Scientists gather intelligence on tumors, which are like terrorist organizations, to develop weapons/drugs to target cancer cells. Clinicians test the weapons in patients. Drug companies and research organizations support scientists and clinicians, while the FDA independently verifies the effectiveness of the treatments.
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1. PharmaSages _ Tumor Hunt (plot)*
1) Tumors_ Tumors are bad organizations (like Al-Qaeda) with
heterogeneous cancer cells (top terror groups) supported by
angiogenesis (illegal funds and support or nutrients provider).
Cancer targets (receptors, kinases, enzyme etc.) are good guys
turned bad.
2) Scientists_ Scientists (spies and weapon developer) gather
ground intelligence and develop weapons to root out tumor.
3) Drugs_ Weapons developed to root out tumor.
4) Clinicians_ Clinicians (army/ground operatives) test weapons
in the field.
5) Drug companies and NIH_ Represent organizations
(like CIA and defense contractors etc. ) supporting scientists and
6) FDA _ Independent organization that verifies the tumor kill.
*Unauthorized reproduction of this slide or its content is prohibited.
2. PharmaSages
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