Excel es un programa de hoja de c¨¢lculo que permite realizar c¨¢lculos y organizar datos. Se puede abrir desde el men¨² Inicio o haciendo clic en un icono de Excel. Al abrirlo, aparece una hoja de c¨¢lculo en blanco donde se pueden introducir n¨²meros, texto o f¨®rmulas. Excel tambi¨¦n permite dar formato a celdas, insertar gr¨¢ficos, tablas e im¨¢genes, y compartir hojas de c¨¢lculo en l¨ªnea.
El D¨ªa de la Tierra se celebra el 22 de abril para crear conciencia sobre problemas ambientales como la superpoblaci¨®n y la contaminaci¨®n. Fue establecido en 1970 por el senador estadounidense Gaylord Nelson. La primera celebraci¨®n involucr¨® a miles de universidades y escuelas. Desde entonces, ha ganado popularidad mundial para promover la protecci¨®n del medio ambiente.
Este documento presenta el calendario de actividades del Colegio American Academy para el mes de noviembre, incluyendo pruebas SIMCE, conciertos, misas y elecciones de la directiva del centro de padres. Tambi¨¦n indica las fechas de matr¨ªcula para el a?o 2013, destacando la importancia de la participaci¨®n de los padres en el proceso educativo de los hijos.
El cuento describe la historia de dos personas que se comunican a trav¨¦s de grafitis en las paredes de una ciudad. Ambos encuentran placer en hacer dibujos secretos, pero empiezan a temer por la seguridad del otro. La mujer es eventualmente capturada por la polic¨ªa despu¨¦s de responder al ¨²ltimo dibujo del hombre. M¨¢s tarde, ¨¦l encuentra un ¨²ltimo mensaje de ella - un dibujo de su rostro golpeado - que le dice adi¨®s y le pide que contin¨²e haciendo sus dibujos.
Franklin Murillo has been actively promoting entrepreneurship in Costa Rica for the past year. He is a passionate entrepreneur who has participated in Global Entrepreneurship Week Costa Rica 2011 as a speaker. Franklin gives dynamic conferences where he shares his experiences as an entrepreneur in a creative and impactful way for young people. Due to his solid teaching skills and ability to relate to people, Franklin is recommended without reservation as a great promoter and coach for young entrepreneurs.
El documento presenta el calendario de misas y celebraciones parroquiales para el a?o 2015 en una iglesia, indicando la fecha, celebraci¨®n religiosa, grupo o comunidad a cargo de la misa matutina y vespertina, as¨ª como los coros asignados. Se detallan las misas dominicales de todo el a?o, as¨ª como celebraciones especiales como la Cuaresma, Semana Santa y otras festividades marianas y trinitarias.
El documento habla sobre el escritorio de la familia y el escritorio del docente. Estos permiten a los alumnos y miembros de la familia descargar cursos, videos, juegos, programas y actividades educativas. Algunos de los recursos que se pueden obtener son CmapTools, Writer, Excel, Calc, PowerPoint, Impress, secuencias did¨¢cticas y cursos sobre t¨¦cnicas de estudio y b¨²squeda de empleo. Tambi¨¦n permite informarse sobre eventos del gobierno como la entrega de netbooks.
The opening sequence of "Now You See Me" establishes the production companies through their logos. Summit Entertainment's logo uses mountains to create a recognizable symbol. The second company also uses distinctive font to brand itself. These logos repeat over the beginning action, blending in but still reminding viewers of the producers. No other credits are shown for the first 12 minutes, keeping the focus on the realistic action and drawing the audience immediately into the story.
Singer-songwriters write, compose, sing, and provide their own accompaniment for original music that often addresses political, personal, or confessional topics. The genre can be traced back to ancient oral traditions of poetry performed as song, and was later carried on through printed ballads that allowed for the evolution of existing songs and lyrics. Singer-songwriters typically perform with just a guitar or piano in a folk or acoustic style.
The trailer establishes genre conventions through its use of unsettling elements. It begins with poorly played piano music and dark lighting to create an ominous atmosphere. Daniel Craig's voiceover uses the phrase "once upon a time" in a twisted way to subvert childhood comfort. Key selling points are the star power of Daniel Craig and the psychological/supernatural elements that create suspense. The trailer effectively establishes mood through its ominous tone and unsettling images of children in potential danger. It uses generic horror codes like dark lighting and sudden jarring sounds. The trailer meets expectations by hinting at murders and challenging concepts of home and family safety.
Mar¨ªa Alexandra Sigsa tiene 22 a?os, est¨¢ casada y tiene un hijo de 5 a?os llamado Jeremy. Trabaja en una guarder¨ªa y est¨¢ estudiando para convertirse en maestra a pesar de las dificultades. Su mayor apoyo son su madre y su hijo.
El documento presenta una propuesta para una campa?a llamada "Internet sano" que busca promover el uso seguro y sin riesgos de Internet. La campa?a pretende prevenir problemas como el ciberacoso, los virus inform¨¢ticos y los intentos de seducci¨®n de ni?os y ni?as por parte de personas malintencionadas. El nombre "Internet sano" busca identificar la campa?a y crear un icono que proveedores de servicios de Internet puedan usar para mostrar que las instituciones del Estado colombiano est¨¢n atentas a evitar la pornograf¨ªa infantil y que los usuarios puedan
The document presents 6 conditional statements relating various afternoon and evening activities to outcomes the following day or night. Each statement follows an "if...then" structure, describing potential consequences of sleeping much, not studying in the afternoon, not leaving class early for the gym, having an early lunch, playing in the afternoon, or not working.
The document discusses the future direction of the 1% Club, an organization focused on development aid. It provides two options: 1) make incremental improvements to the existing platform or 2) project a vision for how development aid could be transformed by emerging online trends and technologies to maximize positive change. The document encourages choosing the more disruptive second option, acknowledging it will be very challenging but could potentially create significant impact if successful.
The document analyzes the results of a survey about launching a new rock music magazine. Key findings include:
- The majority of respondents were male and between 15-16 years old.
- Most respondents do not currently buy rock magazines.
- Respondents preferred seeing rock groups featured over single artists.
- The most popular feature was interviews.
- Images on the cover and in the magazine were deemed most important for attracting buyers.
The student realized the value of their high school memories at ISB through creating an e-portfolio. By connecting memories to the four ways of knowing - perception, reason, emotion and language - the student learned how activities related to theories of knowledge and the importance of learning. For a history newspaper project, the student recognized how perceptions influence opinions and viewpoints, and deepened their understanding of the material. Completing the e-portfolio helped the student see how all their subjects connected to the four ways of knowing and how meaningful their studies at ISB were.
The document summarizes an experiment that measured the acceleration of balls of different masses as they fell. It was hypothesized that increased mass would result in increased acceleration due to gravity. However, the results showed that acceleration remained nearly constant across small, medium, large, and unknown mass balls. The conclusion is that the experiment did not support the hypothesis, as mass and acceleration were found to have no relationship, with acceleration remaining constant in each trial.
Abortion has long been widely accepted and used as a method of birth control in Japan. It was legalized in 1948 and by 1955 over 1 million abortions were performed annually, though that number has declined. Abortions are generally performed within the first trimester and for socio-economic or medical reasons. Traditionally in Japan, personhood was not attributed to a fetus until after birth, so abortion was not considered taking a life. The decision to continue a pregnancy is seen as a private choice for the woman. Rituals like Mizuko Jizo provide a way for women to acknowledge abortions or miscarriages.
This poem expresses the speaker's desire for loved ones not to grieve at their grave, as their spirit lives on in nature. The speaker identifies themselves with gentle forces of nature like the wind, sunlight and rain, feeling they will always watch over loved ones. Through imagery and metaphor, the poem conveys the message that death is not the end, but a transition to living on in all the beauty of the natural world that surrounds us.
El documento habla sobre el escritorio de la familia y el escritorio del docente. Estos permiten a los alumnos y miembros de la familia descargar cursos, videos, juegos, programas y actividades educativas. Algunos de los recursos que se pueden obtener son CmapTools, Writer, Excel, Calc, PowerPoint, Impress, secuencias did¨¢cticas y cursos sobre t¨¦cnicas de estudio y b¨²squeda de empleo. Tambi¨¦n permite informarse sobre eventos del gobierno como la entrega de netbooks.
The opening sequence of "Now You See Me" establishes the production companies through their logos. Summit Entertainment's logo uses mountains to create a recognizable symbol. The second company also uses distinctive font to brand itself. These logos repeat over the beginning action, blending in but still reminding viewers of the producers. No other credits are shown for the first 12 minutes, keeping the focus on the realistic action and drawing the audience immediately into the story.
Singer-songwriters write, compose, sing, and provide their own accompaniment for original music that often addresses political, personal, or confessional topics. The genre can be traced back to ancient oral traditions of poetry performed as song, and was later carried on through printed ballads that allowed for the evolution of existing songs and lyrics. Singer-songwriters typically perform with just a guitar or piano in a folk or acoustic style.
The trailer establishes genre conventions through its use of unsettling elements. It begins with poorly played piano music and dark lighting to create an ominous atmosphere. Daniel Craig's voiceover uses the phrase "once upon a time" in a twisted way to subvert childhood comfort. Key selling points are the star power of Daniel Craig and the psychological/supernatural elements that create suspense. The trailer effectively establishes mood through its ominous tone and unsettling images of children in potential danger. It uses generic horror codes like dark lighting and sudden jarring sounds. The trailer meets expectations by hinting at murders and challenging concepts of home and family safety.
Mar¨ªa Alexandra Sigsa tiene 22 a?os, est¨¢ casada y tiene un hijo de 5 a?os llamado Jeremy. Trabaja en una guarder¨ªa y est¨¢ estudiando para convertirse en maestra a pesar de las dificultades. Su mayor apoyo son su madre y su hijo.
El documento presenta una propuesta para una campa?a llamada "Internet sano" que busca promover el uso seguro y sin riesgos de Internet. La campa?a pretende prevenir problemas como el ciberacoso, los virus inform¨¢ticos y los intentos de seducci¨®n de ni?os y ni?as por parte de personas malintencionadas. El nombre "Internet sano" busca identificar la campa?a y crear un icono que proveedores de servicios de Internet puedan usar para mostrar que las instituciones del Estado colombiano est¨¢n atentas a evitar la pornograf¨ªa infantil y que los usuarios puedan
The document presents 6 conditional statements relating various afternoon and evening activities to outcomes the following day or night. Each statement follows an "if...then" structure, describing potential consequences of sleeping much, not studying in the afternoon, not leaving class early for the gym, having an early lunch, playing in the afternoon, or not working.
The document discusses the future direction of the 1% Club, an organization focused on development aid. It provides two options: 1) make incremental improvements to the existing platform or 2) project a vision for how development aid could be transformed by emerging online trends and technologies to maximize positive change. The document encourages choosing the more disruptive second option, acknowledging it will be very challenging but could potentially create significant impact if successful.
The document analyzes the results of a survey about launching a new rock music magazine. Key findings include:
- The majority of respondents were male and between 15-16 years old.
- Most respondents do not currently buy rock magazines.
- Respondents preferred seeing rock groups featured over single artists.
- The most popular feature was interviews.
- Images on the cover and in the magazine were deemed most important for attracting buyers.
The student realized the value of their high school memories at ISB through creating an e-portfolio. By connecting memories to the four ways of knowing - perception, reason, emotion and language - the student learned how activities related to theories of knowledge and the importance of learning. For a history newspaper project, the student recognized how perceptions influence opinions and viewpoints, and deepened their understanding of the material. Completing the e-portfolio helped the student see how all their subjects connected to the four ways of knowing and how meaningful their studies at ISB were.
The document summarizes an experiment that measured the acceleration of balls of different masses as they fell. It was hypothesized that increased mass would result in increased acceleration due to gravity. However, the results showed that acceleration remained nearly constant across small, medium, large, and unknown mass balls. The conclusion is that the experiment did not support the hypothesis, as mass and acceleration were found to have no relationship, with acceleration remaining constant in each trial.
Abortion has long been widely accepted and used as a method of birth control in Japan. It was legalized in 1948 and by 1955 over 1 million abortions were performed annually, though that number has declined. Abortions are generally performed within the first trimester and for socio-economic or medical reasons. Traditionally in Japan, personhood was not attributed to a fetus until after birth, so abortion was not considered taking a life. The decision to continue a pregnancy is seen as a private choice for the woman. Rituals like Mizuko Jizo provide a way for women to acknowledge abortions or miscarriages.
This poem expresses the speaker's desire for loved ones not to grieve at their grave, as their spirit lives on in nature. The speaker identifies themselves with gentle forces of nature like the wind, sunlight and rain, feeling they will always watch over loved ones. Through imagery and metaphor, the poem conveys the message that death is not the end, but a transition to living on in all the beauty of the natural world that surrounds us.
The document summarizes an experiment that measured the acceleration of balls of different masses as they fell. It was hypothesized that increased mass would result in increased acceleration due to gravity. However, the results showed that acceleration remained nearly constant across small, medium, large, and unknown mass balls. The conclusion is that the experiment did not support the hypothesis, as mass and acceleration were found to have no relationship, with acceleration remaining constant in each trial.
In 1961, the Berlin Wall was erected between East and West Berlin by the German Democratic Republic (GDR) to stop citizens from fleeing to West Berlin. The 155 km wall was heavily guarded with barbed wire and electric fencing. Over its existence, around 588 people died trying to flee the authoritarian East German regime, which extensively monitored and restricted its citizens under the Stasi secret police. The Berlin Wall came to symbolize the divide between communist East and capitalist West Germany during the Cold War.