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Postgraduate Diploma
  in Coaching Supervision

         息 PB Coaching
         息 PB Coaching
Postgraduate Diploma in Coaching Supervision
The Postgraduate Diploma in Coaching Supervision is validated by Leeds
Metropolitan University and is stage two of the MA in Business and Executive
Coaching (120 CATS points).

The requirement for Coaching Supervision

Supervision of coaching is a requirement by professional bodies for ethical
practice (e.g. the EMCC, AC, ICF). Therefore, the demand for supervision has
significantly increased.

Supervision and coaching

Executive and business coaching is a complex activity. The coachee's agenda is
likely to cover a range of themes such as strategic management, organisational
politics, leadership development, work/life balance, and so forth. The coaching
relationship contains many layers of meaning, many of which are difficult for the
coach to grasp during a particular coaching session. These layers include:

 Dynamics inherent in the coaching relationship (e.g. tensions when the coach is
line manager to the coachee)

 Organisational dynamics replayed in the coaching relationship (e.g. a blame
culture manifested as fault finding in the supervision relationship)

 The coach's personal psychological response to the coachee and their agenda
(e.g. an Asian coachee bringing experience of discrimination to a white coach)

Supervision is important in assisting the coach to work with these themes and
layers of meaning.

Coaching Supervision  Course Information

The programme is for people who have completed the Postgraduate Certificate
in Business and Executive Coaching or equivalent education, training and
experience elsewhere, and are seeking an accredited supervision programme to
support their role either as an independent coach supervisor or providing
supervision in-company within organisations. Applicants will preferably have
gained significant hours of experience as a coach to enable them to make the
best use of the programme.

The programme addresses the major theories of coach supervision and covers key
subjects such as the functions of coaching, forms of supervision (e.g. 1:1; group
supervision), ethical considerations and professional issues. Throughout, there is a
strong focus on supervision practice, and opportunities are explored to draw upon
                                   息 PB Coaching
group experience in the here-and-now to deepen understanding (e.g. parallel

The programme is delivered over four-three day workshops. Course requirements
include completion of three assignments.

Further Progression
Upon successful completion of the programme delegates can progress to the
third Masters Level stage of the MA. Alternatively, with the 120 CATS points,
delegates can apply to complete MA awards of other universities.

Course Information

The requirement for Coaching Supervision

Workshop 1: Fundamentals of Supervision

      What is supervision?
      Functions of supervision
      Differences between coaching and supervision
      The cyclical model of supervision
      Supervision practice sessions

Workshop 2: The Relational Dynamics of Supervision

      Hawkins and Smith's 'seven-eyed process' model of supervision
      The Drama Triangle
      Transference, counter-transference and projective identification
      dynamics of organisational culture
      dual relationships
      working with complex psychologies/issues
      Supervision of supervision group
      Supervision practice sessions

Workshop 3: Supervision of Coaching Within Organisations

      Group supervision
      Peer supervision
      Supervision of organisations internal networks of coaches
      The supervisor who is internal to an organisation

                                    息 PB Coaching
   Creative approaches to supervision
      Supervision of supervision group
      Supervision practice sessions

Workshop 4: Professional, Ethical and Legal Issues in Supervision

      Ethical and legal decision making
      Note taking
      Freedom of information/data protection
      Supervision of supervision group
      Supervision practice sessions

Practical Information

Course structure

The course id delivered over 12 days and is structured into four non residential

The dates for the 2012 intake are as follows:

Workshop 1:           12th / 14th December 2012

Workshop 2:           6th / 8st February 2013

Workshop 3:           20th / 22nd March 2013

Workshop 4:           15th / 17th May 2013


The cost of the programme is 贈5,000. This figure includes the LMU postgraduate
award enrolment fee which gives delegates the use of LMU student services, the
external assessment process and the provision of award. VAT is added to all
quoted figures. We would expect coaches at this level to be in supervision though
this is not included in the price.

                                      息 PB Coaching
The Award

Postgraduate Diploma in Coaching Supervision awarded by Leeds Met University
[120 CATS points].

Academic Criteria for Admission

In order to undertake the Postgraduate Diploma in Coaching Supervision (LMU)
the following selection criteria applies:-

That you have either:

   Completed the Postgraduate Certificate in Business & Executive Coaching
    (LMU) or

   Equivalent and relevant education and experience in coaching.

                                  息 PB Coaching
Application for Admission

          Postgraduate Diploma in Coaching Supervision

          Please complete all sections fully and attach a C.V. to avoid delay.

Title (Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms/Dr)


Other Names:

Address (Permanent Home):

Home telephone:

Work telephone:



Date of birth:

                                            息 PB Coaching
Qualifications and Education

          School/College/University                       From  To          Qualification
                                                                             obtained or
            (start with most recent)                                          expected

Employment (paid or unpaid)

Enter details of present and previous employment, starting with the most recent

Employers name and address             From  To         Nature of work

                                          息 PB Coaching
Professional Practice

Please give details of when and where you have worked as a supervisor or in supervisory
related activities (if applicable).


Who is expected to pay the fees? Please tick appropriate box.

Self                Other 

If other please show the address to which the fees invoice should be sent.


We require details of one referee. Please give their name, address and telephone no.

           Signature of applicant _________________________________Date ___________________

           Please send your application form to:

           Sue Horner, Programme Support Manager
           PB Coaching
           3 Albion Place, Leeds LS1 6JL

           E-mail: Sue.horner@pbcoaching.com
           Tel:   +44 (0)113 3882810

                                             息 PB Coaching
Equal Opportunities (Completion of this section is voluntary)

L.M.U. has an equal opportunities policy. To ensure the effectiveness of the policy and to
assist in its development, please complete this section, which will be treated as confidential.

Please tick the appropriate box:

Caribbean  African  Black Other  Chinese  Bangladesh  Indian  Pakistani 
Asian Other 

White British  White Irish  White Other  Other  Prefer not to say 

Do you have a disability? Yes  No 

If yes, please specify_________________________________

                                           息 PB Coaching
PB Coaching 息 Terms and Conditions

1.    The expectation is that you will attend all the workshops. However in
      exceptional circumstances if it is absolutely essential to miss a workshop or
      a single day, it is the course delegates responsibility to acquire the relevant
      handout material.

2.    The cost of the Programme
      The standard course of the programme costs 贈5,000 and includes the LMU
      postgraduate award enrolment fee which gives delegates the use of LMU
      student services, the assessment process, the provision of the award and
      the award ceremony. VAT is added to all quoted figures.

3.    Payment for the entire course is due, irrespective of attendance.

4.    Payment arrangements
      Payment must be made in full prior to commencement of the course if you
      are organisational sponsored. Those paying for themselves have the option
      of paying 50% upfront and 50% on completion of the third workshop.
      Payment terms are 21 days from date of invoice.
      VAT at 20% is chargeable.

5.    Practice supervision sessions are a regular feature of the course and
      delegates use their own live material. It is essential that all the sessions are
      kept confidential and only discussed within the boundaries of the sessions.

6.    Finally, we strongly request that delegates not use the course as an
      opportunity to target other delegates for marketing of their own services.
      This has occurred on past programmes and has caused some resentment.

                                   息 PB Coaching
Contact Details
More information on all the products and services from PB Coaching can be
found on our website:


Email:                 mail@pbcoaching.com

Phone:                 +44 (0)113 3882810

Coaching premises:     3 Albion Place
                       West Yorkshire
                       LS1 6JL

                              息 PB Coaching

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Pg Diploma In Coaching Supervision Dec 2012

  • 1. Postgraduate Diploma in Coaching Supervision 息 PB Coaching 息 PB Coaching
  • 2. Postgraduate Diploma in Coaching Supervision The Postgraduate Diploma in Coaching Supervision is validated by Leeds Metropolitan University and is stage two of the MA in Business and Executive Coaching (120 CATS points). The requirement for Coaching Supervision Supervision of coaching is a requirement by professional bodies for ethical practice (e.g. the EMCC, AC, ICF). Therefore, the demand for supervision has significantly increased. Supervision and coaching Executive and business coaching is a complex activity. The coachee's agenda is likely to cover a range of themes such as strategic management, organisational politics, leadership development, work/life balance, and so forth. The coaching relationship contains many layers of meaning, many of which are difficult for the coach to grasp during a particular coaching session. These layers include: Dynamics inherent in the coaching relationship (e.g. tensions when the coach is line manager to the coachee) Organisational dynamics replayed in the coaching relationship (e.g. a blame culture manifested as fault finding in the supervision relationship) The coach's personal psychological response to the coachee and their agenda (e.g. an Asian coachee bringing experience of discrimination to a white coach) Supervision is important in assisting the coach to work with these themes and layers of meaning. Coaching Supervision Course Information The programme is for people who have completed the Postgraduate Certificate in Business and Executive Coaching or equivalent education, training and experience elsewhere, and are seeking an accredited supervision programme to support their role either as an independent coach supervisor or providing supervision in-company within organisations. Applicants will preferably have gained significant hours of experience as a coach to enable them to make the best use of the programme. The programme addresses the major theories of coach supervision and covers key subjects such as the functions of coaching, forms of supervision (e.g. 1:1; group supervision), ethical considerations and professional issues. Throughout, there is a strong focus on supervision practice, and opportunities are explored to draw upon 息 PB Coaching 2
  • 3. group experience in the here-and-now to deepen understanding (e.g. parallel process). The programme is delivered over four-three day workshops. Course requirements include completion of three assignments. Further Progression Upon successful completion of the programme delegates can progress to the third Masters Level stage of the MA. Alternatively, with the 120 CATS points, delegates can apply to complete MA awards of other universities. Course Information The requirement for Coaching Supervision Workshop 1: Fundamentals of Supervision What is supervision? Functions of supervision Differences between coaching and supervision Contracting The cyclical model of supervision Supervision practice sessions Workshop 2: The Relational Dynamics of Supervision Hawkins and Smith's 'seven-eyed process' model of supervision The Drama Triangle Transference, counter-transference and projective identification dynamics of organisational culture dual relationships working with complex psychologies/issues Supervision of supervision group Supervision practice sessions Workshop 3: Supervision of Coaching Within Organisations Group supervision Peer supervision Supervision of organisations internal networks of coaches The supervisor who is internal to an organisation 息 PB Coaching 3
  • 4. Creative approaches to supervision Supervision of supervision group Supervision practice sessions Workshop 4: Professional, Ethical and Legal Issues in Supervision Ethical and legal decision making Note taking Freedom of information/data protection Supervision of supervision group Supervision practice sessions Practical Information Course structure The course id delivered over 12 days and is structured into four non residential workshops. The dates for the 2012 intake are as follows: Workshop 1: 12th / 14th December 2012 Workshop 2: 6th / 8st February 2013 Workshop 3: 20th / 22nd March 2013 Workshop 4: 15th / 17th May 2013 Cost The cost of the programme is 贈5,000. This figure includes the LMU postgraduate award enrolment fee which gives delegates the use of LMU student services, the external assessment process and the provision of award. VAT is added to all quoted figures. We would expect coaches at this level to be in supervision though this is not included in the price. 息 PB Coaching 4
  • 5. The Award Postgraduate Diploma in Coaching Supervision awarded by Leeds Met University [120 CATS points]. Academic Criteria for Admission In order to undertake the Postgraduate Diploma in Coaching Supervision (LMU) the following selection criteria applies:- That you have either: Completed the Postgraduate Certificate in Business & Executive Coaching (LMU) or Equivalent and relevant education and experience in coaching. 息 PB Coaching 5
  • 6. Application for Admission Postgraduate Diploma in Coaching Supervision Please complete all sections fully and attach a C.V. to avoid delay. Title (Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms/Dr) Surname: Other Names: Address (Permanent Home): Home telephone: Work telephone: Mobile: E-mail: Date of birth: 息 PB Coaching 6
  • 7. Qualifications and Education School/College/University From To Qualification obtained or (start with most recent) expected Employment (paid or unpaid) Enter details of present and previous employment, starting with the most recent Employers name and address From To Nature of work 息 PB Coaching 7
  • 8. Professional Practice Please give details of when and where you have worked as a supervisor or in supervisory related activities (if applicable). Fees Who is expected to pay the fees? Please tick appropriate box. Self Other If other please show the address to which the fees invoice should be sent. Referee We require details of one referee. Please give their name, address and telephone no. Signature of applicant _________________________________Date ___________________ Please send your application form to: Sue Horner, Programme Support Manager PB Coaching 3 Albion Place, Leeds LS1 6JL E-mail: Sue.horner@pbcoaching.com Tel: +44 (0)113 3882810 息 PB Coaching 8
  • 9. Equal Opportunities (Completion of this section is voluntary) L.M.U. has an equal opportunities policy. To ensure the effectiveness of the policy and to assist in its development, please complete this section, which will be treated as confidential. Please tick the appropriate box: Caribbean African Black Other Chinese Bangladesh Indian Pakistani Asian Other White British White Irish White Other Other Prefer not to say Do you have a disability? Yes No If yes, please specify_________________________________ 息 PB Coaching 9
  • 10. PB Coaching 息 Terms and Conditions 1. The expectation is that you will attend all the workshops. However in exceptional circumstances if it is absolutely essential to miss a workshop or a single day, it is the course delegates responsibility to acquire the relevant handout material. 2. The cost of the Programme The standard course of the programme costs 贈5,000 and includes the LMU postgraduate award enrolment fee which gives delegates the use of LMU student services, the assessment process, the provision of the award and the award ceremony. VAT is added to all quoted figures. 3. Payment for the entire course is due, irrespective of attendance. 4. Payment arrangements Payment must be made in full prior to commencement of the course if you are organisational sponsored. Those paying for themselves have the option of paying 50% upfront and 50% on completion of the third workshop. Payment terms are 21 days from date of invoice. VAT at 20% is chargeable. 5. Practice supervision sessions are a regular feature of the course and delegates use their own live material. It is essential that all the sessions are kept confidential and only discussed within the boundaries of the sessions. 6. Finally, we strongly request that delegates not use the course as an opportunity to target other delegates for marketing of their own services. This has occurred on past programmes and has caused some resentment. 息 PB Coaching 10
  • 11. Contact Details More information on all the products and services from PB Coaching can be found on our website: www.pbcoaching.com Email: mail@pbcoaching.com Phone: +44 (0)113 3882810 Coaching premises: 3 Albion Place Leeds West Yorkshire LS1 6JL 息 PB Coaching 11