The document outlines 5 red flags for startups: 1) Founders always needing to be the smartest person, 2) targeting other startups as customers, 3) not talking about the startup, 4) having rent or legal as expenses, and 5) founders not being customers. Each flag is then explained in more detail, noting why it indicates potential issues like not listening to customers or focusing on the wrong things. The key takeaway is that while no single flag is a total disqualifier, any of them should give pause to those interested in the startup.
4. The Red Flags
Founder(s) Always Need to be the Smartest Person in the Room
Target Audience/Customers is Other Startups
You Dont Talk about the Startup
Startup has Rent or Legal as a Measurable Expense
Founder(s) are not also Customers
5. Smart People Need to Be Humble
Why it is an issue:
Usually have a hard time listening to customers
Dont tend to be good managers
Think the whole world is like them
Think that being smart is all that matters
Always think that they have to have the answers to all
6. Startups Make Bad Customers
Why it is an issue:
They never have a lot of money
They tend to think they can build anything themselves
There arent that many of them
They tend to disappear!
7. The Startup Didnt Move You
Why it is an issue:
If you dont get a great feeling, it isnt worth caring about
The people involved werent inspirational
You dont have a personal vested interest
8. Lawyers, Accountants, Real Estate =
Why it is an issue:
Shows that a startup is focused on the wrong things
Cant usually be zero, but needs to be close to zero
Early Stage it needs to cost less than lunch per month
None of these make a company more valuable, they are just
necessary evils
9. Would The Founder Pay For
Why it is an issue:
They arent passionate about the problem
They dont understand the problem
Have zero credibility as an authority in the space
10. Key Take Away
None of these items are
100% disqualifiers, but any
of them should give you
pause as a co-founder,
investor, or interested party