ThoughtWorks Technology Radar Roadshow - BrisbaneThoughtworksWrapping up a 4-city Tech Radar roadshow in Brisbane, ThoughtWorks Australia’s Head of Technology Scott Shaw and senior consultant Jean Robert D’Amore cover topics from all 4 quadrants of the latest edition of the ThoughtWorks Technology Radar. This presentation covers Consumer-Driven Contract Testing, Security, Nancy, Apache Mesos, and Docker.
AiO agency: для малого бизнесаAiO agencyПо ряду причин малый бизнес при решении своих маркетинговых задач предпочитает обходиться без рекламных агентств, своими силами.
Но что если вы встретите такое же небольшое, как и ваш бизнес, агентство?! Небольшое, но знающее свое дело, любящее свое дело, готовое работать вместе с вами над вашим продуктом, услугой или брендом.
Final IAP UNIT PLAN Chandler, ValerieValerie ChandlerThis document provides an instructional assessment plan for a weather unit taught at Edinboro Elementary School. The unit was designed to help 1st grade students develop their knowledge and understanding of weather through hands-on activities using weather instruments and observations. Over 9 days, students learned about key weather concepts like temperature, wind, the water cycle, and rain. Lessons incorporated reading, experiments, and pre- and post-tests to assess learning. The unit was tailored to the needs and learning styles of the class, which had limited prior science instruction.
Wanted an Active, Viable, Collaborative On-line CommunityLouis-Pierre GuillaumeHow can companies use their internal communities of practice to collaborate, innovate and grow?
This paper explores the elements of internal on-line community success, and provides examples of how Schneider-Electric addresses this challenge.
ThoughtWorks Technology Radar Roadshow - BrisbaneThoughtworksWrapping up a 4-city Tech Radar roadshow in Brisbane, ThoughtWorks Australia’s Head of Technology Scott Shaw and senior consultant Jean Robert D’Amore cover topics from all 4 quadrants of the latest edition of the ThoughtWorks Technology Radar. This presentation covers Consumer-Driven Contract Testing, Security, Nancy, Apache Mesos, and Docker.
AiO agency: для малого бизнесаAiO agencyПо ряду причин малый бизнес при решении своих маркетинговых задач предпочитает обходиться без рекламных агентств, своими силами.
Но что если вы встретите такое же небольшое, как и ваш бизнес, агентство?! Небольшое, но знающее свое дело, любящее свое дело, готовое работать вместе с вами над вашим продуктом, услугой или брендом.
Final IAP UNIT PLAN Chandler, ValerieValerie ChandlerThis document provides an instructional assessment plan for a weather unit taught at Edinboro Elementary School. The unit was designed to help 1st grade students develop their knowledge and understanding of weather through hands-on activities using weather instruments and observations. Over 9 days, students learned about key weather concepts like temperature, wind, the water cycle, and rain. Lessons incorporated reading, experiments, and pre- and post-tests to assess learning. The unit was tailored to the needs and learning styles of the class, which had limited prior science instruction.
Wanted an Active, Viable, Collaborative On-line CommunityLouis-Pierre GuillaumeHow can companies use their internal communities of practice to collaborate, innovate and grow?
This paper explores the elements of internal on-line community success, and provides examples of how Schneider-Electric addresses this challenge.
Geo-Enabling Retail and PropertyGeoEnable LimitedGeo-Enabling Retail and Property (with emergent location solutions)
Steven Eglinton, GeoEnable
First presented at The SLA Forum 2013
In this presentation I will examine how Location Analytics, as a technology solution and a term, is very rapidly becoming a mainstream concept in IT and GIS.
With examples, what one thought of as specialised tools, such as GIS, are now being ‘democratised’ and embedded in easy-to-use business processes and workflows.
With examples of how this could benefit the property and retail sector, I will examine the main and most important trends in, ‘Geospatial’ and Location Analytics that affect anyone involved in spatial analysis or GIS. These trends really are ‘game changers’ compared with the last 35 years of GIS and Location Technologies and need to be understood to leverage the potential benefits.
1. Cloud GIS – off-premise hosted mapping and location analytics tools. This can dramatically reduce costs and complexity of implementation.
2. ‘Big Data’ – analysing and visualising vast quantities of near real-time data
Location Analytics – the use of, what would have been called GIS technologies, embedded in systems for NON-specialist users.
3. Dynamic (Real-time) Mapping
4. Open Data – Open data from the UK and US for use in business context. This includes postcode data, which is now free to use
5. Mobility – Real-time maps in people’s pockets! with the ability to edit and capture new data
6. Embedding Location – In Processes and integration of Location in enterprise solutions – esp for Asset Management / ERP
7. Location for all – Location Analytics is becoming part of peoples’ jobs as part of a workflow. Typically non-specialist users are now leveraging ‘GIS-like’ technologies without even knowing.
JA Bulgaria CoE 2015-2016 UNGCJunior Achievement BulgariaJunior Achievement Bulgaria reaffirms its support for the United Nations Global Compact and its ten principles related to human rights, labor, environment, and anti-corruption. It describes actions taken to promote the UNGC, including emphasizing their commitment in public appearances and including the UNGC logo in email signatures and websites. It also details partnerships with businesses to implement educational programs aligned with the UNGC principles, such as improving financial literacy and supporting social innovation. Junior Achievement Bulgaria works to embed the UNGC principles in its strategy, educational content on green entrepreneurship, and youth entrepreneurship competitions.
Project managementHemanshu KoradiaProject management involves organizing the components of a project, which includes scope, cost, schedule, quality, and time. It typically follows the pattern of definition, planning, execution, control, and closure. Techniques like the work breakdown structure, critical path method, Gantt charts, and network analysis are used. Project risks must be identified, assessed, controlled, ranked, and mitigated. The project life cycle includes idea, evaluation, identification, planning, implementation, monitoring, reporting, appraisal, and selection. Project financing creates a separate entity that receives loans and equity and relies on the project's cash flows to repay debt. Common financing models are BOO, DBFO, BTO, BBO, LOO,
Plataformas virtualesGladys aurora Rodriguez ramirezEl documento habla sobre las plataformas virtuales. Explica que una plataforma virtual permite crear cursos online mediante aplicaciones síncronas y asíncronas que facilitan la gestión de contenidos, comunicación y evaluación. También menciona algunos términos relacionados como LMS, CMS o MLE e identifica ventajas como la flexibilidad y desventajas como la falta de interacción presencial.
Jasmita_Mehta_CVJasmita MehtaJasmita Mehta has over 2 years of experience as a Project Management Officer at Tech Mahindra managing IT operations and infrastructure projects for clients like British Telecom. She holds an MMS in Marketing and a B.Pharmacy degree. Her objective is to work in an organization where she can utilize her technical and managerial skills in roles like Business Analyst and Project Manager. She has experience in areas like project planning, risk management, quality assurance, and team leadership. She is proficient in ITIL processes and tools like JIRA and PeopleSoft.
Вадим Нарейко, Outsource People_2016_MinskOutsourcePeopleConferenceОснователь проекта Школа Управленческого Мастерства, COO of Viaden Media, бизнес-тренер, топ-менеджер, Ментор года 2015 (по версии BEL.BIZ). Более 17-ти лет опыта управления проектами и компаниями в ИТ сфере.
Что нужно клиенту или как продать время PM? Необходимые навыки менеджеров
The Future of UX: What designers need to know to stay aheadDoralin KellyThe document discusses upcoming trends in UX design and what designers need to know to stay ahead. It covers conversational commerce using chat/messaging interfaces, virtual reality which creates immersive 3D environments, and augmented reality which supplements the real world with additional digital elements. For each trend, it provides examples and considerations for UX design, such as designing interfaces within VR worlds and accounting for environmental conditions with AR. It emphasizes that designing for these new technologies is a major opportunity for UX designers to help define best practices. To future-proof their careers, designers need to obsess over emerging technologies that transform user interactions.
Stop Having a Conversation With Yourself and Start Interacting With Your Audi...QzzrSome might call it a Catch 22. You need data to expand your audience, but you need a large audience to generate data. We sat down with Sachin Kamdar of Parsely to learn how to use interactive content to gather data and audience insights.
Интегрированные маркетинговые коммуникацииAlexander VishnyakovЛекция в рамках курса "Реклама и связи с общественностью", Факультет социальных наук Университета Лобачевского, 2016
9/23 Top 5 Deep LearningNVIDIAThe document discusses how deep learning and GPU technology are accelerating innovations in healthcare such as reducing error rates for breast cancer diagnosis by 85% and providing test results for rare diseases in seconds instead of days. It also highlights several companies applying deep learning to analyze health photos on Facebook, accelerate drug discovery, predict solar panel adoption, and how NVIDIA is leading in deep learning through GPU computing platforms. The document promotes NVIDIA's deep learning technologies and their potential to impact businesses.
How To Thrive In A World of Connected CustomersPeter CoffeeWhat it means to be customer-centric; how mobile devices, apps and social networks transform behaviors of customers and require new analytics and new commitments from organizations
Devopsdays Austin 2015 - Guns, Germs and MicroservicesJohn WillisAbstract:
This presentation is loosely based on Jared Diamonds Pulitzer Prize winning nonfiction "Guns, Germs, and Steel: The Fates of Human Societies". The concept that certain gaps in power and technology between human societies originate in environmental differences, which are amplified by various positive feedback loops.
In this presentation we will first level set on the core definitions of Containers and Microservices. We will also discuss another technology called Data Gravity and how the convergence of the three will create a positive feedback loop that will change how we do computing. Of course, Devops and culture will be a core theme to this presentation and an attempt will be made to conclude a consistent tie back to the aforementioned title of this presentation.
[Webinar ݺߣs] E-Signatures 101- An Introduction to Digital Transformation ...AIIM InternationalCheck out these webinar slides for an overview of of the basic terminology, concepts, and laws related to electronic signatures.
Want to learn how to incorporate E-Signatures into your overall Enterprise Content Management approach? Visit: