Pervaiz Naviede is a sports science student who began competitive running in 2004 with 5k and 10k races before progressing to half marathons. He entered his first full marathon, the New York Marathon, in 2010. Some of his tips for marathon running include letting the crowd support carry you through the race, checking the locations of water stations beforehand, pacing yourself according to a plan, and using mile markers to monitor your pace. He emphasizes that running a marathon is not just about finishing but also enjoying the experience.
2. I'm a sports science student studying for my BSC
at Chester University. I started competitive
running when I turned 16 back in 2004. I started
with 5k and 10k events before moving up to half
marathons. I entered the New York marathon as
my first major distance event. Followed by the
London Marathon a year later.
Who Am I?
3. My tips and experiences
Let the crowd carry you on the day.
The atmosphere and people on the day of the
actual marathon are amazing, it's hard to
believe the level of support you get from total
strangers. Including the other racers. So many
people coming together in support.
5. Make sure you know where the
stations are
Check your run map beforehand and try to
work out where and when you are going to
want to feed. Resist the urge to just grab as
much as you can at every station to avoid
6. Pace Yourself
Have a plan and stick to it.
Me Heading through
Brooklyn. In the
orange top.
7. Keep an eye on the mile markers
They are crucial for knowing how to pace your
Me again, crossing the
Brooklyn Bridge. Forgot
to wave, didn't see Joe
until the last minute.
8. It's not all about this
But it helps :)
Thanks for reading -
Pervaiz Naviede.