This document provides an agenda and overview for an upcoming meeting of the Percy Grainger Society. It includes sections on reviewing the past year's activities, previewing the year ahead, and discussing upcoming programs, events, committees and ways for members to get involved. Key upcoming events mentioned are a book launch in September, an opening for a Free Music exhibition, and a series of talks in 2024 on how Grainger's work has been reimagined through arrangement, performance and composition.
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PGS AGM 2023
2. 1. The Year in Review
2. Interlude: The Graingers in White Plains
3. The Year Ahead
4. Q & A and Open Discussion
Please post questions, thoughts, contributions and ideas in the
chat during the presentation.
Introduction and Format of Meeting
9. Percy Grainger
and Free Music
Iwasaboyofelevenor twelve it ismy
onlyimportant contributiontomusic.
In 2021,thePercy Grainger Society applied for,
and wasawarded,aNYSCA/GHHN Conservation
Treatment Grant for theconservation of our Free
Recorders.Theconservation project hasbrought
about astriking transformation through thecleaning
processand theplacing back of theelementsthat
had been removed and saved during thelong years
of storageon theupper f oor of thehouse.
In common with all of theFreeMusicmachines,
it incorporatesatwo-
part design,acontrol
mechanism and asound producing element.
Grainger drew on hisearly experiencesasa
recording artist with player pianosin thedesign
of many of themachines,using paper rollswith
slitsand holescut into them to play thevarious
instruments.Thesecomprised organ pipes,
harmonium reeds,simpleelectronicoscillators,and,
in thecaseof thismachine,two recorders,and a
slide,or swaneewhistle.Therecordersand whistle
would havebeen connected to avacuum cleaner
or hair dryer by meansof rubber tubes,which
provided thenecessary amount of air to producea
continuoussound.Asthepaper rollspassed over
theholesof therecorders,emulating thef ngersof
ahuman player,dif erent noteswould havebeen
produced.Thismadepossiblean approximation of
apitch glideastherecordersmay havebeen tuned
to realizefractional tones,smaller than thestandard
musical semitone.Theslidewhistle,theonly part of
themachineableto producecontinuously gliding
sounds,may havesimply been controlled by hand by
pulling and pushing themetal control lever.
It isunlikely that theGlidingToneson Whistle,Notes
on Recordersmachinewasparticularly successful,
asthetension required to ensurethat thepaper rolls
stayed suf ciently closeto thebody of therecorders
would havemeant that the paper wasliableto
tearing and uneven f ow,problemsthat Grainger
experienced in many of themachines.But it remains
afascinating testament to Graingersdogged pursuit
of hisvision of FreeMusic,encapsulating hismulti-
faceted character asvisionary composer,performer,
artist,designer and inventor.
Through closeexamination of thethreeperiod
photographsfrom the1950s,and with clues
drawn from Percysday-
notesof hisexperiments,it waspossibleto identify
themissing components.A rolling pin,visually
matching theonein theperiod photograph,was
found in thekitchen. Therecorderswereidentif ed
asthosemadeby Arnold Dolmetsch,thenoted
English instrument maker with whom Grainger
collaborated in theediting of anumber of early
musiccompositionsin the1930sand 1940s.The
curiouscircular object at thesideof themachine
wasalso identif ed asaBlow-
madeby theAmerican toy manufacturer Kenner in
1949.Theseinstrumentshavebeen re-
into themachineto allow correct routing of the
paper rollsand to completetheimpression of how
themachinemay haveoperated.
GlidingTonesonWhistle,Noteson Recordersis
now on display on thef rst f oor of thePercy
Grainger Homeand Studio,thesamespaceswhere
Grainger created all hisfreemusicmachines.It is
arevealing illustration of histhought processes,
methodsof construction and creativity,and
providesinsight into Graingerscontribution during
an important moment in thedevelopment of
Grant ProgramadministeredbyGreater HudsonHeritageNetwork.
ThisprogramismadepossiblebytheNewYorkStateCouncil onthe
Artswithsupport oftheOf ceoftheGovernor andtheNewYork
performance.Likemost truemusic,it isan
emotional,not acerebral,product andshould
passdirect fromtheimaginationofthe
composer totheear ofthelistener bywayof
delicatelycontrolledmusical machines.
Percy Grainger Society
7Cromwell Place
White Plains,NY10601
(after conservation)
GlidingTonesonWhistle,NotesonRecorders, (detail)
10. Members Meetings and Programs: 20222023
Lincolnshire Posy Roundtable Rambles
Grainger and Choral Music
Volunteer Orientation
Third-Sunday Tours
The Jungle Book immersive reading
11. Membership and Programs Committee
Recruitment and Retention
Developing plans to spread the word of the Percy Grainger Society to:
Professional and Trade Bodies
College and Universities
Music Associations, Societies, and Organizations
Music Conventions and Conferences
Chair: Bill Garlette
12. Membership and Programs Committee
Continue to offer programs of value and worth to the members:
The Grainger Journal
Website Content
Members Webinars
202122: Lincolnshire Posy
2023: Grainger and Choral Music
202324: Grainger Reimagined
Chair: Bill Garlette
13. Membership and Programs Committee
Established Committees or Project Managers for:
Grainger Music Repositories
Jennifer Martin
Oral Histories Project
Dana Perna
Music Conference Project Group
Marissa Kyser and Rebecca Weissman
Chair: Bill Garlette
14. July 9 2022 to July 8 2023
Events $680
Membership $2,560
Donations $13,905
Total $17,145
Income and Grants
Won: NYSCA/MANY Partnership
Capacity Building ($5,000)
Awaiting outcome:
Preserve New York ($13,000)
In preparation:
NYSCA organization and capital
20. Presidents Visit to White Plains: 1218 September
Book Launch
Friday 15 September
The Life and Times of Percy Aldridge Grainger:
Till Life Becomes Fire - Teresa Balough
Free Music Exhibition Opening
24pm, Saturday 16 September
Third-Sunday Tour
24pm, Sunday 17 September
Free Music Machine
The Percy Grainger Society presents
three virtual meetings celebrating how Percy Grainger
has influ
e nced music beyond his time
23. Reimagining Grainger through Arrangement
Professor Chalon Ragsdale
Thursday, October 26, 4 pm (EDT) via Zoom
Reimagining Grainger through Performance
James Chirillo
Thursday, February 22, 2024, 4 pm (EST) via Zoom
Reimagining Grainger through Composition
Thursday, May 17, 2024, 4 pm (EDT) via Zoom
24. Upcoming Programs and Events
Grainger Reimagined
Third-Sunday Tours
Giving Tuesday: 28 November 2023
Open House: 14 April 2024