko, untukmengatasikegagalanpanenbesardankorbanpengungsihanyasetelahfakta.
  • 4. Iniadalahdalamkonteksglobalisasipertanian di manakebutuhanakaninformasimenjadi paling jelas. Para petani, yang masihmemberikanporsi yang signifikandarimakanandunia, memerlukaninformasiuntukmemajukanpekerjaanmerekasepertihalnyaprodusenskalaindu stri. Membandingkanduajenispetani-industridanskalakecil-contohkerugian yang terakhir. Dimanaprodusenindustri kaya bisamenggunakan internet, telepon, perkiraancuaca, alat- alat digital lainnya, danteknologi yang sederhanasepertikendaraandaninfrastrukturdasarsepertilistrikuntukmengumpulkaninfor masitentangharga, pasar, varietas, teknikproduksi, jasa, penyimpanan, ataupengolahan, petanitetaptergantungterutamadarimulutkemulut, pengalamansebelumnya, dankepemimpinanlokal. Kerugianpetanikeciltidakberhenti di situ. Jasakeuangandanasuransiseringkeluardarijangkauandankurangdipahami. Perantarakuncisepertiorganisasiprodusendanlembagapedesaan (termasukpemerintahdaerah) bisamembantumeringankanmerugikan, tetapi di banyaktempat, yang pertamahanyamunculdan yang terakhirtidakefisiendantidaktransparan. Keduanyamemerlukanberbagaidukunganteknisdankeuanganuntuktumbuhdanmenjadiink lusifdanefektif. Banyaktantanganinidanlainnyadapatdiatasidenganmenggunakan ICT secaraefektif. MenerjemahkanteksinidengandiskusikelompokAndadanmenjawabpertanyaan- pertanyaanberikutiniberdasarkanargumenAndadansudutpandangteksini 1. Mengapabeberapahargakomoditasmeningkatdengancepatdantajam di pasar, baik di pasartradisionaldan supermarket?
  • 5. 2. Dari sudutpandangAnda, mengapaperubahaniklimjugatelahmemainkanperandalammenjagaakutpetanikecil di perutrantainilai? Menjawabpertanyaaninididasarkanpada data danfakta yang Andamiliki.