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Digital photographytechniques
Framingisa technique thatisusedtoincrease the notice abilityof aview soitisclearerto a
personviewingit.Thisinotherwordsincreasesthe focusof a subject.There are differenttypesof
framing.Environmental,literal,andstructural and whetherthere isliteral,andstructural and
whetherthere ishardlyanylightitstill standoutinthe eye of a viewer.
Shutterspeedisa technique inwhichthe exposure timeisthe lengthof time of whichthe camerais
infront of light. It isalso whenthe camera shutterisopentakinga photograph.
Aperture isindifferentsizes.Large aperture allowsmore lightintothe camerashutterwhere as
small letsinlesslightbecause of the openinginthe lens.
Exposure isthe quantityof lightperunitarea.Thismeansa photographicfilmisdeterminedby
File size iswhere filesare storedwhichismemoryof photographsinthe camera.
CompositionandMise enScene
The environmentmyphotosare going tobe takeninisspecificallyindoortocapture indetail the
room andits surroundings. The costumesare aSpurs kitwhichisneededtorepresentthe overall
idea.Thiswill be takeninthe photostudioasit isthe bestlocationforthese photos.Whilsttaken
photos,I will be Whilsttakenphotos,Iwill be focusingonthe differentframes,differential focus
and rule of thirds.Thiswill enable me tocome upwiththe bestpossible photosformymagazine.
Storing-imagesWhenIfinishtakingthe photosIwill be storingthemonmyUSB and changingthe
formatto a Jpegfile.Thiswillenable me toview the photoonlineandif Iwant to I couldevenprint.I
have to secure these imagessothattheyare notcopyrightand theyare my ownindividual ones.

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  • 1. Digital photographytechniques Framingisa technique thatisusedtoincrease the notice abilityof aview soitisclearerto a personviewingit.Thisinotherwordsincreasesthe focusof a subject.There are differenttypesof framing.Environmental,literal,andstructural and whetherthere isliteral,andstructural and whetherthere ishardlyanylightitstill standoutinthe eye of a viewer. Shutterspeedisa technique inwhichthe exposure timeisthe lengthof time of whichthe camerais infront of light. It isalso whenthe camera shutterisopentakinga photograph. Aperture isindifferentsizes.Large aperture allowsmore lightintothe camerashutterwhere as small letsinlesslightbecause of the openinginthe lens. Exposure isthe quantityof lightperunitarea.Thismeansa photographicfilmisdeterminedby shutterspeed,lensapertureandluminescence. File size iswhere filesare storedwhichismemoryof photographsinthe camera. CompositionandMise enScene The environmentmyphotosare going tobe takeninisspecificallyindoortocapture indetail the room andits surroundings. The costumesare aSpurs kitwhichisneededtorepresentthe overall idea.Thiswill be takeninthe photostudioasit isthe bestlocationforthese photos.Whilsttaken photos,I will be Whilsttakenphotos,Iwill be focusingonthe differentframes,differential focus and rule of thirds.Thiswill enable me tocome upwiththe bestpossible photosformymagazine. Storing-imagesWhenIfinishtakingthe photosIwill be storingthemonmyUSB and changingthe formatto a Jpegfile.Thiswillenable me toview the photoonlineandif Iwant to I couldevenprint.I have to secure these imagessothattheyare notcopyrightand theyare my ownindividual ones.