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Consult. Search. Select.
Partnering Clients in talent acquisition across multiple markets

Case Study
Background                                                  The Interim Manager brought previous wide experience
                                                            of bid management from both the public and private
The NHS Plan in 2000 set out a 10-year                      sectors and was able to quickly establish a bid team
programme of reform for the NHS. This                       and bidding process within the organisation. By taking
programme will develop an NHS characterised                 an analytical approach to all the issues that arose
by free choice across a range of providers,                 during the project and through the use of strong
competing on quality and outcomes as money                  planning and tracking skills, clear and concise reporting
follows the patient. Commissioning a patient-led            was available for the senior management team at all
                                                            times. This enabled them to resolve problems and
NHS was published in 2005 and it largely
                                                            make decisions in a short timeframe based upon
defined the shift to a focus on commissioning               accurate information.
through structure and process – moving the
emphasis from spending on services to investing
in health and well-being outcomes.                          Outcomes
A key part of the development was the                       The bid document was prepared and signed off by
movement of PCTs into commissioning services                the board within the allotted timeframe and the
and it is this commissioning strategy that drove            Interim contract was extended in order to support
the client to be seen as operating in a fit for             the management team in presenting the document
purpose manner that could bid for commissioned              to the commissioning board. The bid was
services. The client aspired to become a world              ultimately successful.
class commissioning organisation.

The Assignment
In order to respond quickly, effectively and successfully
to commissioner’s requests for the tendering of services
by the PCT, and in the absence of bid management
expertise within the resources of the organisation,
the need for a professional Interim Project Manager
was identified as a critical requirement to lead the
bid process
The Interim Project Manager took responsibility for
the PCT response to a specific Invitation to Tender
from the commissioners for the provision of a new
city centre clinic within the service area.


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  • 1. PGC Consult. Search. Select. Partnering Clients in talent acquisition across multiple markets Case Study Interim Background The Interim Manager brought previous wide experience of bid management from both the public and private The NHS Plan in 2000 set out a 10-year sectors and was able to quickly establish a bid team programme of reform for the NHS. This and bidding process within the organisation. By taking programme will develop an NHS characterised an analytical approach to all the issues that arose by free choice across a range of providers, during the project and through the use of strong competing on quality and outcomes as money planning and tracking skills, clear and concise reporting follows the patient. Commissioning a patient-led was available for the senior management team at all times. This enabled them to resolve problems and NHS was published in 2005 and it largely make decisions in a short timeframe based upon defined the shift to a focus on commissioning accurate information. through structure and process – moving the emphasis from spending on services to investing in health and well-being outcomes. Outcomes A key part of the development was the The bid document was prepared and signed off by movement of PCTs into commissioning services the board within the allotted timeframe and the and it is this commissioning strategy that drove Interim contract was extended in order to support the client to be seen as operating in a fit for the management team in presenting the document purpose manner that could bid for commissioned to the commissioning board. The bid was services. The client aspired to become a world ultimately successful. class commissioning organisation. The Assignment In order to respond quickly, effectively and successfully to commissioner’s requests for the tendering of services by the PCT, and in the absence of bid management expertise within the resources of the organisation, the need for a professional Interim Project Manager was identified as a critical requirement to lead the bid process The Interim Project Manager took responsibility for the PCT response to a specific Invitation to Tender from the commissioners for the provision of a new city centre clinic within the service area. pgc.co.uk