This document appears to be the agenda for PhoneGap Day EU 2017. It includes sessions on the state of Cordova/PhoneGap, modern JavaScript, augmented reality, building PhoneGap apps with frameworks like Ionic and Ember, progressive web apps, offline data binding, growing the community, performance, and music exploration apps. There are breaks scheduled between sessions and a pub mixer planned after the last session. The event is aimed at the PhoneGap developer community.
17. WIFIUSERNAME:phonegapPASSWORD:phonegap
09:00 to 09:20 STEVE GILL

State of Cordova/PhoneGap
09:20 to 10:00 KERRI SHOTTS

Modern JavaScript and PhoneGap
10:00 to 10:20 ANDREAS FÖTSCHL 

Augmented Reality: 

flavours and challenges
10:20 to 10:50 BREAK
10:50 to 11:30 ALEX BLOM 

Building PhoneGap apps with
11:30 to 11:50 Simon & Tommy 

PWA update & linting
11:50 to 12:10 SANI YUSUF 

4 Way Databinding For An 

Offline Mobile Experience
12:10 to 13:10 LUNCH
13:10 to 13:30 SHAZRON ABDULLAH

Grow the Community
13:30 to 14:10 TIMO ERNST

Building PhoneGap apps with 

Vue.js and Framework7
14:10 to 14:40 MASAHIRO TANAKA 

Web Components: 

creating reusable user interface
14:40 to 15:00 JOE BOWSER 

WebVR: Getting Started 

with A-Frame and VR View
15:00 to 15:20 EDOUARD LAFARGUE 

Cordova and Citizen Science
15:20 to 15:50 BREAK
15:50 to 16:30 RYAN HANNA 

Sworkit: From Side Project to 

Full Time Venture
16:30 to 16:50 MAX LYNCH

Performance Hacks from 

the Ionic team
16:50 to 17:10 JESSE MACFADYEN

Music Exploration in PhoneGap