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Software Development Process

E. Haodudin Nurkifli
Teknik Informatika
Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
Kuliah 2 : Administrative dan Introduction
2 Oktober 2010
Feb 24, 2014
Part 2
Software Development Process

Eko AB  Analisis dan Perancangan Algoritma


Systems vs. Software Development

Difficulties in Software Develoment

Software Development Life Cycle

User Involvement

Case Tools Support

Eko AB  Analisis dan Perancangan Algoritma

Systems Development

Systems development is
concerned with all aspects
of computer-based systems
development including
 software and
 Human activities

May not even include
software as part of the

Eko AB  Analisis dan Perancangan Algoritma

Software Development

Software development is focused soly on producing a
software system that will satisfy user requirement.

Software: computer programs and associated

 Software development may be considered as part of
systems development
Eko AB  Analisis dan Perancangan Algoritma

The Main Players

 Those who will produce the system

 Those who may directly operate the system

or sponsors - clients

 Those who commission the project, pay for it or
have the power to halt it

Eko AB  Analisis dan Perancangan Algoritma

Difficulties in Software Development

Sotware quality: whether the software fits for purpose, satisfies
all user requirements.

Example failures
 It might work, but dreadful to use (user)
 It is pretty, but does not do anything useful (user)
 Users and owners may not know how to ask for what they really want,
e.g. We built what they said they wanted (developer)
 Budget and time constraints often conflict with doing the job properly,
e.g. There was not enough time to do it any better (developer)
 Difficulties for the possession of blended skills, e.g. Do not blame
me, I never done object-oriented analysis before (developer)

Eko AB  Analisis dan Perancangan Algoritma

Difficulties in Software Development

Productivity: the progress of the project, and the
resources (including time and money) that it consumes
along the way (much related to project management)

Example failures
 A system that is promised but not delivered (user)
 It is no use delivering now, we need it last April (owner)
 Projects that overspend their budget (owner)
 Requirements drift, e.g. user changes their minds
 Implementation not feasible, e.g. we said it was impossible, but
no-one listened (developer)
How to overcome them?

Eko AB  Analisis dan Perancangan Algoritma

Software Development Process

Subdividing the process of software development into
different phases

Ease of management to produce appropriate quality
standard and to stay within the allocated budgest

Help to identify and allocate developers skills
appropriately, and thus improve the quality of the task

Known as project life cycle model

Eko AB  Analisis dan Perancangan Algoritma

Project Life Cycle

Two important precursor
phases are

Don卒t blindly follow the
path to automation. The
very first question is
whether or not you even
need a computer

 Strategic Information Systems
 Business Modelling

Focus on organisation needs

They are not computational

Universially accepted for
commercially oriented
computer system development

Eko AB  Analisis dan Perancangan Algoritma

Generic Life Cycle Models

The Waterfall Model


Iterative and Incremental Development

The Unified Process Life Cycle

Eko AB  Analisis dan Perancangan Algoritma

Waterfall Life Cycle
Requirements specification
Functional specification
Acceptance test specifications

Analy sis

Unit test report
Sub-system test report
System test report
Acceptance test report
Completed system



Software architecture specification
System test specification
Design specification
Sub-system test specification
Unit test specification
Change requests
Change request report
Eko AB  Analisis dan Perancangan Algoritma




Waterfall Life Cycle
 The traditional life cycle (TLC) for information
systems development.
 So called because of the difficulty of returning to
an earlier phase.
 The drawback of the waterfall model is the
difficulty of accommodating change after the
process is underway

Eko AB  Analisis dan Perancangan Algoritma

TLC with Iteration

The cost of
this form of
increases as
the project
making it
and not
Eko AB  Analisis dan Perancangan Algoritma

Problems with TLC

Real projects rarely follow such a simple sequential life
 Lapsed time between systems engineering and the
final installation is long
 Iterations are almost inevitable in real projects but are
expensive & problematic with the TLC
 Unresponsive to changes during project as iteration is

Therefore, this model is only appropriate when the
requirements are well-understood

Eko AB  Analisis dan Perancangan Algoritma

Strengths of TLC

a very structured way to system


in phases may be assigned to
specialized teams.


progress evaluated at the end of each
phase, and assessment made as to whether
the project should proceed

Eko AB  Analisis dan Perancangan Algoritma

Prototyping Life Cycle
 Not intended to deliver the final working system
 Quickly built up to explore some aspects of the system
 May be used as part of other iterative life cycle
analys is



com pleted

Eko AB  Analisis dan Perancangan Algoritma


Cons truct

Prototyping  Advantages

Early demonstrations of system functionality help
identify any misunderstandings between developer
and client

Client requirements that have been missed are

Difficulties in the interface can be identified

The feasibility and usefulness of the system can be
tested, even though, by its very nature, the prototype
is incomplete

Eko AB  Analisis dan Perancangan Algoritma

Prototyping  Problems:

client may perceive the prototype as part of
the final system


prototype may divert attention from
functional to solely interface issues


requires significant user


the prototyping life cycle requires
careful decision making

Eko AB  Analisis dan Perancangan Algoritma

Incremental Development
gathering and
project planning


Risk analysis

Risk analysis
based on user
reaction to plan

Further planning
based on user


Risk analysis
based on initial

Go, no-go decision
Risk assessment
Progress towards
final system

User evaluation

Software development

Develop first
Develop next

The Spiral Model
(Boehm, 1988)

Eko AB  Analisis dan Perancangan Algoritma

Incremental Development

Iterative problem solving: repeats activities, each can be
viewed as a mini-project

Incremental delivery, either external or internal release

New release = new functionality + (improved) previous

Several approaches to structuring iterations
 Define and implement the key system functions
 Focus on one subsystem at a time
 Define by complexity or risk of certain components

Eko AB  Analisis dan Perancangan Algoritma

Unified Process Life Cycle

The Unified Process System Development Life Cycle
Eko AB  Analisis dan Perancangan Algoritma

Unified Process Life Cycle


Eko AB  Analisis dan Perancangan Algoritma

Unified Process Life Cycle

many elements of best practice

phases are:

 Inception is concerned with determining the scope
and purpose of the project;
 Elaboration focuses requirements capture and
determining the structure of the system;
 Construction's main aim is to build the software
 Transition deals with product installation and rollout.
Eko AB  Analisis dan Perancangan Algoritma

Choose Appropriate Life Cycle
 TCL is highly predictive
 Prototyping, Spiral and UP life cycle models are highly

Predictive versus adaptive approaches to the SDLC
Eko AB  Analisis dan Perancangan Algoritma

User Involvement

well as use appropriate process model,
user involvement and CASE tools support
also very improtant for project success


can be involved at various levels

 As part of the development team (DSDM)
 Via a consultative approach
 In fact gathering

Eko AB  Analisis dan Perancangan Algoritma

CASE Tools

CASE-Computer Aided Software Engineering, typically
provide a range of features including:
 Model and technical support
 checks for syntactic correctness, consistency and completeness
 Layering, navigation to linked diagrams
 repository support, traceability
 report generation
 system simulation, performance analysis

 Software construction
 Code generation
 Reverse engineering
Eko AB  Analisis dan Perancangan Algoritma

 Text Chapter 2, 3

Eko AB  Analisis dan Perancangan Algoritma


Distinguish between client and user.


Define software quality.


What are the main difference between quality problems and
productivity problems?


Advantages and disadvantages of TLC, and how to overcome
the disadvantges?


Differences between prototyping and incremental


Identify the ways and potential problems with user


What do you think is meant by the term failure when it is
applied to an IS project?

Eko AB  Analisis dan Perancangan Algoritma


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Pertemuan 2-apbo-software-developmeng-processing

  • 1. Software Development Process E. Haodudin Nurkifli Teknik Informatika Universitas Ahmad Dahlan Kuliah 2 : Administrative dan Introduction 2 Oktober 2010 Feb 24, 2014
  • 2. Part 2 Software Development Process Eko AB Analisis dan Perancangan Algoritma 2
  • 3. Outline Systems vs. Software Development Difficulties in Software Develoment Software Development Life Cycle User Involvement Case Tools Support Eko AB Analisis dan Perancangan Algoritma 3
  • 4. Systems Development Systems development is concerned with all aspects of computer-based systems development including hardware, software and Human activities May not even include software as part of the solution Eko AB Analisis dan Perancangan Algoritma 4
  • 5. Software Development Software development is focused soly on producing a software system that will satisfy user requirement. Software: computer programs and associated documentation Software development may be considered as part of systems development Eko AB Analisis dan Perancangan Algoritma 5
  • 6. The Main Players Developers Those who will produce the system End-users Those who may directly operate the system Owners or sponsors - clients Those who commission the project, pay for it or have the power to halt it Eko AB Analisis dan Perancangan Algoritma 6
  • 7. Difficulties in Software Development Sotware quality: whether the software fits for purpose, satisfies all user requirements. Example failures It might work, but dreadful to use (user) It is pretty, but does not do anything useful (user) Users and owners may not know how to ask for what they really want, e.g. We built what they said they wanted (developer) Budget and time constraints often conflict with doing the job properly, e.g. There was not enough time to do it any better (developer) Difficulties for the possession of blended skills, e.g. Do not blame me, I never done object-oriented analysis before (developer) Eko AB Analisis dan Perancangan Algoritma 7
  • 8. Difficulties in Software Development Productivity: the progress of the project, and the resources (including time and money) that it consumes along the way (much related to project management) Example failures A system that is promised but not delivered (user) It is no use delivering now, we need it last April (owner) Projects that overspend their budget (owner) Requirements drift, e.g. user changes their minds frequently(develper) Implementation not feasible, e.g. we said it was impossible, but no-one listened (developer) How to overcome them? Eko AB Analisis dan Perancangan Algoritma 8
  • 9. Software Development Process Subdividing the process of software development into different phases Ease of management to produce appropriate quality standard and to stay within the allocated budgest Help to identify and allocate developers skills appropriately, and thus improve the quality of the task completion Known as project life cycle model Eko AB Analisis dan Perancangan Algoritma 9
  • 10. Project Life Cycle Two important precursor phases are Don卒t blindly follow the path to automation. The very first question is whether or not you even need a computer system... Strategic Information Systems Planning Business Modelling Focus on organisation needs They are not computational Universially accepted for commercially oriented computer system development Eko AB Analisis dan Perancangan Algoritma 10
  • 11. Generic Life Cycle Models The Waterfall Model Prototyping Iterative and Incremental Development The Unified Process Life Cycle Eko AB Analisis dan Perancangan Algoritma 11
  • 12. Waterfall Life Cycle Requirements specification Functional specification Acceptance test specifications System System Engineering Engineering Requirements Analysis Analy sis Unit test report Sub-system test report System test report Acceptance test report Completed system Design Design Construction Software architecture specification System test specification Design specification Sub-system test specification Unit test specification Change requests Change request report Eko AB Analisis dan Perancangan Algoritma Testing Code Installation Code Maintenance Maintenance 12
  • 13. Waterfall Life Cycle The traditional life cycle (TLC) for information systems development. So called because of the difficulty of returning to an earlier phase. The drawback of the waterfall model is the difficulty of accommodating change after the process is underway Eko AB Analisis dan Perancangan Algoritma 13
  • 14. TLC with Iteration The cost of this form of iteration increases as the project progresses making it impractical and not effective Eko AB Analisis dan Perancangan Algoritma 14
  • 15. Problems with TLC Real projects rarely follow such a simple sequential life cycle Lapsed time between systems engineering and the final installation is long Iterations are almost inevitable in real projects but are expensive & problematic with the TLC Unresponsive to changes during project as iteration is difficult Therefore, this model is only appropriate when the requirements are well-understood Eko AB Analisis dan Perancangan Algoritma 15
  • 16. Strengths of TLC Provide a very structured way to system development Tasks in phases may be assigned to specialized teams. Project progress evaluated at the end of each phase, and assessment made as to whether the project should proceed Eko AB Analisis dan Perancangan Algoritma 16
  • 17. Prototyping Life Cycle Not intended to deliver the final working system Quickly built up to explore some aspects of the system May be used as part of other iterative life cycle Initial analys is Define objectives Specify Prototyping com pleted Eko AB Analisis dan Perancangan Algoritma Evaluate Cons truct 17
  • 18. Prototyping Advantages Early demonstrations of system functionality help identify any misunderstandings between developer and client Client requirements that have been missed are identified Difficulties in the interface can be identified The feasibility and usefulness of the system can be tested, even though, by its very nature, the prototype is incomplete Eko AB Analisis dan Perancangan Algoritma 18
  • 19. Prototyping Problems: The client may perceive the prototype as part of the final system The prototype may divert attention from functional to solely interface issues Prototyping requires significant user involvement Managing the prototyping life cycle requires careful decision making Eko AB Analisis dan Perancangan Algoritma 19
  • 20. Incremental Development Initial requirements gathering and project planning Planning Risk analysis Risk analysis based on user reaction to plan Further planning based on user comments User evaluation of increments Risk analysis based on initial requirements Go, no-go decision Risk assessment Progress towards final system User evaluation Software development Develop first increment Develop next increment The Spiral Model (Boehm, 1988) Eko AB Analisis dan Perancangan Algoritma 20
  • 21. Incremental Development Iterative problem solving: repeats activities, each can be viewed as a mini-project Incremental delivery, either external or internal release New release = new functionality + (improved) previous release Several approaches to structuring iterations Define and implement the key system functions Focus on one subsystem at a time Define by complexity or risk of certain components Eko AB Analisis dan Perancangan Algoritma 21
  • 22. Unified Process Life Cycle The Unified Process System Development Life Cycle Eko AB Analisis dan Perancangan Algoritma 22
  • 23. Unified Process Life Cycle Iteration Eko AB Analisis dan Perancangan Algoritma 23
  • 24. Unified Process Life Cycle Captures The many elements of best practice phases are: Inception is concerned with determining the scope and purpose of the project; Elaboration focuses requirements capture and determining the structure of the system; Construction's main aim is to build the software system; Transition deals with product installation and rollout. Eko AB Analisis dan Perancangan Algoritma 24
  • 25. Choose Appropriate Life Cycle TCL is highly predictive Prototyping, Spiral and UP life cycle models are highly adaptive Predictive versus adaptive approaches to the SDLC Eko AB Analisis dan Perancangan Algoritma 25
  • 26. User Involvement As well as use appropriate process model, user involvement and CASE tools support also very improtant for project success Users can be involved at various levels As part of the development team (DSDM) Via a consultative approach In fact gathering Eko AB Analisis dan Perancangan Algoritma 26
  • 27. CASE Tools CASE-Computer Aided Software Engineering, typically provide a range of features including: Model and technical support checks for syntactic correctness, consistency and completeness Layering, navigation to linked diagrams repository support, traceability report generation system simulation, performance analysis Software construction Code generation Reverse engineering Eko AB Analisis dan Perancangan Algoritma 27
  • 28. Reading Text Chapter 2, 3 Eko AB Analisis dan Perancangan Algoritma 28
  • 29. Execises 1. Distinguish between client and user. 2. Define software quality. 3. What are the main difference between quality problems and productivity problems? 4. Advantages and disadvantages of TLC, and how to overcome the disadvantges? 5. Differences between prototyping and incremental development? 6. Identify the ways and potential problems with user involvement? 7. What do you think is meant by the term failure when it is applied to an IS project? Eko AB Analisis dan Perancangan Algoritma 29

Editor's Notes

  • #5: Strategic Information Systems Planning. As we saw in Chapter 1, information systems work within the context of an organization and must satisfy its current requirements as well as providing a basis from which future needs can be addressed. In order to do this, strategic plans are developed for the organization as a whole and within their context a strategic view of information systems needs can be formed. For example, in the Agate case study a strategic decision may be made to target multinational companies for international advertising campaigns. This has consequences for campaign management and its supporting information systems. Business modelling. In order to determine how an information system can support a particular business activity it is important to understand how the activity is performed and how it contributes to the objectives of the organization. Campaign management is an important business function for Agate and it should be modelled in order to determine how it is carried out, thus providing some of the parameters for subsequent information systems development.
  • #11: Strategic Information Systems Planning. As we saw in Chapter 1, information systems work within the context of an organization and must satisfy its current requirements as well as providing a basis from which future needs can be addressed. In order to do this, strategic plans are developed for the organization as a whole and within their context a strategic view of information systems needs can be formed. For example, in the Agate case study a strategic decision may be made to target multinational companies for international advertising campaigns. This has consequences for campaign management and its supporting information systems. Business modelling. In order to determine how an information system can support a particular business activity it is important to understand how the activity is performed and how it contributes to the objectives of the organization. Campaign management is an important business function for Agate and it should be modelled in order to determine how it is carried out, thus providing some of the parameters for subsequent information systems development.
  • #18: Perform an initial analysis. All software development activity utilizes valuable re足sources. Embarking upon a prototyping exercise without some initial analysis is likely to result in an ill-focused and unstructured activity producing poorly designed software. Define prototype objectives. Prototyping should have clearly stated objectives. A proto足typing exercise may involve many iterations, each iteration resulting in some improv足ement to the prototype. This may make it difficult for the participants in a prototyping exercise to determine if there is sufficient value to continue the prototyping. However, with clearly defined objectives it should be possible to decide if they have been achieved. Specify prototype. Although the prototype is not intended for extended operation it is important that it embodies the requisite behaviour. It is almost certainly the case that the proto足type will be subject to modification and this will be easier if the software is built according to sound design principles. Construct prototype. Since it is important that prototype development is rapid, the use of a rapid development environment is appropriate. For example, if an interactive system is being prototyped, environments such as DelphiTM or Visual Basic速 can be most effective. Evaluate prototype and recommend changes. The purpose of the prototype is to test or explore some aspect of the proposed system. The prototype should be evaluated with respect to the objectives identified at the beginning of the exercise. If the objectives have not been met then the evaluation should specify modifications to the prototype so that it may achieve its objectives. The last three stages are repeated until the objectives of the prototyping exercise are achieved.