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PeopleFirm Overview

                                                          Why PeopleFirm?
                      Challenges we address:
                       Readying your organization
                        for change, whether its driven
                        by business events or new
                                                          We are a consultancy passionate about
                       Engaging your leadership
                                                          a single mission: helping clients achieve a
                        in prioritizing a portfolio of    competitive advantage through their people.
                        people and organizational
                        investments to de鍖ne the
                        roadmap and make it real          We started with the idea of creating a different kind of consulting 鍖rm, a
                       Reducing exposure to              company focused on people and grounded in our collective experience in
                        workforce changes and shifts      transforming businesses and leading strategic change. Our team combines
                       Preparing teams to manage at      deep knowledge and a unique approach to identify and implement
                        the global level
                                                          targeted investment in the human side of organizations.
                       Assessing, integrating, and
                        capturing the value of mergers
                        and acquisitions                  In short, PeopleFirm is a strategy and                 People
                       Designing and implementing        implementation 鍖rm assisting with both                                      Organizational
                        talent management processes       the what and the how. We bring
                        and technologies
                                                          proven experience to drive performance
                       Structuring your organization                                                                                 Talent
                        for success in the 21st Century   and create differentiation through four                                     Management

                       Driving new levels of             interrelated solution areas: People Strategy,
                        employment engagement             Organizational Performance, Talent                                          Change
                       Building internal change          Management, and Change Management.
                        management capability

                                                          At PeopleFirm, we believe in taking a strategic approach and
                                                          driving measurable value. We believe in straight talk and active
                                                          leadership engagement. Most importantly, we believe that
                                                          Your People = Your Success.

                                                          The PeopleFirm Difference
                                                          A Single Focus  The PeopleFirm team develops talent strategies, drives organizational
                                                          performance, and implements sustainable change. Quite simply, thats what we do.

                                                          Real World Solutions  In a 鍖eld rich with research and poor in execution, PeopleFirm
                                                          translates leading research and academic thinking into actionable business solutions.

                                                          Measurable Results  We dont waste time generating large binders that only
                                                          clutter our clients shelves. We believe in accountability and measuring project impact
                                                          and outcomes.

                                                          Experience  The numbers speak for themselves.

                      Your People = Your Success
We design and implement solutions that
address todays workforce challenges

People Strategy
             We assess organizational                   Organizational Performance
             investment options
                                                                              Typical Services:                Questions We Help Answer
             across all areas related
             to people and talent        We recognize that high-               Organization performance        How can we increase our
             management with the         performing organizations                assessment                      organizations performance
             goal of selecting           deliver results when they are         Business transformation          where do we start?
             an investment course        aligned to a common vision            Acquisition, merger, and        Our structure no longer
             that best propels the       and operate in an ef鍖cient              integration services            supports our businesshow
             organizations strategy.    and collaborative manner that                                           should we organize for today?
                                                                               Organization design and
                                         maximizes individual and group                                         How do we integrate our two
                                         contributions. Our comprehensive                                        cultures to maximize the value
                                                                               Cultural transformation
                                         approach considers form and                                             of our merger?
                                         function to directly address the      Knowledge retention and
Typical Services:                        key performance drivers of each         collaboration services
 People strategy                        unique team.                          Inclusion and diversity
 Human Resources strategy
 HR technology strategy

Questions We Help Answer
 What is the right portfolio                           Talent Management
  of people and organization
                                                                              Typical Services:
  investments to achieve                                                                                       Questions We Help Answer
                                         We collaborate with clients to        Talent management portfolio
  our strategy?                                                                                                 What talent management
                                         build forward-thinking talent          assessment
 How do we take our HR team             management strategies that                                              investments will deliver the
  to the next level in delivering                                              Talent management discipline
                                         are deliberate in how they                                              greatest return?
  measurable business value?                                                    assessment & transformation
                                         source, attract, select, train,                                        Our Performance
 How do we prepare our company                                                  - Acquire
                                         develop, promote, reward,                                               Management program is
  for the workforce risks we face?                                               - Develop
                                         and move employees through                                              cumbersome and returns
                                         the organization. With a keen           - Deploy                        little valuecan you help?
                                         focus on strategy alignment,            - Reward                       How do I optimize my
                                         integration, and implementation,      HR infrastructure alignment      investment in talent
                                         we build talent management            Technology selection and         management technology?
                                         solutions whose whole exceeds          deployment
                                         the sum of its parts.                 Competency model
PeopleFirm, LLC                                                                 development

Seattle Of鍖ce:
2201 Sixth Ave, Suite 1516
Seattle, WA 98121

Portland Of鍖ce:                                         Change Management
408 NW Fifth Ave
Portland, OR 97209                                                            Typical Services:                Questions We Help Answer
                                         We are recognized for our             Assessment of change risk       How do we manage the risk
o   206.462.6462                         best practices in designing and        and readiness                    of poor adoption?
f   888.651.1976                         leading change management and         Change program design           How do we actively engage our
www.people鍖rm.com                        adoption efforts. Whether driven       and execution                    leaders in the change process?
                                         by technology implementations,        Leadership engagement           How do we build capabilities for
                                         acquisitions or divestitures,                                           managing change internally?
                                                                               Change portfolio
                                         restructuring, business process
                                                                                management                      Change has become a constant
                                         redesign or leadership, our proven
                                                                               Building the Change Capable      in our organization, so how
                                         approach ensures change sticks.
                                                                                Organization                    do we know when weve hit
                                                                               Adoption measurement             saturation?

Your People = Your Success              息 PeopleFirm, All rights reserved.

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Pf Overview 11

  • 1. PeopleFirm Overview Why PeopleFirm? Challenges we address: Readying your organization for change, whether its driven by business events or new technologies We are a consultancy passionate about Engaging your leadership a single mission: helping clients achieve a in prioritizing a portfolio of competitive advantage through their people. people and organizational investments to de鍖ne the roadmap and make it real We started with the idea of creating a different kind of consulting 鍖rm, a Reducing exposure to company focused on people and grounded in our collective experience in workforce changes and shifts transforming businesses and leading strategic change. Our team combines Preparing teams to manage at deep knowledge and a unique approach to identify and implement the global level targeted investment in the human side of organizations. Assessing, integrating, and capturing the value of mergers and acquisitions In short, PeopleFirm is a strategy and People Strategy Designing and implementing implementation 鍖rm assisting with both Organizational Performance talent management processes the what and the how. We bring and technologies proven experience to drive performance Structuring your organization Talent for success in the 21st Century and create differentiation through four Management Driving new levels of interrelated solution areas: People Strategy, employment engagement Organizational Performance, Talent Change Management Building internal change Management, and Change Management. management capability At PeopleFirm, we believe in taking a strategic approach and driving measurable value. We believe in straight talk and active leadership engagement. Most importantly, we believe that Your People = Your Success. The PeopleFirm Difference A Single Focus The PeopleFirm team develops talent strategies, drives organizational performance, and implements sustainable change. Quite simply, thats what we do. Real World Solutions In a 鍖eld rich with research and poor in execution, PeopleFirm translates leading research and academic thinking into actionable business solutions. Measurable Results We dont waste time generating large binders that only clutter our clients shelves. We believe in accountability and measuring project impact and outcomes. Experience The numbers speak for themselves. Your People = Your Success
  • 2. We design and implement solutions that address todays workforce challenges People Strategy We assess organizational Organizational Performance investment options Typical Services: Questions We Help Answer across all areas related to people and talent We recognize that high- Organization performance How can we increase our management with the performing organizations assessment organizations performance goal of selecting deliver results when they are Business transformation where do we start? an investment course aligned to a common vision Acquisition, merger, and Our structure no longer that best propels the and operate in an ef鍖cient integration services supports our businesshow organizations strategy. and collaborative manner that should we organize for today? Organization design and maximizes individual and group How do we integrate our two implementation contributions. Our comprehensive cultures to maximize the value Cultural transformation approach considers form and of our merger? function to directly address the Knowledge retention and Typical Services: key performance drivers of each collaboration services People strategy unique team. Inclusion and diversity Human Resources strategy HR technology strategy Questions We Help Answer What is the right portfolio Talent Management of people and organization Typical Services: investments to achieve Questions We Help Answer We collaborate with clients to Talent management portfolio our strategy? What talent management build forward-thinking talent assessment How do we take our HR team management strategies that investments will deliver the to the next level in delivering Talent management discipline are deliberate in how they greatest return? measurable business value? assessment & transformation source, attract, select, train, Our Performance How do we prepare our company - Acquire develop, promote, reward, Management program is for the workforce risks we face? - Develop and move employees through cumbersome and returns the organization. With a keen - Deploy little valuecan you help? focus on strategy alignment, - Reward How do I optimize my integration, and implementation, HR infrastructure alignment investment in talent we build talent management Technology selection and management technology? solutions whose whole exceeds deployment the sum of its parts. Competency model PeopleFirm, LLC development Seattle Of鍖ce: 2201 Sixth Ave, Suite 1516 Seattle, WA 98121 Portland Of鍖ce: Change Management 408 NW Fifth Ave Portland, OR 97209 Typical Services: Questions We Help Answer We are recognized for our Assessment of change risk How do we manage the risk o 206.462.6462 best practices in designing and and readiness of poor adoption? f 888.651.1976 leading change management and Change program design How do we actively engage our www.people鍖rm.com adoption efforts. Whether driven and execution leaders in the change process? by technology implementations, Leadership engagement How do we build capabilities for acquisitions or divestitures, managing change internally? Change portfolio restructuring, business process management Change has become a constant redesign or leadership, our proven Building the Change Capable in our organization, so how approach ensures change sticks. Organization do we know when weve hit Adoption measurement saturation? Your People = Your Success 息 PeopleFirm, All rights reserved.