This document outlines a three stage plan to establish programming competency in freshman computer science students. Stage 1 establishes the goals of demonstrating a minimum level of programming ability and understanding fundamentals like control structures and problem solving. Stage 2 involves assessing students' ability to design, implement, test, and debug simple programs. Stage 3 includes learning activities like group assignments, lectures, and revising assignments to achieve the understanding and skills outlined in Stage 1.
2. Stage 1 - Desired Results
Establish Goals:
To establish a minimum level of demonstrable programming competency
and understanding within freshmen computer science students.
Students will understand the
fundamentals of programming,
control structures and logical
thinking to solve specific problems.
Essential Questions:
What are the basic steps in
problem solving.
Students will know . . .
How to construct software with
correct syntax, logic, and structure.
How to effectively test and debug
software programs.
Students will be able to (do)…
Design, implement, test and debug
simple programs based on informal
problem specification
3. Stage 2 – Assessment Evidence
Performance Tasks:
To write a software program that
given specific inputs produces a
correct set of outputs.
Other Evidence:
Programming assignments
4. Stage 3 - Learning Plan:
Learning Activities:
Group design and independent programming assignments
In course lecturing and demonstrations.
Assignment revision and correction.