An exercise that helps to determine what is offered and where you can help fulfill a need.
Physical, Feel, Fly and Flourish
Self vs Others
Doing vs Being
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PhFFF - Proposition Of Happiness
1. Today an exercise to ask happiness back
We can ask it back so we can embrace it
Metaphor: Spirit
2. • The Quality or State of Being Happy composes of frequent positive
affect, infrequent negative affect, and cognitive evaluations
• Wellness refers to diverse and interconnected dimensions of physical,
mental, and social well-being that extend beyond the traditional
definition of health. It includes choices and activities aimed at
achieving physical vitality, mental alacrity, social satisfaction, a sense
of accomplishment, and personal fulfillment
3. Physical - Physical Vitality (Self Doing) – Food, water, hygiene,
tranquility, safety, movement, warmth
Expressing your full potential
• A tidy workplace
• Good condition
• Pleasant environment
4. Feel - Social Satisfaction (Others Being) – Belonging to something,
status, respect, control, safety, intimate relationships, being liked, self-
confidence, values and norms
Unity with others
• Open and direct rapport
• Equivalence
• Compliments
• Freedom to act
5. Fly - Mental Alacrity (Self Being) – Knowledge and understanding of
the world, meaning and effectiveness, autonomy, competence,
personal growth and development, a positive self-image, self-
Develop yourself
• Inspiring vision
• Develop and implement new working methods
• Learning new tools
6. Flourish - Accomplishment Fulfillment (Others Doing) – Guidance and
unburdening. Increase the attention to the meaning and acceptance of
your own situation. Provides identity and meaningful relationships
Serve others
• Do work that suits me
• Fulfill the needs of others by having your product consumed
• Contributing to a better world
7. Cowboy missing guts
Welder missing heart
Artist missing clue
Pilot missing brain
What is your company already doing about these 4 topics and
what are you doing about these four topics?
Editor's Notes
#2: Today an exercise to ask happiness back
We can ask it back so we can embrace it
Metaphor: Spirit
Would there be balance without duality or would one have no need for it anymore?Can there be answers without?Can one be while the whole is none.
#3: The Quality or State of Being Happy composes of frequent positive affect, infrequent negative affect, and cognitive evaluations
Wellness refers to diverse and interconnected dimensions of physical, mental, and social well-being that extend beyond the traditional definition of health. It includes choices and activities aimed at achieving physical vitality, mental alacrity, social satisfaction, a sense of accomplishment, and personal fulfillment
-- Forced to say goodbye vs the free will of welcoming
#4: Physical - Physical Vitality (Self Doing) – Food, water, hygiene, tranquility, safety, movement, warmth
Expressing your full potential
A tidy workplace
Good condition
Pleasant environment
#5: Feel - Social Satisfaction (Others Being) – Belonging to something, status, respect, control, safety, intimate relationships, being liked, self-confidence, values and norms
Unity with others
Open and direct rapport
Freedom to act
#6: Fly - Mental Alacrity (Self Being) – Knowledge and understanding of the world, meaning and effectiveness, autonomy, competence, personal growth and development, a positive self-image, self-actualization
Develop yourself
Inspiring vision
Develop and implement new working methods
Learning new tools
#7: Flourish - Accomplishment Fulfillment (Others Doing) – Guidance and unburdening. Increase the attention to the meaning and acceptance of your own situation. Provides identity and meaningful relationships
Serve others
Do work that suits meFulfill the needs of others by having your product consumed
Contributing to a better world
#8: Cowboy missing guts
Welder missing heart
Artist missing clue
Pilot missing brain
What is your company already doing about these 4 topics and what are you doing about these four topics?