Students will learn digital photography and how to apply it to photojournalism and fine art during a 3-week study abroad program in Tuscania, Italy from May 16 to June 5, 2010. The program is led by faculty from Lorenzo de' Medici and will include visits to photograph famous sites in Rome and Florence as well as creating individual and group photo portfolios for exhibits in Tuscania and Boston.
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Photojournalism Info Session Flyer
1. Photojournalism in Italy
May 16 - June 5, 2010
Our Photojournalism in Tuscania faculty-
led program returns to the Lorenzo de
Medici campus in the medieval walled
town of Tuscania in the Lazio region of
Photojournalism in Italy
Italy. Learn digital photography as it re-
Information Session lates to the journalistic process and fine
Friday, February 5, 2010 art. Create individual and group port-
4:00 pm folios for exhibit in Tuscania and Bos-
ton. Students will have the opportunity
Ridgeway 400
to visit and photograph Rome, Flor-
ence, Tivoli, Ostia Antica, Etruscan
tombs, St. Peters, the Pantheon, the Ro-
man Forum, and more!