The document provides an overview of child care in Peru from a global perspective. It discusses the geography and demographics of Peru, noting that Spanish and Quechua are the official languages. It then covers the history and development of day care in Peru, including that it began being recognized in 1975. The document outlines that most day care centers are informal and underfunded, though children who attend formal preschools perform better in language and math. It also discusses Peru's recent policies aimed at improving early childhood education programs.
3. Geography
Area: 1.28 million sq. km. (496,225 sq. mi.). Peru is the third-largest country in South America and is
approximately three times the size of California.
Major cities: Lima (capital), Arequipa, Chiclayo, Cuzco, Huancayo, Ica, Trujillo, Ayacucho, Piura, Iquitos, and
Terrain: Western arid coastal plains, central rugged Andean mountains, and eastern lowlands with tropical forests
that are part of the Amazon basin.
Climate: Arid and mild in coastal area, temperate to frigid in the Andes, and warm and humid in the jungle
4. People
Nationality: Peruvian.
Ethnic groups: Indigenous (45%); mixed background ("mestizo") (37%); European (15%);
African, Japanese, Chinese, and other (3%).
Population (2009): 29.11 million. Approximately 30% of the population lives in the Lima/Callao
metropolitan area.
Annual population growth rate (2009): 1.11%.
Religions: Roman Catholic (81%), other (10%).
Languages: Spanish is the principal language. Quechua, Aymara and other indigenous languages
also have official status.
Education: Years compulsory--11. Attendance--ages 6-11, 92%; ages 12-16, 66%. Literacy--96% in
urban areas, 80% in rural areas.
Health: Infant mortality rate (2006)--29.96 per 1,000. Life expectancy (2007)--68.33 years male;
72.04 years female.
Unemployment in Lima (2009): 8.4%; underemployment (2009): 44.66%
6. There are only eight known people left on the earth that speak the
language of Chamicuro. And they all live near the Andes of Peru.
Here are some ways to say animal names in Chamicuro:
Horse = Kawali Monkey = Katuikana
Chicken = Polyo
Duck = Pato Dog =Ma’nali
Cow = Waka
Cat = Mishi
7. History of the Day Care
In Peru “Day Care/Pre School, Toddlers, and Nursery Schools as
well as Pre Kindergarten and Kindergarten” starts and begins in
Elementary school
There are schools that offer bilingual education in English and
Nursery schools begin at the age of (3 years old)
In Peru, the school year is from March-December and summer
holiday is January to the middle of March. Students also get 2
weeks of vacation in August
8. Preschool/Daycare is Peru began in 1975 but before that it was
not recognized
Reggio Emila Pre-schools/Daycare came to Peru in 1999
After 1975 other preschools around Peru were opening up and
preschool/daycare was being recognized and placed into schools
Child would actually start elementary school at 3 years of age
and continue right up until grade 11.
9. Types of Daycare
Childcare programs are the neediest projects in Peru
The government started to invest in early education and
childcare in 2001
The program was called The Project for Integrated Services to
Children Less than Six Years in the Rural Mountainous Region
However, the program lost its funding and was shut down in
10. Most childcare centres are very informal places that depend on
many volunteers from around the world
The children in these places require a lot of care, attention and
These volunteers assist with organizing activities for the children
as well as helping them with their school work
Many of these childcare projects are disorganized, understaffed
and underfunded
11. In comparing formal and informal preschool programs, there
were reported differences in the language and mathematics
outcomes of the two groups of children
The children who attended the formal preschools did better
13. Most recently, Peru has recently adopted a policy for the
development of early childcare programs which supports the
work of the country’s Non- Formal Program for Initial Education
This policy makes it compulsory for children’s education to begin
at the age of three
Peru’s Laws of Childhood ensures that the State’s responsibility
for children with disability include education
Even though programs have positive evaluations, they struggle
to survive because of lack of funding
15. The Danger of Poor Day Care Centres
This video shows the consequence of having
little money for daycare centres in poor regions.