The document outlines the evolution of the web from connecting people to information, to connecting people to each other, and now connecting people to systems and systems to each other. It discusses early technologies like search engines, social networks, and blogs that enabled connections between people and information sharing. Emerging technologies like semantic search, intelligent agents, augmented reality and knowledge graphs are now enabling connections between people and intelligent systems, as well as between systems themselves, increasing knowledge sharing and reasoning abilities on the web.
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Phases Of The Web
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2. QuoraPathientSiriHunchPowerset3Semantic WebConnects People to Systems4Intelligent WebConnects Systems to SystemsIncreasing Knowledge Connectivity & ReasoningWolfram AlphaEvriDiasporaLayarAardvarkTwineFoursquareOneRiotGowallaBINGBlippyDiggNINGYahooGoogleTwitterJiveFacebookNapster1The Web Connects People to InformationYammer2Social WebConnects People to PeopleAmazon37 SignalsSkypeDesktopYouTubeSpotifyTelepresence (Cisco)AOLWordPressMySpaceEbayZyngaIncreasing Social Connectivity
Editor's Notes
#2: This is the evolution of the web from increasingly connecting people to increasingly connecting knowledge. From the original Web 1.0 to the Social Web 2.0 up to the intelligent web, where systems become connected. Because of the massive new quantities of data in this era, new technology needs to evolve to help people understand and manage it to make the best use of their time.