This document discusses assessing a company's strategy using three rings:
1) The micro ring focuses on listening to customers and employees for feedback and new ideas to ensure the strategy still meets their needs.
2) The micro-macro ring looks at new entrants, alternative products, competitor moves, and whether the market has changed to determine if the strategy should be adjusted.
3) The macro ring examines trends, political/economic factors, and whether the strategy still aligns with the changing environment.
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Pest porter customer & employees
(assessing strategy strength & direction)
Listen to call center calls. Go out and visit
customers & employees at stores. Talk to
people who prefer your competitors
products. What feedback are you getting
on social platforms? Are customers or
employees coming up with new ways to
use your products & services? Is the
brand still top of wallet and mind? What
Substitute customer needs are you not meeting?
products & What does this info tell you about your
strategy? Is it still relevant?
Ring 2: micro-macro
What new entrants are coming up on the
Customers scene that you should be aware of? Are
New alternative products & services being
Suppliers &
entrants adopted by customers? What moves
Employees have your primary competitors made?
Has your market shrunk or grown? Can
your suppliers make you obsolete?
Should you adjust or stay the course with
your strategy?
Main Ring 3: macro
What trends should you observe and take
advantage of (customer, technology,
cultural)? Are political rules going to
change the way you do business? Is the
economy making your customers lives
better or worse? Does your strategy still
@digitalinfant align with the changing environment?