This document defines phenomena as observable occurrences that are often unexplained appearances or experiences. It provides examples of commonly reported phenomena like UFO sightings, the Bermuda Triangle, and Bigfoot. The document discusses how phenomena are neither proven nor discredited events that have occurred over time, leaving their existence uncertain. It also explores how some people are believers in phenomena because of personal experiences or fascination, while others are skeptics who doubt phenomena and seek rational explanations. Ultimately, whether one believes in phenomena depends on their individual attitudes, values and beliefs.
2. Defining Phenomenon
A phenomenon (plural
phenomena) is any
Over the years this has included
sightings of :
observable occurrence.
The Bermuda Triangle
Phenomena are often, but
Loch Ness Monster
not always, understood as
Big Foot
'appearances' or
Just to name a few
3. Phenomena
There are many different names for phenomena ranging
But no matter what you call it, phenomenon has been in
our society for centuries.
4. Are phenomena real?
Therein lies the question!
Phenomena are neither proven or discredited events that have
occurred over time. This means that there is no definitive answer
to the question Did that really happen? This can be due to a
multitude of reasons.
Brainstorm with a partner some reasons you believe phenomena
cannot be proven or discredited.
5. To believe or not to believe?
When an unexplainable event occurs, people are either classified as
believers or sceptics, and this will depend on their attitudes, values
and beliefs.
6. Believers
When a phenomenon occurs there are always going to be dead set
believers! Believers will generally be a witness to the event or have
a fascination with the unexplainable.
However, anyone can be a believer, especially if the evidence
regarding the unexplainable event is convincing!
7. Sceptics
To be sceptic means to be a disbeliever or to doubt. Therefore,
a sceptic will always doubt phenomenon. They will often use
logic and reason to explain the unexplainable, often discrediting
events through science and rational explanation.
8. Sowho is right?
Both? Neither? It depends on your attitudes values and beliefs!
Everybody is different, therefore, the way that we react to certain
events is different. A truly religious person may believe that God is
responsible for an unexplainable act, whereas a scientist will look for
a reasonable explanation using scientific reasoning.
There are many other groups of people who will believe or not
believe. Brainstorm as many as you can.
9. Famous Phenomena The Bermuda
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10. Famous Phenomena The Bermuda
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